The School trip part III

Jamin:" Hi Michael, I haven't spoken to you in a while, how've you been."

The warm and gentle smile broke down all the barriers in his heart, his heart was beating so hard he felt as if he could die any moment. This was that indescribable feeling he had gotten so used to but could never stop. Daniel had always called it a farce, something so ridiculous it made Michael seem like a fool. But Michael didn't really care, farce or not, his feelings were undeniably real and with the push he needed from Daniel during the school festival, he had made his first step to getting closer to her. The girl who had seemed so far away and distant just a few months ago.

Michael face was so flustered he could barely speak but he knew he had to otherwise he would just be making things awkward.

Michael:"'s been a.. long while I guess uh I'm doing fine same as usual haha. What about you?"