The Student Council Elections part IV

Standing there at that moment felt somewhat nostalgic since it reminded me so often of that day more than 2 years ago. But unlike the last time, turning away and running didn't feel like the appropriate thing to do anymore. If I wanted to continue forward, this was something I would eventually have to overcome and stop running from. Yeah, I almost forgot with everything that's been happening recently, I never did confront this did I? A past that felt so difficult to escape from, yet here I was right now. What started it all was standing right in front of me?

Beth:" You alright? You're kind of spacing out."

Suddenly I was snapped back to the present time as I found myself facing Beth as she stood at the entrance of the school building, I was initially quite confused as to why she was here. It was almost like she was expecting me to be here at this time, but how did she even know I was still in school?

Daniel:" Yeah, just a little tired. So... why are you here?"