What Lies Under the Old Alchemy Building

After casting the spell that would hide our presence, Thomas, Freya (or rather Fiona) and I carefully entered the old alchemy building. Thomas led our way by navigating the maze of halls which led us to the basement.

The spell I casted was actually a technique I learned from my previous life. To hide our presence, I just manipulated the surrounding energy to make our own energy signature and appearance blend in. The thought was that we became part of the natural surroundings and even if people passed, as long as they weren’t staring at us for a long time, they wouldn’t notice us.

Thomas led us to a metal door and we slowly opened it after making sure nobody else was inside the basement. I mentally groaned at the sight of flight of stairs which would definitely let our footsteps make some sounds. But then I remembered that Fiona was with us.

“Hey Freya.” I called in a whisper. “You think you can use a spell that will muffle our steps? Things related to sound is under the wind element.”

“That’s an advanced type of magic!” she argued. “Even I can’t do it!”

“What? But I thought Freya is gifted with wind magic? And you're the- how come-“

“Freya yes, but I don’t have that capability. Among the five of us, only two can perform such a spell.”

I noticed that she was looking at me sternly, but there was a tinge of fear in her eyes.

“By two you don’t mean Freya and Fan, right?” she didn’t answer which made me sigh in disbelief.

“Guys, what’s the hold up?” Thomas suddenly asked, probably wondering why we stopped at the top of the stairs.

“Wait a moment Thomas, I’m thinking.” I answered.

I was weighing my options. If I let Fiona return the control of the body to Freya she would definitely make a scene and it would risk us getting discovered and worse, captured. On the other hand, there was no guarantee if Fan would agree and accompany us since she usually doesn’t take over the body as much as everyone else. Plus, if Fan was the one in control she would want nothing but carnage and destruction because it was her nature. Both options were dangerous and unlikely.

“Luna?” Fiona called.

All of a sudden, a thought popped up in my head.

-But Fan is interested in me so she’s likely to listen to me at the price of something. Freya hates me and can be unreasonable.

“Call Fan then.” I decided.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m pretty sure.”

Fiona just sighed but she closed her eyes. It only took about ten seconds before she opened her eyes again and I saw the familiar red eyes that signified Freya’s destructive personality.

“I heard from Fiona about the situation.” she smirked. “You do realize I won’t be doing this for free.”

“Then how about a match, between you and me.”

“Sounds fair. Very well.”

Fan snapped her fingers and I could feel wind circulate around my feet. I tried taking a step, I even jumped around, but no sound was made. I gave her a thumb up and a smirk.

“Good. Let’s proceed then.”

We started descending the stairs. Luckily, we didn’t come across anyone on our way down and we arrived at the bottom floor without raising any alarm. I took a deep breath and gently opened the door. We were greeted with the sight of a brightly lit hallway and white-painted walls. People in light blue robes were walking about and I could also see a few of them wearing the same outfit as the guards posted outside the building.

“Just what is this place?” I hear Thomas ask.

“I don’t know but we’re here already. Let’s find Kai and get out of here.” I answered. “Remember to stick to the sides and avoid contact.”


With Thomas on the lead, we cautiously navigated the hallway, avoiding any person in the way and get accidentally discovered. On the way to Kai, I could feel myself get closer to my core as well which I found really strange. I could feel the pull of my fox core on me like it recognized me as its owner and it was calling out to me.

There were a few calls as we trudged the hallway. Thomas bumped on a guard so we had to make a quick escape, while Fan accidentally hit a small metal cart which made everybody else wonder how it happened. The three of us decided to move quick before more accidents would happen.

We stopped in front of a steel door and from the looks of it, my fox core was inside since I could feel it.

“Kai is inside.” Thomas said and pointed at the door.

“What is that massive energy inside?” Fan asked and almost buckled her knees. “The pressure is overwhelming. How are you two okay?”

Thomas and I eyed each other, and then shrugged. We did not have the answer to her question. I returned my gaze back to the door and grimaced when I found out that it was locked.

“We need a key to get inside.” I told them.

“What about that guy?” Fan replied and pointed to a familiar-looking middle-aged man in a white robe.

“Isn’t that the dean of the alchemy department?” Thomas whispered and pointed at the same man Fan pointed at.

My eyes widened when I realized that they were telling the truth. The incoming man had dark brown hair but a few grey hairs were already showing. His imposing aura was still the same when he would face the students of the Imperial Academy. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

-Omari von Alkis. What is he doing here?

I realized that he was heading to the door we were crowding on and as he got closer, I motioned for the three of us to slowly step out of the way. We watched as Dean Alkis insert a key to the lock and once there was a satisfying click, the door opened. We immediately scrambled to the open door and thankfully succeeded on entering the room.

My jaw almost dropped to the floor when I saw the massive cavern. Its appearance was entirely different from the hallway we just crossed. But my attention wasn’t in the cavern, but at the glowing orb of energy at the center of the room. The room didn’t even need any form of light since the orb was enough to brighten u the place.

I could feel the pull got stronger, urging me to come forward and touch the glowing mass of energy. At that moment, I forgot about the reason why we snuck in there in the first place. My mind was only focused on getting my fox core back, and maybe have my powers and status return in the process. But then I realized something as I was stuck in such train of thoughts.

-My body is currently mortal. It’s not even mine in the first place too. Will I even survive taking in such powerful item?

I suddenly felt someone shake me which pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Kai.” Thomas said and pointed at the corner of the cavern.

My eyes widened when I finally got a good look. Kai was unconscious and he was strapped to a metal table with leather binds. His head was positioned to the direction of my fox core and I could see tendrils of energy flow from my core towards Kai. But then I saw Dean Alkis make his way towards Kai with a crazy look on his face.

“It’s been ten years Prince Kai. Your mother managed to take you away and hide you, but you unknowingly returned to my clutches.” I heard him scoff. “I will prove to the emperor that my work is not in vain and it will bring glory to the Praiji Empire!”

I got startled when I heard growls and clanging all throughout the cavern so I took the time to study the cavern walls. The three of us gasped when we saw creatures that definitely did not look humans trapped behind bars.

“What the hell is this place?”