
[Sorry to interrupt your conversation Captain, Mr. Thesax, but a Poseidon is looking for you outside the ship.]


[Yes. He says he wants to talk to you.]


“Send him in. Uh lead him to the lounge Sally.”

[Affirmative captain.]

I sighed. After a heartfelt conversation with Bernard (mostly on his part), I had to talk to an outer god.

“I’ll handle this one Bernard. Why don’t you go do whatever you want to do?” I said.

“Talking to a god? Poseidon at that? Are you sure you want to be alone?” I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his questions. “He’s like one of the most powerful deities back in my previous life! Although I had always thought he doesn’t exist and Greek Mythology is nothing but stories.”

“Oh he’s real and I helped him steal some golden apples back in the Pagoda Tower.”

“Golden apples? Isn’t that more of Hera’s thing?”

“What do you mean?”

-I think I heard Poseidon say about pulling of a Hera or something during my trial with him.