Intertwining relations

As we walked towards the school gate, I couldn't help but stare at Isaac and wonder what he wanted to talk to me about. I had always maintained positive relations with people like him. Popular kids if you could call them, ensuring my social status wouldn't be jeopardised by people with the power to do so.

However, after the school festival a portion of popular people bought into Sais bullshit and see me as some evil villian. But I wondered if Isaac also bought into those rumours. In terms of popular people, he is probably one of the most influential people in the school, everyone loves this guy. So, what does he want to privately speak to me about?

Cautiously and slowly, I struggled to open my mouth to utter even a few words. Fear of judgement and rejection had taken over me. Even though it was a simple conversation, I was overcome with fear of what someone like him could do to my already deteriorating social status should I say something to offend him.

Isaac:" Sorry for calling you out all of a sudden by the way, I know it's kinda out of the blue but I have something to ask of you. A favour."

When he uttered those words, my expression changed completely. I felt my jaw about to drop.

Daniel:( A favour? From me? What could I do that he possibly couldn't? And damn when he says it in that tone how could anyone refuse.)

Charisma was something Isaac naturally possessed. His cheerful, kind personality drew many people to him, as much as I hated popular people and their snarky and snobby attitude, Isaac was the complete opposite. A direct contradiction to my ideals. Well I guess like with most things in life exceptions exist. But I had always held it somewhere in my heart that he had malicious intentions behind those acts like most others.

I quickly brushed off those thoughts and was snapped back to the present moment.

Daniel:" So what did you need from someone like me?"

Isaac:" Oh well..."

Stopping for a brief moment, Isaac sheepishly smiled and turned his head away.

Isaac:" Now that I'm actually saying it...the embarrassment is real."

Daniel had never seen Isaac so flustered before. For someone as popular as Isaac, he was always seen calm and collected but now it looked like he was about to die from embarrassment and shame. Almost like he had done something wrong. Daniel's mind began to drift off to all the different possibile implications of this when Isaac finally spoke up.

Isaac:" Ahem!"

Clearing his throat, Isaac calmed himself down and turned to me. The sudden serious atmosphere shocked me.

Isaac:" So I actually have a crush on this girl...."

Daniel:" Eh?"

Daniel:( Wait woah woah, what's going on. Why did this guy suddenly blurt that out and to me of all people, none of this makes sense. Wait calm down he might be plotting something...After all he might think I'm a bad person by believing Sai's rumours and could be trying to humiliate me.)

Daniel:" Oh? I see that's nice but why of all people tell me this?"

Isaac:" Well you see.. she's from class 3-F and her names Sarah."

Daniel:( Sarah? Wait that name sounds familiar.) Searching his memories for clues suddenly a single memory stood out. One where he had seen Jasmine and 2 other girls walking to class. One of them had short brown hair, a pretty average height and figure and wore round glasses.

Daniel:" Ah I see. I'm surprised though, I never thought someone as popular as you would like a shy and timid girl like that."

Isaac:" Well yeah I find it hard to believe myself but everytime she walks past I can't help but be entranced by her prescence." Smiling calmly as usual as he said those words

Daniel:( Sounds like a certain someone else.)

Isaac:" I told you this because I need your help."

Daniel:" What could I possibly help with? I'm not close to her at all."

Isaac:" Well you see her friend group consists of two other girls and the one of them is Jasmine. I saw you two working quite a bit together during the school festival so I figured you two were close."

Daniel:" Wow that's a bold assumption, we were just on the committee that's why. But what does that have to do with this?"

Isaac:" I was hoping you could help me ask Jasmine to tell Sarah to meet me somewhere during the school trip. I'm planning to confess. Please!" As he said that he bowed his head, making me embarrassed beyond belief.

Daniel was shocked at this sudden declaration and flinched slightly.

Daniel:" That's a pretty big responsibility on my shoulders huh?"

Stopping for a moment, Daniel stared towards the sky contemplating his decision and whether he would help. After a short moment he faced Isaac again and said;

Daniel:" Alright I'll try my best to get her to agree."

