A Spark Of Hope

As the sun's rays broke through the small opening of my curtain, my eyes were forced open by the intense light. Rubbing my eyes as I sat up from my bed, I looked at my clock on my bedside and slapped myself for getting up so early.

Daniel:" You're kidding, it's only 7 on a Saturday. Why am I up so early?"

Standing up, he opened the door to his room and walked downstairs only to find no one there.

Daniel:" Everyone's probably still asleep."

Making himself a cup of coffee, he sat down at the dining table. Taking a small sip of the hot drink instantly woke him up as he sat there stoning, staring at the ceiling of his house, as he recalled the events of the previous day. The conversation with Christopher was still fresh in his mind and even at this moment, he was struggling to rationalise what he said.