Chapter 9

Not far from them, a dark shadow that oddly shaped as woman is watching they're every move. For hundred of years of waiting she can finally have her revenge. Letting her soul be trapped in a curse from the demon she once loved might be a mistake, but not anymore.

And like what she have done before, their fate is once again in her hands. But now, surely they will pay. For their blood will spill and her curse will be lifted, making her attain her final goal in obliterating all those filthy mutts.

Yes, she can feel it. The air is changing. Her plans is slowly coming through. But still, there is missing. A piece of the puzzle. She needs to find it first. Before everything came to be.

A nice body,..yes, a nice body for her...once again a mortal one..



I jolt awake, when I felt a sudden shiver passed through me. It felt evil, dark and sickening. But still, familiar. I rose from the bed, where Deathon is sleeping peacefully. After giving my lover a soft kiss in the cheeks I step out to the balcony. Chilled air greet my pale cheeks, slightly wincing from the cold I brought my slender arms around my body.

I let my eyes roam around. The darkness still covered the place, but with my eyes I can still see through things clearly as daytime. The malevolent aura still linger through the air, and it is not something originally from here. It is a threat surely, but I still do not know its true purpose.

"What are you doing here?" A husky voice purr behind him, then suddenly a warm arm wrapped around his slender waist.

"I'm just checking something Deathon..." He suddenly become tense, as his grip tightened around me.

"What is it, babe??" He softly ask.

"I do not know what exactly is it. But I have a feeling that its...somewhat., familiar.." He hummed softly, and pull me towards him. Bringing my once cold body near his warmth. The growing heat around us become more intense, as I felt his tongue lick my neck.

"But its not here anymore, right?" He ask as he softly bit around the tender flesh around the end of my collarbone.

"Yes,.." I pant softly as I bring my hips towards him, feeling his heated flesh around my own..

"We can talk this to Trenton tomorrow, but for now I need to do what I need to do..." I moan loudly when he cup my burning flesh with his hands. Letting him led me towards our bed as our clothes slowly slid from our heated bodies. Making the cold room burn in fire as our desire peak to its fullest...



My body is aching but I still make an effort to stand, while Trenton help me. Its been two days since I was attacked by some rogues. It is pretty scary and I even thought that I died, thankfully I survived.

When I woke up, Trenton was there and every step of the way. Helping me with everything I need to do. He even take a leave from work just to accompany me. I know he didn't have to, but I feel happy that he is with me.

But something doesn't feel right I feel that there is something that I should remember, but to my utter dismay I don't have any idea what it is. It has been in my mind since I woke up, and it frustrated me that I can't remember it.

"Are you okay,." Trenton softly whisper beside me as he help me buckle to his car. Finally after talking to the doctors, they let us go home.

"Yes, just thinking..." He tilt my chin up to him and stare at my eyes, he eyed me with concern and worry..

"Its going to be okay, Zainny."

I nod and smile at him, earning a soft chuckle from him. Then he close the passenger door and jog to the other side.

The drive is not far, it only take at least 5 minutes for us to arrive at the house. The others welcome us with smiles and to my embarrassment a banner is on full display outside. They are laughing when they saw my face and I can't chide them. I might be a kid, but I'm not into parties. Yes, I love getting gifts, eating with families or even having some fun games. But not the whole package with banners, balloons and all the shit... Nu, uh....

"Welcome home little Zainny!!" Chester hollered as he saunter towards me.

My cheeks flushed when I saw the cake he is holding. While the others congratulate me. Its overwhelming, I never felt so happy like this. With watery eyes I beam at them. They were all smiling happily and just like that, I finally realized that its where I wanted to be. The place that I want to stay, as long as I lived. Whipping my head towards the guy that become a very big part of my life, I saw him eyeing me with so much love and care. The passion in his eyes is very evident that I almost melt in the spot. I felt my heart thudded painfully, and my injuries where long forgotten. My eyes mirrored the love I felt for him as I smile gently to the only man I can ever love. And I brought my eyes toward his, then the world become quiet as we become lost with each others eyes...

" you so much Trenton,," And just like that the man in front of me broke down. His eyes water as he look at me with intense passion, a soft cry escape his mouth and his lips quiver as he brought his trembling hands towards my face.

"As, I love you.."
