I slam my locker shut after pulling out my economic textbook. Everything is absolutely perfect, everyone was happy to see me again except for some few minority bastards.
My phone started buzzing.
"Hey Fred?" I answered.
"Uh.. How are you doing? Are you enjoying school? So you wanna come home?" He spoke awkwardly.
"Yeah everything totally fine, don't worry about me, am O.K!" I rolled my eyes.
"Are you sure?" I bet he was raising his brows.
"Yeah, totally, everything is great and people are friendly as usual, please Fred stop being such a mom!" I laughed.
"Fine I was just trying to look after my younger brother but I was just stab deep in the heart. Ouch!"
I chuckled, "sorry, sorry, thanks for caring so bloody much, no offense."
"Why can't you express yourself without sarcasm?"
"Just maybe cause am a fourteen years old teenage boy, not a forty years old mature father."