Isaac:" Really?! Thanks a lot man."

Daniel:" Sure.... but one last question."


Daniel:" You don't think I'm a bad person? You know with the rumours and stuff."

Isaac:" Oh those haha, if you're worried about those don't be. I don't judge people based off what others say, until I see for myself who they really are, I will continue to believe every person is nice."

Daniel:( Man that's idealistic, really idealistic. Well I guess that's what you expect from a popular guy like him.)

As the school bell rang and hordes of students rushed out the gates. I walked slowly to the main gate to head to the park as usual. Not really caring about my surroundings. I honestly just wanted to leave school. All the rumours and gossip was tiring me out, having to pretend that you care about what they say and laughing it off. It hurts more than I thought, but people like that are taught to just suck it up.

As I reached the staircase I was brought back into the moment, finding myself lying on the ground and holding my head in pain.

Daniel:" Ah shit that hurts."

Rosalia:" Are you alright, oh damn I'm sorry I was rushing to hand in these books for the class."

Daniel:( Man it's the second time this has happened. What kind of character trait is this. Slam books into others, can't find a trope name for that.)

Daniel:" It's fine."

Rising to my feet I helped pick up the books Rosalia had dropped while hearing her talk about her excitement for the school trip.


Daniel smiled and chuckled at how enthusiastic and cheerful Rosalia was, recalling the events of the school festival and how much it impacted her. He wondered if she was still thinking about it.

Daniel:" You're hyped for this."

Rosalia:" Well I mean it's finally a break from studying and the ridiculous expectations of my parents haha."

Daniel:" I'm surprised you can say that so casually..." Daniel said slightly surprised at the serious topic being casually thrown around

Rosalia quickly changed topics and exclaimed.

Rosalia:" SHOOT I HAVE TO GIVE THE BOOKS. Alright see ya tomorrow."

Daniel:" See you tomorrow." Waving a quick goodbye as Daniel turned around and continued to make his way to the gate.

As he sat on the bus, he couldn't help but wonder what sort of reason Isaac would have for liking Sarah. Their personalities were polar opposites. One's an introvert, the other's an extrovert, two people from different worlds.

Daniel:( Perhaps it's precisely that difference that he is attracted to. People crave the things they don't have, material and non-material, hence the saying opposites attract. Maybe that introverted life is something Isaac desires?)

As he walked up the stairs to the park he saw Jasmine there as usual reading that same book.

Daniel:" Yo." Taking a seat next to her, he put down his bag and tried to relax, breathing in the cool aromatic scent of the flowers in the park.

Jasmine:" You look stressed? Did something happen again? It seems like your life is nothing but mishap after mishap. I almost feel bad that you never get a break from it."

Daniel:" Cut me some slack today, I'm mentally exhausted from thinking."

Jasmine:" Considering how negative your thoughts are, it must be pretty big."

Daniel:" I've got a favour to ask"

Jasmine:" I refuse."


Jasmine:" I'm just joking."

Daniel looked at Jasmine in horror.

Daniel:" The thought that you can crack a joke is terrifying."

Sighing to himself, Daniel prepared to ask his question

Daniel:" So uh that girl Sarah is in your friend group right?"

Jasmine:" Yes why do you ask?"

Daniel:" Well you see, Isaac from my class wanted me to ask you if you could tell her to meet him during the school trip."

Jasmines face widened for a second as she looked to the ground.

Daniel:( I said it correct right? I don't think she has an reason to refuse.)

Jasmine slowly lifted her head towards me and coldly said;

Jasmine:" No. I can't do that."

My eyes widened as I saw the same cold expression I hadn't seen in a while, the eyes of someone so filled with determination. I had never seen that look on her face as serious as now and honestly it frightened me a little.

AN:hello everyone sorry for sudden upload but I have been really procrastinating writing and I finally found a solution. I will officially make a weekly release on tuesday. So every tuesday the new chapt will be out so that there will be no more irregular upload times. Thanks so much for reading the new chapt if u find it slightly boring i apologise but I don't want to rush or skip any impt buildup for the sch trip.

Simply because: Every Fri