We’re Sneaking In!

We were hiding behind the overgrown bushes in the forest from a considerable distance, watching the old school building. Unlike the scene I remembered a few days ago where the area was bare and with no soul in sight, there were suddenly a lot of uniformed personnel guarding the building.

“Something’s going on.” I told everyone in a whisper.

“You think?” Peter retorted. He had been quite snappy after we entered the forest.

“Shut up Peter.” I growled at him. “I’m pretty sure Kai is in there somewhere.”

-And something of mine too. Just what is this place?

All of a sudden, there was a rustle on the bushes behind us. I immediately summoned Rile from my inventory and pointed it at the incoming figure. My eyes widened when I saw Freya, holding her index finger on her lips.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered at her as she made her way to me. “Aren’t you supposed to report to the teachers?”

“I did. I sent Freya’s messenger bird familiar to Professor Tresde.”

Her reply made me raise an eyebrow. The one talking was not Freya…

“Fiona?” I called in a low voice so only she could hear it. The idiot only smiled and winked at me. “What are you-“

“I scanned Freya’s memories and found out you’re in danger well the white-haired prince is in danger. Freya is adamant on returning and asking for help but she’s planning to make you look bad, so I forcefully took over so I can help you.”


Being shocked was probably an understatement when I heard her words. She just took over the body, forcing the main personality to relinquish control to her! According to the books Aunt Zaira made me read about D.I.D.s, that was a bad sign.

“You did what? How did you even- wait, where’s Freya now?” I asked in disbelief.

“Faye and Fina are holding her back. Fan is probably watching them.”

I just shook my head in disbelief. I still couldn’t believe what was happening. My work on Freya just got more complicated. Also, I couldn’t believe the other four personalities seem to want to tease me, antagonize me and like me when Freya hated me with a passion.

“Fine. But you’re going to listen to me, do you understand?” she just gave me a thumb up as a reply.

“Hey you two, stop being weird and suspicious.” Peter suddenly called. “Luna, how do we get my cousin out if he’s really inside?”

“He ‘is’ inside Peter.” Fiona retorted next to me. “I just checked using the wind currents. Plus, there’s a familiar magic signature under the building.”

I stared at Fiona and applauded her mentally. She really was knowledgeable of her own magic element unlike Freya, but I knew there was a story behind it.

“See? Even Freya came up with the same conclusion.” I added. I turned to Thomas. “Use your pulse spell and see how many levels are there underground and which level Kai is most likely to be in.”

A pulse spell was sort of like radar, only it was used to detect things or movements underground. Those with affinity to earth magic were the ones most likely to be able to use it, whether by practice or instinct. Back in Celestine Territory, Thomas had always been good at scouting because of his affinity to earth magic.

“There are four levels. Kai is most likely at the lowest level.” he said after a few minutes. “The first three levels are filled with people but none of them are Kai’s. In fact, all of them have unfamiliar magic energy signatures.”

“Then why is Kai-“

“There’s a massive energy at the lowest level and there are people in it as well, but I couldn’t sense their magic energy signatures. It’s a possibility that energy source or whatever that is, is masking all of it.”

-The massive energy source should be my fox core. But why would Kai be there? Why did they abduct him in the first place?

“We’re going to sav my cousin right?” Peter asked, he sounded hopeful.

“We will.” I told him. “Kai is our friend as well. And friends are supposed to watch each other’s backs.”

“Are we not going to wait for the teachers to arrive?” Charles asked, nervous at our situation.

“It might be too late if we wait for them.” Fiona said. All eyes, except for myself, looked at her skeptically since Freya was the one who suggested Charles’ question a while ago.

“Hey Freya, what’s wrong with you?” Andrea asked, probably a little dumbfounded at her behavior.

If I did not know Freya’s condition, I would’ve found her sudden contradiction strange as well. But even though Freya and Fiona was technically the same person, they were different personalities who had their own train of thoughts.

“Let’s put that aside for now.” I inserted before they could even start questioning Fiona and things got even more awkward and complicated. “Right now, let’s focus on saving Kai. We’re going to sneak in.”

I could hear them gasp in low voices to avoid being discovered, but shock was still evident on their faces. They looked at me strangely like I grew two heads and the other was stupid.

“’Sneak in’?” Peter questioned. “Luna, there are people in front of the building and there are more people inside. They’re dangerous too, and you’re suggesting we sneak in? Have you lost your mind?”

“No, I don't think so. Do we have any other choice?” I said sarcastically. “The more we talk here the more danger Kai is being exposed to. And it’s not like all of us are sneaking in, that would be pointless. I have a… spell that can hide the aura and presence of a person. A perfect way to sneak inside the building.”

“I thought you’re an elemental mage, why do you know such a thing?” Fiona asked.

“It’s a long story, but I do have such a spell. But apart from myself, I can only cast it on two people at the same time.” I answered. “So the others will have to stay here as lookout.”

“Why don’t we just head attack them head on?” Peter asked again.

-This guy has a lot of ideas at the wrong timing.

I began grumbling mentally at the sudden barrage of questions, but thankfully, I had the patience of a sage so I could deal with it calmly.

“We can’t do that.” I exclaimed in a low voice. “That’s the same as exposing our presence and giving them an earlier chance to be alert. Also, we will surely die if that happens.”

“I think what Luna means is that, three people will sneak in, get Kai out and even if they get discovered, Kai is already with them so there's no fear of them acting out or Kai being taken someplace else.” Thomas inserted.

They started nodding their heads in understanding. I could only shake my head but was thankful for Thomas' explanation anyway.

“I can only take two people with me.” I reminded them again. “Thomas will be one since I need his magical abilities to navigate the underground levels. While the other one will be… Freya.”

“What?! Luna! I’m obviously a better choice!” Peter suddenly exclaimed. “And besides, Kai is my cousin! I should be the one to save him!”

“Being related to him has nothing to do with saving him Peter.” I pointed out. I could see him visibly wince at the truth of my words but I just brushed it off. “Freya is obviously the best candidate to accompany me and Thomas in sneaking in. She has more skills and since Thomas and I are both close combatants, we need someone who can do mid-range attacks for support.”

“But you’re a mage as well.” Peter said. “Even as a battle mage, all you can do is throw spells at your enemies.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his words. Well, it did make sense since I was enrolled in the magic department, but he didn’t have to rub it on my face.

“Peter, listen to me.” I clasped both his shoulders and made him look at me. “I will get Kai out of there. No matter what happens, I will get him out. I promise. So please stay here with the others and be our support. Once we get Kai out of whatever place he’s being held into, it will raise all sorts of alarms. I need you and the others that will be left behind to stop reinforcements from entering the building.”

“What if we can’t handle them?” he asked.

“Then run and don’t look back. Look for the nearest teacher and come to our rescue.”