WebNovelMY WOLF56.25%

Chapter 9

"I am the only heir of Don Ramirez, he is one of the most powerful and influential people in the Mafia World." I continue saying but they still remain quiet. And its freaking me out so fucking much! Ever since I told them that I'm from the mafia they just remain quietly still. I know that everyone view our family us abdomination and scum but I'm hoping they are different. But I guess they are just the same. I start standing but someone suddenly grab my hand.

"Where are you going?" Deathon ask while he tighten his grip at my hands. God, it will surely be bruised tomorrow.

"Home, I know that I'm not welcome here anymore."

"No! No you are not living. We are just shocked. My brother and I just don't expect that you are from a mafia family." He said while staring at me with pleading eyes.

"Okay," I said while sitting again but Deathon pull me to his lap. Okay...

"Yeah, we don't have a problem about that." Aiden shrugged while Chester nod.

"Well, we can't really just judge your family knowing ours you know. Forgive us if that somewhat make you uncomfortable." Trenton start, "Aside from that, we have a more complicated problem at hand. Selena won't stop the war until I yield, and I don't planning to. We need to prepare for the coming war. And if she heard that Sarah is dead that will make her more angry and unforgivable."

"Sorry about that. But Selena is your mate right? Then why is she doing this?" I ask.

"Its alright your fight with Sarah is inevitable. And no, Selena is not my mate. Our marriage were just arrange by the Higher Council. It is to bond the two strongest family and reproduce a powerful heir." Trenton said nonchalantly.

"Wow, that's crazy.."

"Sure is,."

Then a comfortable silence envelop us. And I felt my self relaxing at Deathon's lap.

"Hmn," Deathon sigh as he nuzzle my neck. Then I saw the guys leave us alone. Uh, huh..

"I love you too," he silently whisper without moving. Then I felt something wet on my neck. He begin licking the side of my neck. While kissing it lightly.

"Hmn, I know." I said, as I tilt my head a bit more for him. He suddenly bite my neck lightly and I moan softly. My body begin to heat up and I feel his hands caress my sides gently while he continue to attack my neck. He move his one hand inside my shirt and I felt him touch my flat stomach. His touches are so electrifying good and it stir up something inside me. Then I felt something hard poking me in my ass. My face blush so hard and I let out a soft moan. I begin grinding my hips and he start thrusting his to meet mine. God, it felt so good. I'm hard too, then I felt him grip my left nipple. My body arch at him and I felt myself loss in euphoria.

I don't even notice when he brought me to his room. I just felt him lay me in the soft bed. I almost cum when I saw him eyeing me hungrily. Then he attack my lips. He kissed me hard, while he continue to grope and touch my whole body. He bit my lower lip making me gasp a little, then he suddenly enter his tongue inside of my mouth. He taste so good, mhmm... Then our tongue dance together. I suddenly saw stars when I felt his hands at my cock.

We broke a little for some air. I stare at him lustfully while he move his hands at my length. Up and down, up and down. I am panting now and he is sweating a little. Then I whimper when he remove his hand. Glancing down I saw him tug my jeans down with my boxers. I saw him eyed my shaft hungrily, then he turn his eyes at me. Without removing his eyes at me he brought his mouth to my shaft sucking it gently. Without a second thought I moan loudly and grip the sheets tightly when he begun sucking me hard. My body is trembling with pleasure and with a loud shout I came hard. Panting slowly, I saw him swallow my cum and lick me clean. Seeing that make me hard again.

"You taste so good," he huskily said as he brought his lips to mine. I felt my body heat up and I tremble from so much anticipation. I want more. And more.

God, what this guy doing to me...


Its almost night when I open my eyes. I felt an arm around my waist and I blush hard when I remember what happened. God, its so embarrasing.

"Morning," a husky voice whisper softly.

"Deathon its still dark.." I said, turning to face him. He just shrugged and gave me a light peck. He slowly move out of the bed and seeing his half hard shaft almost make me moan.

"Babe, stop eyeing me. We still need to go down and eat dinner." It snap me out of my trance and I blush so hard to that. I can't believe that I'm becoming a slut. Ugh... "I'm gonna shower first okay." He said.

"Okay," I whisper softly.

After a couple of hours we are both bathed and wearing clean clothes. Deathon gave me his black shirt , and an unused boxer to wear. His shirt is twice bigger than mine. My left shoulder is exposed and it almost come to my knees. That how big it is.

"Are you sure that I don't have to wear a sweat pants or something?" I ask.

"Yeah, we were just gonna eat anyway and there is no one there aside from my brothers and Aiden." He said as he led me down to the kitchen.

Aiden, Trenton and Chester are already eating when we arrive. Deathon led me to a chair, then he get two extra plates for us.

"Sorry about that, we thought you guys are still sleeping." Aiden bashfully said as he stand and help Deathon in bringing some dishes for us.

"Oh, its okay." I said.

"Uh, huh. Did you guys have fun?" I almost choke at my own spit when Chester ask that. And the bastard just plaster a smirk at me. Then Aiden suddenly smack him at the back his head.

"Shut it," Aiden hissed at him. Chester just chuckle while he pat his head, then he pull Aiden and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Aiden blush hard and walk away mumbling to himself. Chester saw me watching, then he wink at me as he follow Aiden to the kitchen. I blush when a sudden thought enter my mind. Ughh..

"Oh right, Kimmton here's your phone. Someone called just a while ago. I think its your father." Trenton suddenly said giving me my phone. Unlocking it I saw a hundred of new messages and missed calls. Checking it I saw my father's name as one of the callers. Oh crap! I totally forgot about him.

"I'm gonna call my dad okay."

I stand and came out to the hallway while dialling my father's number.

"Kim, where were you?" He sharply ask.

"Ugh, Matthew don't tell you?"

"He said something. But I still want to hear it from you."

"Well father, I'm here in my boyfriend's house. And guess what he is a werewolf." I told him sarcastically. I heard him sigh.

"I see, but it seems your forgetting something." I sigh softly while I lean my back to the wall.

"Sorry about that, dad. I know I should call you first after all of the crazy things happened but I'm still not sure on the situation before that's why I don't say anything."

"And now?"

"It seems that another pack of werewolves are waging a war in my boyfriend packs."

My father suddenly become quiet. I am afraid that he would be disgusted by me being gay now. And I know that he won't hesitate to kill Deathon if he ever wanted to. So nerve wrecking!

"Do you love him?" I'm surprised to hear his voice this way, its soft and gentle.

"Yeah dad, so much." I said passionately.

"I see, if that's what you want Kimmy its okay to me. I am going to support you 100%. I don't care if his a guy or a freaking werewolf. If he can make you happy, then its all good to me. I'm even planning to come there. He is one of us now and part of our family. The Ramirez protect their family. And fuck those werewolves, if they want war we will give it to them!" I burst out crying when dad said that, I felt so lucky to have him as my father.

"Dad, thank you.. Thank you so much. I love you!!" He only chuckle at me while he bid goodbye.

"Kim babe, are you okay?" Glancing up to Deathon, I saw his face full of worry. I suddenly felt warm inside. I realize now, that no words can describe on how much I love this guy. And I know that I can't live without him. Throwing my self to him, I hug him tightly. Promising to myself that I won't let anyone hurt him.
