" What's wrong? Can't get up? It was only one punch. Come on don't be so boring."
I sat on the ground simply staring beyond those boy's legs to the windowpane further up. I saw a whole bunch of other students who simply stared at me, they didn't really care nor bother about me despite the very obvious physical bullying taking place. But just as one of the boys was about to go for another punch, I heard the sound of someone shouting ringing in my ears as I could see the sunlight piercing my eyes as the shadows of the boys blocking it was swept aside. Only one shadow remained, it was a familiar one.
Marcus:" What's wrong? It's only one punch, come on don't be so boring."
It was the voice of my childhood friend Marcus, I witnessed him singlehandedly take on 3 bullies and managing to overpower them all, at that time for someone so weak and submissive. He seemed like a giant that was beaming with righteousness.