Curse of popularity

The indifferent expression she showed, the ice cold gaze she gave as she looked towards the opposite direction I sat at, it was as if she had all her emotions taken away in that instant. The only aura I felt from her was that of indifference.

Hesitantly, I tried to open my mouth and speak, but the sheer pressure from that gaze she gave off almost made me want to run away as far away as possible. But I calmed myself and relaxed my nerves.

Daniel:" Why?"

One word was all I could utter in my current state.

She brushed her hair aside and looked towards me with a much less intimidating gaze, seeing the ruthless stare gone brought me nothing but relief. I felt as if I could collapse on the ground from sheer relief as the adrenaline levels in my body dropped.

Jasmine:" I won't put a friend in such a tight spot."

My eyes widened as I looked at her confused, like a child lost in a mall.

Daniel:( Tight spot? What could she mean. How is a confession going to do that? Well rejecting the most popular guy in school could lead to many issues.)

I sat there pondering and considering every possible outcome should the confession take place. Suddenly my eyes lit up with the realisation of what she meant. I looked forward and placed my hands on my lap. I closed my eyes, cursing myself for not realising this so obvious fact. Perhaps i had been too caught up with currying favour with the popular people that I had for a moment, forgotten and lost my ability to analyse situations rationally.

The thought of losing my rationality scared me.

Daniel:" So that's what you mean huh?"

Jasmine:" Oh seems you managed to figure it out yourself. Perhaps that negativity of yours can be put to some good use."

Daniel:" I appreciate the kind words but... are you sure your considering Sarahs feelings?"

Jasmine looked stunned for a short moment, quickly regaining her composure. For that brief moment, I saw in her eyes a shred of doubt. It was short, but it was etched into my memory. The cool, calm and confident Jasmine, always sure of every decision she made was showing doubt in her actions.

Daniel had once again seen another one of her vulnerable moments, the school festival had showed him that the ideal Jasmine he held in admiration was a facade she had put up. But how much of it was real?

Lost in thought, Daniel was snapped back into reality by the interruption of Jasmine.

Jasmine:" With that said, I won't be able to help you on this."

Daniel:" Yeah I get it, don't worry about it. But you do know even without your help, Isaac would probably go through with the confession anyways. What are you going to do then?"

Jasmine:" I will do my best to stop her from meeting Isaac."

Daniel:" You're a stubborn one, I didn't know you were this persistent."

Her gaze changed to that of a melancholic one, like a parent watching their child leave for university.

Jasmine:" If you're friend were to enter a relationship you know will end up causing them a lot hurt, what would you do? Would you just watch from the sidelines?"

Daniel:" No. I would stop them."

Jasmine:" And that's what i plan to do."

At that moment I could feel it, the resolve and determination she had. Despite her cold persona, she cared a lot about her friends. She doesn't show it so openly but the behind the scenes, you can tell. Looking at her so determined I couldn't help but blush a little at how much I was staring at her, the Jasmine I admired is someone strong, confident and always calm and now someone who cares a lot about the people around her.

Suddenly I could feel someone elses presence entering the park, the bright orange glow of the setting sun cast a huge shadow over this approaching person as I looked towards the staircase I saw a man. He was thin and of an above average height, he had an incredibly handsome face and was wearing a smile on his face that screamed 'extrovert'.

As I turned to Jasmine, I noticed her face covered in shock.

Jasmine:" You're back...."

???:" Yo Jasmine, you look like you're doing well." the tone of his voice was filled with nostalgia as if two old friends had just met for the first time in years.

As he walked over, I couldn't help but get nervous, after all I was in my relaxed mode, having to suddenly put on my persona was troublesome but situations like these weren't rare occurrences for me.

??:" And who might you be?"

I stuttered slightly but quickly gained control of my speech.

Daniel:" Uh Daniel I live next door from Jasmine."

??:" Oh you're one of our neighbours. Nice to meet you, I'm Christopher. Jasmines older brother."

Even my persona couldn't hide how surprised I was at that statement, I had always thought Jasmine was an only child given how she had never mentioned anything about siblings.

Jasmine:" When did you get back?"

Christopher:" I just got back a few hours ago and wanted to check out where you and Aunt were living. I'm also suppose to report back to Mum about how you're doing."

Jasmine:" Oh I see."

As her brother looked at me he almost looked as if he was observing me. My heart prayed I didn't end up in his report to her parents. I don't want to any of that.

Christopher:" Daniel huh? Could you two be dating?"

Daniel/Jasmine:" Huh? Us? No way."

Christopher:' Woah perfect unison, now that's a sign of compatibility."

Jasmine and I both looked slightly flustered at that comment and our earlier complete unison in saying those words.

Christopher:" Well I'll be staying here for a about a year before returning to join Mum and Dad. University can really wear a person out after two years. " He stared at me for a few moments and gave a cheerful yet sinister grin like some cartoon villain.

Christopher:" I'm also interested in seeing what kind of person you are Daniel."

Daniel:"???" My expression was one of confusion

Jasmine:" Christopher I appreciate if you don't look into every person in my life."

Christopher:" I'm simply doing the duties of a good older brother."

Daniel:( Sounds like a sister complex to me, but what do I know about that.)

Christopher:" Well then I'll head home first, I have a lot to catch up with Aunt about."

Strolling casually away, Christopher disappeared as quickly as he arrived leaving the two of us alone again.

Jasmine and I looked away from each other, obviously a little embarrassed about the whole thing.

Daniel:" So that's your brother huh, to be honest I didn't know you had siblings."

Jasmine:" Yeah a lot of people say that to me, our personalities are too different for us to seem related at first glance."

Daniel:" He's kinda overwhelming."

Jasmine:" Yeah many people get that impression of him."

Daniel:" I meant it more like, that overwhelming front he puts on. it's eerily frightening how real it can seem. No I'm pretty sure most people are convinced it's real."

Jasmine:" Your observation was pretty insightful, maybe I should finally admit your negative attitude has some benefits."

Daniel: " I see you finally recognised my ways." Giving a self satisfying nod as he crossed in arms.

Jasmine:" Getting so full of yourself already? You really need to work on raising your standards for what makes you happy."

Daniel:" Well it's the simple things in life that matter."

Jasmine:" Excuses will you get you nowhere in life."

Daniel:" For once in my life, give me a break." I sighed as i looked towards the ground with disappointment.

Daniel:" The school trips in 2 days. Are you sure you're gonna stop them from meeting."

Jasmine:" I must."

Daniel:" Well if you're that persistent, I can help you."

Her face shifted to shock and then laughter as she struggled to not chuckle at that comment. My face was so flustered I felt like I would die from the embarrassment. But I was more focused on her laugh. How rare it was to see her laughing like this. I couldn't help but smile a little to myself.

Jasmine:" It's fine, I can handle it on my own."

Daniel:" There you go again trying to do everything on your own. Wouldn't kill to rely on others for a while."

Jasmine:" It's my responsibility. I made this choice and I won't drag anyone to follow or help me."

As I watched her stubbornly refuse my offers for help, my expression changed to slight annoyance.

Daniel:( Man she really is persistent.)

AN: hello everyone thanks again for reading this chapter, it is the last one before the school trip officially begins and I am excited to be writing the next chapter next week and I hope you guys will continue to read this book and with that said I released a new book called frozen bonds and it's a fantasy book i have been planning for sometime I really hope you guys would give it a read and support me for that book as well I enjoy writing both equally and I would like to inform you guys again of the upload schedules.