Convergent paths

Jacob:" The inter-school competition?! You're serious?"

Jacob stared at me along with the other members of the board, some were shocked and others were whispering amongst themselves. Apparently, our school had a tradition of never participating in the inter-school competition in recent years. It was a tradition that even Chris had upheld. To break it now seemed almost disrespectful to those before me. But I had set my mind on it.

Daniel:" Yeah! I believe it's the best way to break the ice between the different clubs. Now that we've removed the tension between the clubs. All we need is an event to unify all of them together. Once we achieve that, we'll truly be the best school out there."

Paul smirked as he gazed at me, I could tell he was amused. More likely than not, he was one of the few presidents who wanted to participate in the inter-school competition.