The Student Council Elections part III

It had been about 2 weeks since the opening speeches for the student council elections were given and since then every single candidate has been trying to continue appealing to the student body in various ways. Mostly through their own speeches given at different school venues as well as handing out posters with general summaries about what each candidate promised. So far things were proceeding as smoothly as they could. As I walked up to the school's huge noticeboard in front of the gate, I looked at the results for today's voting. I was in second place with Sai leading in first and Justin in third place and Michelle in last. So far about a quarter of the student body had voted, we still had around 2 more weeks before the last closing speeches were given and every student would be given an opportunity to vote again. I knew that the closing speeches would be the most important as immediately after each student would be given a chance to vote again.