The Jester

As he walked back from from the park, Daniel couldn't help but remember that look of determination and resolve on Jasmines face, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad. Those eyes weren't the eyes of a strong independent girl who is sure of her decisions. It was the eyes of a girl confused and lost, unsure of what to do next. They were eyes filled with hopelessness and desperation.

Daniel too was feeling extremely confused, his mind filled with thought after thought about Jasmine, when suddenly he began to wonder why he was spending so much time and effort thinking about this girl. Sure she was similar to him in a few ways but that could be said for many other people he never batted an eye at. So why was she so different, he wanted to understand but he couldn't, just what was it about her that made her so different. He wanted to get home as quick as possible and just head to bed. All the thoughts were tiring and exhausting, he wanted to just relax from all the tiring interactions and masks he had to put on for others.

Daniel:( Finally time to relax I guess.)

Walking out of the lift and casually taking his keys out of his pocket, Daniel smiled to himself as he was finally home, ready to do all kinds of things introverts like him did. Read a book, Play some games and just relax for a while. To the rest of his family it seemed like he was just idling away but these moments were precious to him. A time where he could just relax and be himself. As he opened the door he heard a familiar voice permeate through his ears.

Christopher:" Oh if it isn't Daniel?"

Daniel sulked to himself as he turned around cursing under his breathe at having to interact with someone else again, he just wanted to get away but he snapped himself out of it and continued.

Daniel:" Oh hey, weren't you suppose to be inside the house?"

Christopher:" Oh I just went to grab something from the convenience store downstairs, man this neighbourhood is really nice and peaceful, I could get used to this."

Daniel:( Oh finally someone who gets me, that's what I've been saying the whole time.)

Snickering to himself, Daniel patted himself on the back and enjoyed a slight indulgence of pride at this seemingly one off line. However his self praising session was interrupted by Christopher.

Christopher:" Actually I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

Daniel gave a 'I see where this is going look' and gave an approving nod.

Christopher smiled at how easy it was to get him to talk almost like some police officer interrogating a criminal.

Christopher:" So when did you and Jasmine meet?"

Daniel:" Uh around the start of this year."

Daniel:( This already sounds like a marriage interview. Well the thought of marrying someone like her will never cross my mind, wait it just did. Never mind that!")

Slightly blushing at his own inner thoughts, Daniel looked away and stared at the ground.

Christopher immediately pressed on and threw another question

Christopher:" Were you working with Jasmine during the school festival?"

Daniel:" Well I guess you could say that, we were both on the planning committee."

Christopher:" Oh I see..."

Closing his eyes and putting two fingers below his chin almost as if in deep thought, when suddenly something seemed to click in Christophers head as he looked up and stared at Daniel with a playful grin that made him slightly uncomfortable.

Christopher:" I see so you were the one with her when she passed out."

Daniel surprised at the sudden mention of this was stunned for a moment.

Daniel:" Uh yeah it wasn't that big of a deal, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, anyone else would have done the same."

Christopher:" That may be true but thanks for helping my sister."

Christopher gave a slight nod as thanks which made me extremely embarrassed, when was the last time someone ever thanked me this sincerely before. Was it back in middle school when I lent that kid a pencil before the exams.

Christophers expression suddenly changed to a light smile as she laughed a bit. Daniel stood there stunned at her sudden act.

Christopher:" I couldn't recognise that it was you at first because of how different your personalities were."

Daniel:" Huh?"

Daniel was shocked and confused. How could this person he had met barely an hour ago know anything about his personality to say something like that.

Daniel opened his mouth and wanted to say something but for some reason couldn't, his mouth was open but no words came out. He felt a strange sense of fear flow throughout his body as if he was afraid of what he might hear should he ask.

Daniel:"....What do you mean?"

Christopher smiled and walked closer to me, I backed off but he didn't stop, as he was right before I looked up at him like I was afraid. The aura and vibes he gave off were incredibly frightening at the moment. It was ten times worse than Jasmines ice cold gazes, at that moment I knew why the two were related.

Christopher:" It felt good didn't it? To finally get back at those you spent a long time despising from the shadows."

Daniels eyes immediately changed to pure fear and confusion. How could someone like him know? Why does he know? Was he lying about just getting back?

All these questions flooded Daniels head as he struggled to muster up the courage to say anything. He felt sick in the stomach and had a strong urge to throw up. It was like having a bad deed you committed exposed to the whole world at that moment.

Daniel:" How did you....?"

Christopher:" Let's save those questions for another time shall we? It's getting pretty late and you have a school trip to pack for am I right?"

Still maintaing a smile through it all, Christopher had an indifferent attitude with slight sarcasm when he said those words.

Suddenly the lift door opened and Jasmine steps out, both our heads turn as she exits the lift equally as shocked as us.

Jasmine:" What are you two doing out here?"

Daniel couldn't handle it anymore, he already had so many questions on his mind and now this. He needed time to process and address all the questions he had. Immediately turning around he opened the door and walked in.

Daniel:" Sorry I'm feeling pretty tired. I still have to pack for the trip, I'll leave you two to continue catching up. Goodnight."

Jasmine:" Uh yeah goodnight I guess."

Awkwardly walking into his house, Daniel went into his room placed his bag down and jumped straight onto his bed staring at the ceiling. His eyes were distant, not focusing on anything in particular but just drifting.

Daniel:" Why did he tell me that? So many questions, I need the answers. This school trip will probably answer most of them."

Sighing as he closed his eyes and turned towards the wall, Daniel closed his eyes ready for a good nights rest

Daniel:( I better get some sleep so I don't catch a cold or something.)

Jasmine:" I hope you didn't say anything weird to him."

Christopher:" Haha relax. I wouldn't chase away your friend. He's as interesting as I thought he would be."

Jasmine:" Whatever you do please don't go following him."

Christopher:" I'm not a stalker, I have more elegant ways of going about it."

As she walked into her room after her bath, Jasmine sat on her bed checking her phone, the casual chatty conversations her friends were having online. She saw Sarah talking about how excited she was for the school trip and her smile reverted back to a sulk. How was she going to protect that smile without also hurting her relationship with Sarah.

Jasmine:( Relationships are complicated. Wanting to do something for someone else believing it to be in their best interest. But you end up damaging the friendship. When your friend comes to you with a problem, even reacting in a certain way could hurt the other party. Not getting involved could hurt their feelings but getting too involved could also reflect badly on you and your personality. Why did relationships have to be so hard? Having to pretend again and again. Yet somehow you still end up caring for people you thought you didn't have any attachment to. Someone tell me what to do. Please.)

AN: hi guys my apologies for uploading late this wk i was busy wif preparing for exams but heres this weeks chapt ik i promised i would start the sch trip but i really had to get this first but i promise the sch trip will be starting next chapt, thank you guys for continuing to support me.