The School trip part II

The bumpy roads and long 2 hour journey to the campsite had made everyone extremely lethargic and restless. Most had taken to sleeping to stop themselves from letting boredom continue to take over them. As I sat in my seat next to Michael who had fallen asleep a few minutes ago, I stared outside at the mountainous road we were on, the campsite was located pretty far up in the mountains leaving me wondering how the school ever got approval for this.

I lamented and complained to myself about the next 3 days and all the exhausting social interactions I would have to endure away from the comfort of my home that recharged me. We had just passed by a huge lakeside and the view was pretty breathtaking. The crystal clear waters that reflected the surrounding flora and fauna almost like a mirror, the myriad of colours that appeared from every single direction left me amazed and confused. As an indoor kind of person, I never really travelled to places like these. I didn't mind them and I had gone on a few camping trips before but I was never into the idea of going out camping in the middle of nowhere. People created cities for the very purpose of having to not stay in the wilderness and our desire to return shows just how ironic we are as people.

Michael:" Another inner monologue?"

As I heard the voice behind me, I was startled and almost jumped out of my seat, quickly calming down and regaining my composure.

Daniel:" When did you wake up?"

Michael:" About a minute ago."

Michael exclaimed as he stretched his body to fully wake himself up from the deep sleep he was in.

Michael:" Woah check out that view. Not bad if I had to say so myself."

Daniel:" Yeah maybe this kind of thing isn't so bad once in a while."

Daniel softly spoke to himself while giving a smile so light you could hardly tell he was even smiling. But Michael had noticed it, perhaps due to all the time they spent together, both could tell and pick up the subtle hints even they weren't aware off that they gave off which displayed their current mood.

Michael:" Seems the air of negativity has faded quite a bit from you today huh?"

Daniel raised his eyebrow and turned to Michael, slightly puzzled at what he had just said.

Daniel:" What are you talking about? I'm always a positive influence to those around me."

Daniel smiled to himself with great satisfaction and while still nodding himself, Michael gave off pained smile filled with sarcasm

Michael: " Yes yes you have truly impacted the lives of those around you tremendously."

Daniel immediately looked back at him with a slight hint of doubt in those words he had just boldly proclaimed

Daniel:" By the way.."

Michaels eyes diverted from the view and scenery from outside towards Daniel, wondering what might cause the sudden tone shift.

Daniel:" This trip is the perfect opportunity to talk to Jamin again."

Michaels face immediately lit up and he got flustered as soon as Daniel had finished that sentence.

Michael:" What... WHAT ARE YOU SAYING MAN!"

Michael blurted that out so loud that some people in the bus began to stare at him as he awkwardly tried to hide from the glaring faces whose peaceful nap he had interrupted.

Michael:" There's no way I can do that."

Michael sheepishly tried to deny and give every excuse as to why he couldn't talk to Jamin this trip, but to no avail as Daniel had heard every excuse more than a million times over.

Daniel:" The last time you two talked alone was during the school festival right? Well we got sone free time today before everyone has to head to bed. Why not use that time to have a nice heart to heart under this natural moonlight?"

Michael:" You know as negative as you are, you can give some pretty decent advice sometimes."

Daniel lifted his palm up in objection boldly stating.

Daniel:" Wrong I always give good advice."

Rosalia:" I'm not too sure about that."

Daniel:" Woah where does everyone keep coming from."

Popping her head out from the seat behind Rosalia cheerfully interjected into the conversation. Thomas and James also awoke from their naps just as the bus was arriving at its destination.

Daniel:" Good morning, welcome to the middle of nowhere."

Thomas:" Wow sleeping is surprisingly a great way to pass time."

James:" Yeah two hours flew by just like that."

Grabbing their bags and heading down the bus they were all soon shown their dorms for these two days. Each group was given one dorm with the girls sleeping in a seperate one based on classes while the guys stuck with their assgined groups.

" I assume every group has the schedule they submitted beforehand with them. Please follow this schedule for the rest of the day and of course don't forget to complete the activities assigned to your groups.

Holding on to a map which displayed the layout of the entire campsite and surrounding areas, Daniel said.

Daniel:" Is it really necessary to have activities for us to complete, man that's a bother."

Rosalia:" Well let's not bother with the details and let's go already come on, we don't want to fall behind the other groups."

Thomas:" When did this turn into a competition?"

Daniel and Michael both looked at each other and smiled, it's been a while since the five of them had gone on an activity like this.

Michael:" Well since we're here, might as well use the time wisely, no point complaining huh, it ain't gonna change anything."

Daniel looked slightly reluctant and a little displeased but eventually and sighed and shrugged his shoulders

Daniel:" Yeah you're right let's go."

Before heading out, Daniel caught a glimpse of Isaac and his group, once again Isaac stood out instantly, it was impossible not to notice him, his curly brown hair and tall figure made him stand out quite a bit and his pretty fit shape due to being in the athletics club had made him a very popular guy amongst both genders.

As we both exchanged glances, I gave him a thumbs up and put the whole thought of the confession at the back of my head. It was strange, usually I couldn't help but constantly worry over everything that was about to happen but uncharacteristically, I put those thoughts behind me and simply focused on enjoying the activities I had to do, which was something I hadn't done in a long while.

