Prologue 1( The beginning of new troubles)

" Oi get up or you're gonna be late for your first day back in school. Don't blame me if you stand out from everyone again."

Daniel: " Alright alright I'm up, do you really have to keep nagging at me?"

Sitting up from my bed and stretching to begin my day, the realisation that the week long break was over began to sink in and the final school term this year is starting. It was already October and the weather had gotten much colder and downpours were a daily occurrence. I didn't mind it though, rain was a welcomed occurrence. Realising how emo I had just sounded, I cringed slightly at the thought of sounding like one of those emo girls in school you see so often.

Daniel: " I pray I never become like one of them."

Walking to the dining table and taking a seat I grabbed a cup of coffee to help me last through the day as I remembered that I had an extra boring day today. As I grabbed my bag and I walked out of the house I saw a familiar face I hadn't seen for almost a week. But I could never forget that straight flowing black hair and those bluish black eyes. I stared almost in awe everytime I saw her, it was almost captivating. The aura she gave off felt elegant and refined.

Jasmine:" It's the first time I've seen you in a week and you're already distracted are you okay?"

Realising his mistake and obvious staring, Daniel looked away extremely flustered and embarrassed. Regaining his composure he greeted her.

Daniel:" Yo good morning."

Jasmine:" Good morning."

As the two walked to the bus stop together they chatted about the week break and how they spent it.

Daniel:" So let me get this straight, you spent most of the break studying?"

Jasmine:" Well yes, next years exams are the most crucial of our high school lives, I wouldn't want to be unprepared."

Staring with a look of shock on my face as I thought

Daniel:( Just how prepared does this girl need to be, we have 10 months to prepare for the entrance exams to decide our tertiary education. Studying now is a bit too much, well that's just the kind of person she is after all.)

Daniel:" Oh yeah did you receive the message yesterday fron the school."

Jasmine:" I'm assuming you're referring to the school trip announcement."

Daniel:" Yeah. It came as a huge shock, I never expected our school to get that much extra budget to organise a school trip."

Jasmine:" I thought someone like you would hate things like school trips?"

Daniel:" Well you're not wrong, the thought of being forced to get along with some random people I don't know is stupid but I guess you could call it excitement that's driving me."

Jasmine:" You sound like a child, which is ironic given how mature you usually 'try' to sound"

Daniel:" What was with the emphasis on try? Besides even I have things I get excited about."

Jasmine:" I'm sorry I mistook you for someone capable of only feeling negativite emotions like sadness and anger given how much bitterness you seem to take pride in."

Daniel:" I may be pessimistic but I'm still a person.."

As she gave a quick and soft smile while looking away almost as if trying to hide her laughter. I looked at her with complete shock.

As she composed herself again she looked at me surprised and asked

Jasmine:" What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Still reeling from the initial shock and surprise I struggled to answer but after accepting what I had just witnessed I smiled as if I had just seen a miracle and said

Daniel:" No it's just you rarely smile and laughter is something I never thought you were capable of."

Looking slightly flustered as she turned away and softly whispered.

Jasmine:" Well I'm a person too."

Daniel:" Excuse me mrs you can't just use my own words to defend yourself."

As she laughed and quickened her footsteps and walked ahead of me I shockingly stared and lifted my hand in front saying

Daniel:" Hey wait a minute what was that? Did you just laugh again?!"

Stopping for a moment and smiling to myself as I wondered whether she was finally being more open towards others.

Daniel:( I guess the school festival really did have an impact on quite a few people.)

Strolling into school and sighing at the prospect of having to endure another boring day of classes, I said goodbye to Jasmine and we headed our separate ways to our classes. Walking into class I was stunned to see Michael already there.

Daniel:" That's unusual, normally this guy shows up just on time to get some extra sleep in. He looks focused on something I wonder what it is....never mind."

Looking towards the direction his eyes were fixed on I saw another face I was sure to see. Jamin.

Daniel:" You got to school this early just to get in some extra glances."

Surprised by my sudden interjection Michael flinched back and almost fell off his chair.

Michael:" Man don't scare me like that next time."

