Chapter 8



Endless darkness is the only thing I can see as I stumble to my feet.

There is nothing,..and I felt cold.

Am I dead?

Is that why I can't see anything..

Tears started to flow on my cheeks. My heart clenched painfully. Knowing Trenton will be hurt if he learned that I died.

But suddenly I heard a sob, not far from me. Wobbling on my feet I slowly walk towards the voice. I do not know why I felt the need to see the person but I know I need to comfort whoever this person is.

I blindly walk, and it seems that hours have passed but I'm still not near to where this person is.

Then suddenly I saw an illuminating light on my left, walking to it I saw a young man with long black hair huddled in the middle of a small field of wild grass; crying.

I slowly come near him. My small feet creating a path against the wet grass. And he must heard me because he suddenly raise his head.

I gasp out loud upon seeing his face. It is the same face that I have I am sure, but he looks more older and he has red eyes while mine is purple. But the similarities are very visible, and that scared me.

Who is this man??

"Who are you??" He ask.

"I am Zainn, you?"


"Why are you crying? Where are we? What is this place?" I can't help to ask. He suddenly stop crying and eyed me with curious eyes. Studying my face like I'm a new kind of specie. It is unnerving but I do not have the heart to offend him by asking 'why he's staring at me?'.

"I see, you are the chosen one, if then I wanted to say sorry. But I believe that you are strong even though you are still a child. Or maybe that is why they chose you." He said, smiling a liitle. His words confused me. I can't understand what he wanted to say. "Its alright, all will be clear soon. And Zainn, please be strong." He suddenly stand up, seeing him now. I can see how pretty he is for a man. "Come now, little Zainn they are waiting for you. We must go."

I feel my feet walk towards him, my mind is in haze. Not fully comprehending what is happening. My body feels it has mind of it own as it obey this young man's words. We walk and walk, never getting tired. Even I knew that its been a day since we start. The place is still in total darkness but our path become illuminated by some kind of light making it easier to see where my feet is, but I'm still blind to where we going.

"We've arrive." He suddenly state, making me stop as I look around. But there is nothing,.. Its still the same, the place like everything in this world is still in total darkness.

"You need to wake up now, Zainn. Trenton is waiting for you." He said. I become frantic when I heard Trenton's name as I eye him. "Come on, your mate is waiting for you. I just wish that nothing happen to you. But, that is a wishful thinking in my part. No one can stop the wheel of fate. But I hope,... I hope that you and Trenton can make it through. That in this life time you could be happy..... That this time we will be happy.. "

I feel the sadness in his voice as he spoken those words. And my heart clenched for him. Even I can't understand what his words meant, I'm sure that it is something meant for me and Trenton. I slowly felt my body grew heavy. My eyelids are the same. And then I am consumed by darkness, but not before I heard him speak to me.

'Please be strong, the bearer of my soul....'



My body open the door to Zainn room loudly making the people there jump to their feet. But I do not pay them attention as I walk towards my baby. His beautiful purple eyes are staring to me with tears flowing through his pale cheeks. He wanted to sit up but suddenly hissed from pain. I sprint towards him, cradling his fragile body to my arms.

"Its okay baby, I got you." I softly said.

"Tren..ton,.." He croaked. Knowing that he has dry throat, I bring the cup filled of water towards his lips letting him take a sip. My eyes water when I finally get a look to his face. He has cuts to his cheeks, a dark purple around his left eye and a deep gash in his temple. And I know that he has deep cut in his back from the claws of that damn rogue...

I'm really stupid, to not see this coming. And I can't stop chiding myself. Knowing its my own fault that he get hurt like this.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." I softly whisper, as I gently hug him.

"Its .....okay.., its not your fault..,"

Even though he said that there still a part of me, that disagree with him. I know that it will hurt me and my wolf if he ever got hurt and its so stupid of me to not even tell him what I really felt for him.

"Baby, I...just ..want to tell that,you." His head whipped toward me, and he stared at me with widen eyes. But my heart suddenly skip a beat when he smile. It lightened my heart and calm my wolf. Like every time he smile at me like that, my urges for him heightened. If I always stop my self before, now I finally let go. And its amazing how sweet his lips as I captured it with mine.

Letting myself be drown to his never ending sweet taste....