As we continued along each activity, laughing and teasing each other over the many failures and mishaps that took place at each activity, I found myself enjoying the activities. Usually in these trips, I find myself dreading each new thing to do, constantly wondering and dreaming about all the things I was going to do once I got home but somehow now I didn't worry about that.

Rosalia:" So Daniel are you still unhappy about having to come on this trip?"

Rosalia cheekily teased me, recalling back to my earlier grumbles about my distaste for trips like these.

Daniel:" Well I would say I still dislike school trips, this is probably an exception since I'm grouped with you guys but..."

Smiling to himself, Michael and others looked at Daniel stunned and shocked.

Daniel:" I won't deny this is pretty enjoyable." With a grin on his face unlike ever before. Michael and the others smiled and teased him.

Michael:" You know I never knew you could make such a face."

Daniel:" Huh?"

Daniel looked with slight confusion.

Thomas:" Yeah you should drop the bitter face every now and then."

James:" I agree it makes you much more approachable and likeable."

Rosalia:" Exactly!"

Raising his two hands in defense Daniel commented.

Daniel:" Woah guys calm down it's not that bad."

Everyone:" It is!"

Daniel collapsed to the ground in sheer shock, clenching his fist in frustration as everyone burst out laughing. Staring at everyone enjoying themselves and having so much fun, Daniel couldn't help but smile a bit himself.

As the day wound down and everyone was busy in the dining hall eating their dinner, Daniel sat on a bench outside closer to the dorms and trees sipping a can of juice he had bought, as he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Daniel:( So this is what tranquility feels like, I have to say this is even more relaxing than the park.)

Jasmine:" Ah already ditched by your friends I see."

Suddenly that all too familiar voice appeared in front of him, her beautiful flowing black hair and bluish black eyes blended in perfectly with the night sky almost as if she was like the sky, vast and beautiful. She was wearing a jacket to shield herself from the strong winds that blew so frequently up in the mountains

I couldn't help but blush slightly as the wind blew swaying her hair as she tried to keep it from getting messy quickly glancing away as I realised what a creepy thing I had just done.

Jasmine:" Mind if I sit for a while?"

Daniel:" Sure. Go ahead"

As she sat down next to me, I felt slightly nervous for some reason, I hadn't felt this way since the first time I met her.

Daniel:" Aren't you suppose to be watching Sarah 24/7 to ensure she doesn't meet Isaac?"

Jasmine:" They're currently in the shower right now so I don't have much to worry about."

Daniel:" I see.."

Daniel's thoughts visibly wander off.

Immediately, Jasmine's face tensed up as she stared at me with a murderous gaze.

Jasmine:" You just imagine something lewd didn't you."

As she said that she crossed her arms and almost seemed to have taken on a defensive stance

Daniel:" You know you shouldn't go around accusing someone of thinking something like that besides I wouldn't want to imagine about a chest as pitiful as...."

The instant I said that, I could feel her petrifying gaze intensify to the max as I quickly covered my mouth in absolute terror at what might happen to me should I have finished that statement.

As I heaved a sigh of relief as she calmed down and returned to her normal cold gaze, we both sat there awkwardly for a while, staring into the empty vast sky above us filled with stars cluttered all over the place. I struggled to open my mouth as I wanted to say something, it was something I wanted to bring up after that conversation I had with Isaac.

Daniel:" Hey, are you really going to go through with this?"

She sat there for what felt like an eternity to me as she stared at the ground likely pondering and doubting her own decisions. When finally she spoke up.

Jasmine:" Yes, even if it does end up damaging our relationship, I don't want to see Sarah get hurt by the people who can destroy her reputation should the confession succeed."

Daniel:" That part of you that's so stubborn but way too caring for others is something I will always find annoying about you."

Jasmine:" Thanks, you're pessimistic rants get more annoying and repetitive by the day."

Daniel:" Well they do say practice makes perfect."

Daniel stood up and looked at her in the eyes, those eyes so full of resolve.

Daniel:" I've decided to just see how things play out this time and not get involved."

Jasmine's eyes widened in shock as she quickly smiled slightly saying

Jasmine:" Yeah, that's all you need to do. Thank you for not stopping me."

Daniel blushed slightly at the so out of character behaviour Jasmine was displaying and looked away in embarrassment.

Daniel:" Sure.. Uh I gotta go, see you tomorrow."

Jasmine hesitates at first but finally she raised her hand and waved at him.

Jasmine:" See you tomorrow too."

As they both smiled and walked off to their seperate locations.

Sitting in the distance was Michael who had just noticed the two waving goodbye and laughed to himself.

Michael:( Ah a budding relationship, that guy seriously needs to up his game.)

Jamin:" Oh hey Michael."

His eyes widened as he felt a slight tingle down his spine as he turned around and saw the same sight he saw everyday.

That bright cheerful smile. Her black hair tied up in a ponytail. That small jacket that kept her warm. Michael's jaw instantly dropped when he saw this, his face turning bright red.

Michael:" Jamin..."

AN: hello everyone thanks for continuing to read dis bk as the sch trip climax is slowly approaching and with that I would like to say i do have exams coming up and therefore will only be able to post one chapt a week frm 2 weeks frm now for simply because and s i would like to say that once my exams do end, I will do my best to post a chapt every 2 days.