A crack in the mask

"Seriously Daniel, when are you going to buck up and just be normal. I thought you were a normal kid but you really screwed up big time."

Daniel:" Did...I really do anything wrong?"

"Of course! Can you think twice before you open your mouth and say things to someone like that. She's ill you can't say things like that."

Daniel:" So...just because she's ill I have to sit quietly and let her attack my appearance, how is that any different from bullying."

" Grow up for once and learn how to suck it up."

Daniel:( People really are such hypocrites huh? They preach justice on one hand, but immediately after that will willingly attack you to maintain their social status. Is there really a point to all this lying and acting.)

Standing before him was that same girl, he could never forget her. Her flowing black hair that always seemed so mesmerising and magical. Her face of seriousness that he could never match...and that icy cold personality she uses to hide a more delicate side.