WebNovelMY WOLF68.75%

Chapter 11

"Hey, make it more precise!" I shouted. And they just groaned loudly. Its still early morning but they already drenched in sweat.

A month has passed since my father came here, and we're all busy preparing the whole pack in the coming war. Every morning we help in training them in fighting.

Surprisingly, the Silverfang Pack become quiet. We are not sure of their plans, and sadly we don't have any means of knowing without acquiring possible loss or worse death.

"Kim, are you done here." A voice suddenly ask me, then an arm wrapped around my waist bringing me closer to a hard chest. Sparks fly out and I shiver with so much anticipation. "Babe, I would advice you to stop thinking about it. Because I might not stop my wolf in claiming you here in front of the whole pack."

His voice is husky and I moan softly. My mind and body become clouded with lust. My knees buckled and if its not for Deathon's holding me, I probably fall.

"God, your so sexy!" He silently whisper to my ear.

"Ehem!" A coughing sound wake me from my trance. Deathon and I jump away from each other. Then I saw my father with a mischiveous smirk playing on his lips. I glare at him but he just laugh at me. Then I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment and frustration.

Deathon bring his arm at my shoulder, while he smile down at me. And suddenly all the frustrations that I felt for my father just vanish and I smile at him too.

"Ugh, you two lovebirds are much worse than Chester and Aiden." Trenton suddenly exclaim while he come at us with a scowl at his face.

Deathon and I just laugh hard at him, and the others do the same.

"Breakfast is ready!" Aiden called out loud.

The guys run fast and its funny to see them shove each other hard while they race to the house. Deathon is laughing at them and I only smile. I enjoy this kind of day its full of fun with friends, while we play and joke around. A minute has passed when we were left alone in the vast field quietly looking at the sunrise and just enjoying each others company.

"You know, this is the first time that we were left alone." Deathon said.


A comfortable silence come between us again then Deathon suddenly wound his arm around me and turn my body to face him.

"I love you, Kimmy." He suddenly said, as he caress my cheek with his thumb. I felt my heart swell and my eyes water with an overwhelming emotions.

"I love you too," I capture his lips to mine. Our tongue dance together. Heat blossom around us, making my body heat with intense desire. I want more of him. Much more....

"I want you," I huskily said when we part to catch our breath. His breathing hitch and his eyes dilated with lust and love. I felt him hard against me and that make my own to leak a little. God!

"Not yet baby, we still need to go to school." Ugh, what a cockblocker! I pout at him then remove myself from his embrace.

"Sorry babe, but we really need to go." He pleaded at me as he look at me with tearful eyes. I can't possibly remain angry at him if his looking at me like that.

"Gee, okay De. Come on lets go!" I huff at him, and glare playfully. Taking his hands I hurriedly drag him to the house.


School is uneventful. I do not enjoy it as much as before. And the people there are worse. After my fight at Melvin and his friends, many students avoided me. Well they are humans and De said that they won't be as understanding of my actions, but thankfully his pack accepted who am I and they become my friends.

Then when the news spread about my relationship with Deathon some of the guys eyed me with disgust. While the girls are fuming with envy and jealousy. Muwahaha!!! Take that bitches!

Luckily there is a new principal - Mr. Rosales. School become much nicer and cleaner because of him. They change the paints, add some rooms and renovate the main library. Praise his soul!

Hours passed slowly today, but more leisurely then without knowing its already time to go home. When we exited the school there is a car already waiting for us.

"Wh-what's happening? Where are we going?" I nervously ask.

"Its a surprise, sweety." Deathon ask as he wink at me before opening the door of the car while motioning me to go inside. I roll my eyes at him before I complied.

After twenty minutes of driving I begun getting anxious. I don't know where we are. I can only see trees and it seems that we were getting nearer and nearer in the middle of no where.

Then the car stop, and my eyes widen without waiting for him I hurriedly open the door and go out. Beside the road is a tall cherry blossom tree sorrounded by beautiful wild flowers. There is a picnic basket in a blanket under the tree full of different snacks and fruits.


My eyes watered and my body filled with so much warm. This is so much. No one ever do something like this for me before. Turning to him, I saw the love on his eyes. I felt my lips trembled and my heartbeat quicken. I run towards him and jump to his arms.

"De, I-i love you so much..." I hiccuped as I hug him tightly.

"Love you too, Kimmy.." Deathon said as he embrace me too. After a while Deathon led me in it. Sitting down I saw that the basket is full of my favorite snacks.

"Thanks De," I softly said, while I look at him straight in the eyes.

He moves infront of me. And pull me towards him letting me sit on his lap. Leaning down he capture my lips in a sweet and loving kiss. The kiss is much slower than the other kisses we shared. He licked my lower lip asking for entrance that I willingly gave to him. He dive his tongue inside of my mouth, tasting me fully. Then I felt his hands inside of my shirt slowly caressing my back.

"Please, I need you Kimmy babe. Mate with me." He whisper to me huskily, I felt myself become arouse. I moan loudly and grab his neck kissing him hard. It seems he receive my message when he answered my kisses with more passion.