Daniel:" Not my fault you weren't paying attemtion to your surroundings."

Sitting down on the seat next to him, I unpacked my bag and just as I was about to plug in my earpiece and enjoy the last few moments before school started Michael said.

Michael:" You know I've been thinking over this week break just how cringey and embarrassing I acted during the school festival towards Jamin and I messed up so badly oh my gosh maybe she hates me now what am I going to do I should just disappear from her life."

Slightly annoyed at this early morning ranting, Daniel sighed in disbelief at how delusional Michael sounded.

Daniel:" Relax you'll be fine, it's actually better that you acted like that than one of your asshole facades you put on with me at least now you've finally interacted and hung out with her."

Michael:" But what if I made a bad impression? What if she thinks I'm a desperate loser with no friends and she was talking to me out of pity? What if..."

After the third question, I stopped listening to his ramblings and let him go on till he was satisfied. Once he finished his rantings I continued.

Daniel:" Would it kill you to have some self confidence sometimes. Honestly right now it's good you've established yourself in her life and can be considered her friend and it's even better you did it during the school festival which is a time most would probably vividly remember. So stop beating yourself up over it too much."

Still putting his head on the table and lamenting, Michael lifted his head and said

Michael:" Thanks I needed that."

Smiling with a sense of satisfaction, I declared proudly

Daniel:" You should also thank yours truly for helping you set it up."

Michael:" I will hit you."

Daniel:" I will send you to court for that. Wait I'm also guy they would probably think we were just playing around."

Laughing at each other the two continued their conversation about many topics they had in common. Until a group of girls walked past.

Caitlyn:"How can he still show his face so happily after what he did to Sai."

Jamie:" Exactly he should still be ashamed of what he did."

Closing my eyes and seemingly shrugging off those comments Michael looked at me and whispered.

Michael:" Aren't you gonna explain yourself?"

Daniel:" It's meaningless Sai has the sympathy of her friends and all those who are close to her. Trying to explain would probably worsen the situation."

Although Daniel believed he was fine with these comments in truth it hurt a lot, for someone who worked so hard to preserve an image of a quiet friendly guy. He was now seen as a jerk by many students.

Michael:" Good thing the popular people in our class aren't huge fans of Sai either."

Daniel:" I have to thank the popular kids incredibly stupid friendship system that divides them against each other. At least only Sais friends and a few others believe her stories. If I can avoid them things should be fine."

Michael:" I hope so too." Michael looking on with a slight look of worry over how I was dealing with the rumours Sai had spread about me.

Ms Koto:" Alright everyone go back to your seats class is starting." As the bell rang the cliques and groups dispersed back to their seats and got ready for class. Ms Koto hands out a form and explains to us about the school trip.

Ms Koto:" The school is organising a trip or you could call it more of a camp I guess. It well be held in november right before the end of year break starts so please get your parents approval for this."

Staring at the downpour taking place outside I wondered how a camp could even take place with this kind of weather as I silently cheered with hope that it could be cancelled.

As 6h of school flew past, I grabbed my bag ready to head home but was stopped by Isaac

Isaac: " Oh Daniel are you heading home?"

Daniel:" Yeah."

Isaac:" Could you follow me for a bit I wanna talk to you for a second."

Shocked and surprised Michael and I stared at each other in disbelief. We were on good terms with the popular people but never have we been approached by them and had conversation initiated.

Still in shock I slowly said

Daniel:" Sure.."

As I followed him, Michael gave me the thumbs up as I stared with a burning rage ready to pummel him once I could. As I followed him I had this unshakable feeling that something big was gonna happend and I would be invovled. Sighing as the major school festival had just ended.

Daniel:( Is school society really only gonna give me one week to rest before giving me more shit to deal with.)

As Daniel walked he couldn't helo but wonder what was install for him next.

AN: hello guys its been about a week but I'm back and ready to write to again with arc 2 starting I thought this prologue would be necessary to tie up all the loose ends the sch festival arc had and hopefully i will release the next chapters at a more consistent pace and i hope you guys enjoy reading this and recc this to your frens if you enjoy it