Freya’s Findings

The plan for saving Poseidon’s son included taking down the tyrant that was holding him captive and capture each and every pirate in the island. But somehow it then led to taking over the island and become its heroes and leaders. Or at least that was what we decided when we held our group’s first ever war meeting in the Archangel’s conference room.

“It’s like hitting two birds with one stone!” Thomas exclaimed after hearing the plan.

“Thomas is right.” Andrei said. “As a Colored Monarch you need to rule a domain; whether it’s an organization or a country. The White Duchess has an organization that moves in the shadows, the Green Countess is ruling an entire nation and the Yellow King has a sect. From what I heard from Kai and Peter, the blue faction is going to create a knight order. Then you must have one as well.”

“But I haven’t even received my inheritance yet.” I argued.

This was true.