
The tour was quite informative really, although Bernard did tell me that he was only showing us the less complicated areas of the ship. The rest would be revealed (or rather “You’ll probably stumble on them on your own one of these days.” His words, not mine) at a later date.

To be honest, the ship was very impressive as it was massive. Ideas I only read from books that were only available in Avalon Isles (apparently), as well as things I only heard from Athena and Hephaestus when they recount their stories of their previous world were implemented in the ship.

The most impressive one, I think, was the hangar (except for the bridge that is). It had these vehicles I had only seen on books.

“They’re called jets. It’s powered by magic ores which needed to be replaced every once in a while so I have to remind you that we need to secure a place to replenish our supplies.” Bernard said and motioned to the five black jets in the hangar.