Waiting for Kim's father is so nerve wrecking. I can't help to fidget on my seat every now and then. All of us are waiting anxiously for him in their mansion.
Their place is much bigger than the main mansion where my family resides in. Glancing around I can't help to stare longer where Matthew and this other guy standing in. They are both stiff as rock in a corner and I admit they look so creepy as hell! Trenton and Chester are both sitting in the couch opposite to me. Aiden and Kim are both in the kitchen helping out the cooks in preparing some food.
Learning that my mate knows how to cook surprise me to no end. I mean the guy is rich, for crying out loud.. and I don't peg him as someone that can actually cook a decent meal.
But returning at the matter at hand, I can't help to feel anxious..., again. His father is not just a normal guy, you know. He is the fucking leader of mafia! Gosh! I am so scared right now. What if I said something wrong, or what if I screw this up. God! I feel so pathetic!
"Stop it Deathon!" Trenton hissed as he crossed his arm at his chest.
"Yeah bro," Chester suddenly pipes as he smirk at me. He absolutely enjoying seeing me restless. I growl at him but the bastard just roll his eyes at me.
"Just relax De, everything is going to be fine." Trenton exclaim as he smile at me reassuringly. I felt myself relax a little, I want to say something but suddenly stop when I saw Kim and Aiden coming carrying trays with some tea and pastries. Standing up I bolt towards him taking the tray from him. He just pout at me but still complied.
"What are you guys talking about?" Kim ask, as he plop to the love seat where I am sitting a while ago.
"No, its nothing important." I answer rather quickly.
'Hmn,' he whisper softly eyeing me doubtfully as he nibble a cookie.
The guys just snicker at me, and I glare at them heatedly. But it just make them laugh more. I am planning to stand up and smack those grin on their faces when we heard a lot of rumbling noises coming from a lot of cars. And I felt my blood drain from my face. My heartbeat quickens, my palms begins to sweat and my body tremble a little. I saw Kim eyed me wearily and I just gave him a weak smile.
We stand up and go out the door, Kim came beside me and link his hand to mine giving it a slight queeze. Glancing down I gave him a slight peck in the lips and squeeze his hand too. His presence helps to calm me down and somewhat gave more courage.
Turning my head towards ahead, I saw a heavy tinted black limousine accompanied by four black Audi parked in the main driveway. Men in black suits exited the cars, who aligned themselves in front of the limousine. When the door opened, it reveals a tall man in his early thirties who has a raven black hair and cold grey eyes. In contrast to the other guys he is wearing a white suite with a white dress pants.
I know for sure that this is Kim's father base to their features. But fuck his dad is young and handsome too. I thought that his dad would be much older and more menacing. I felt Kim tug my arm, then he drag me to where his father is, the others are following behind us.
I gulp when his dad eyed our link hands, then he suddenly glance up to me then to the others and eyed us curiously.
"Hey, papa!" Kim chirps happily.
"Well Kim, I must say you land yourself some good meat." His father said, making me choke a little. Huh?!
"Ewww papa! That's gross.. Uggh.." Kim said, as he shiver a little making his father chuckle.
"Okay, okay. I'm not going to say anything anymore. But can we please go inside now. We are all starving you know."
Kim pout at his father who just answered it by ruffling his hair. He gave all us a nod acknowledging us then we all led them inside as Kim talk to him animatedly.
The lunch is good and to our own surprise his dad is much cooler and nicer than what we imagined him to be.
He is playful and a complete joker. A good man with a nice heart, and if you do not know who he really is no one would notice that he is a mafia leader.
We are now in the patio chattering around and happily enjoying each others company.
"I think its time we go down to business." All us became tense and I won't deny that I suddenly become scared of him. His father's face change dramatically. The kind demeanor is all gone and now he is menacing, intimidating and scary as hell. Trenton straightly sit up and compose his face while he turn his full attention to him.
"I know that Kimmton told you some of it, but to clarify Sir we will give you the whole story behind all this mess," he starts. "We are a part of the Black Forest Pack, our parents killed by some rogues 5 years ago making our pack vulnerable. I am still in my teens when I become the Alpha, and its not easy when there are a lot of packs who wants our land. I ask the council for help - they are groups of Supernatural beings who control and guide us. They gave us assistance and protection for two years but their leader a Werewolf Elder, want us to form an alliance to the Silverfang Pack. He want me to be married to Selena, a rare breed of werewolf who has a power over fire, taking to consideration that I am the strongest wolf alive. He want us to reproduce a strong heir that can become the new leader of the Higher Council. During that time, I still have don't the power to disagree so I concede. We were engaged for two years now. But a sudden event change all of it, she become engraged of me..us. And she want to wage a war at us. Her pack is powerful in the west and with her power I know it won't be easy fighting them, not to mention she form an alliance with some rogues."
Mr. Ramirez has a thoughtful expression when Trenton finished talking. Even his bodyguards become quiet. I know that its all fucked up, but hearing it from my brother I can finally realize that this war just take place because of some crazy and shallow reason.
"Hmn, and what us that sudden event?" Mr. Ramirez ask, I gulp. Remembering that his father might become angry because of it.
"Well, Mr. Ramirez its something about his sister." I hurriedly say, he just raise his brow at me.
"What about her?"
"She is my ex girlfriend and when I broke up to her she can not accept it and become angry at me." I silently said.
My brothers and Aiden glance to me sympathetically while the other guys makes a funny expression. His father just nod at me with an understanding expression.
"I see," he says while standing. "Love, a very powerful emotion that always the reason in a lot of conflict around us. I won't judge you Deathon because like you it also happen to me before. But please just don't hurt my son, because I like you and it would hurt killing you." Crap! By his look of his face I'm sure his not joking.
"I love your son sir, and I won't ever hurt him as long as I'm breathing." I told him seriously. We stare with each other for a minute before he broke it and gave me a gentle pat in the back. Kim gave me a loving smile that almost melt me on the spot. Without breaking with Kim's gaze I came to him and scoop him to my chest and hug him lovingly then the guys just whistle at us like some crazy people. But we never take any notice of it, as we become lost in our own world.
"I love you Kimmy,"
"I love you more Deathon." Kim answer softly and hug me more tightly.
I felt so happy and content right now. And I know that I need to protect him at all cost so this happiness can continue. No one can take that away from me.