In the beginning

In a universe quite far away from ours are two planets who are constantly at war with eachother.

The planets lucem and tenebras have constantly been trying to destroy eachother since the beginning of time.

Lucem stands for light this is because they have been fighting to keep the good in the world while tenebras is believed to be doing the opposite by trying to destroy the light and plunge the world into eternal darkness.

The war which had once been fought and won by lucem was now being won by tenebras. Even though all hope seemed lost the people of lucem refused to let that be the end for their was a prophesy which said that the five mighty heroes who had once helped them fight the war would return and finally rid them of the darkness forever but until then the people of lucem keep praying to the stars for help.

Meanwhile, on earth,

It's just another boring day at school for jewel, she keeps glancing at her watch waiting for the bell to ring and paying no attention to what the teacher is saying until she's is suddenly snapped out of it by the teacher yelling "jewel!!!"

She quickly turns her attention back to the teacher and answers "yes, miss Gilligan". miss Gilligan who is obviously annoyed by jewel absentmindedness replies"why don't you stand up and tell the whole class the formation process of a metamorphic rock".

Jewel reluctantly stands up and sees rebby trying to whisper the answer to her but she can't quite make out what she is saying.

"Yes jewel we are waiting" says miss Gilligan.

"Well I don't know" replies jewel as unremorseful as ever.

Naomi who sits at the back of the class with the other mean girls let's out a fake cough and says"Blockhead, oh I'm so sorry I must be coming down with something" and the whole class bursts out laughing except for D.F, rebby and David.

"Oh keep quiet all of you" says miss Gilligan in a attempt to calm the class down "sit down miss Monroe" she says to jewel who is already sitted.

"You really should learn to pay more attention in class miss Monroe" she adds when the class is all settled down. She continues with her lecture but jewel is no longer listening she is doodling on her note pad.

Rebby whispers to her "hey, don't let Naomi get to you okay"

Jewel turns to face her and says"do I look like someone her words can get to?" And she turns back to her notepad and keeps doodling .

Finally the bell goes off and it's time to leave all the students are about to rush off when miss Gilligan stops them by announcing to everyone not to forget about the school trip to the new museum of mysterious and ancient artifacts.

By now almost all the students are gone. jewel is still packing up her things when Naomi walks past her with a confident grin and says in a sing- songy tone

"Bye jewel".

Jewel pays no attention and is still packing up her things while thinking about how much she hates her when rebby walks up to her and says "the rest of the squad are coming on the field trip tomorrow , are you?"

She replies in a cold voice" I don't know".

"Well text me when you decide..."

She was just about to add something else when she noticed David walking towards them, jewel noticed him too and is instantly irritated "what does he want?"

"I don't know but i will be leaving you two now cause i'm late for glee practice" she says just as David arrives "hi David, bye david" she says with a smile and leaves giving jewel a quick thumbs up and mouths good luck.

Jewel who hates it when her friends leave her alone with David pays no attention to him

Obviously nervous he says "h..hey jewel". she replies bluntly "hi David" as she makes her way out of the class.

He continues obviously determined"so um there us this thing it's kind of stupid ,it's um ... it's a new restaurant it's alien themed and their grand opening is on Saturday" he keeps talking while walking quickly to keep up with jewel who is purposely walking fast to avoid their conversation "...and I was wondering if you would go with me?" .

Ah there it is , he finally asks well she had about a million ways to say no but she chose a less harsh response because she couldn't stand another lecture from Hailey about how love only happens once,"look" she begins "did u say Saturday cause am kind of busy on Saturday"

"Oh yeah with what?" he asks persistently.

"With stuff , okay" she says cutting him short before he could continue"and I am also gonna be busy for the next couple of weeks"

"But you will call me when you are less busy right?" He asks still trying his luck.

"Um no, I probably won't so I just don't want to keep your hopes up but we'll talk tomorrow okay?" She asks while running down the street towards her house.

He shouts back at her "okay!!!".

Although he still sounded persistent he was so obviously disappointed.

Jewel thought to herself he is gonna be fine.

On getting home she sees her Aunt Marie is on the phone so she tries to sneak past her upstairs to her room but her Aunt spots her and tells her to wait. She stops reluctantly and waits for her Aunt to finish her call.

"Okay thank you miss Gilligan" sha says as she finally ends the call "well young lady is there anything you have to say for yourself "

"Um no , none that I can think of" she replies trying to sound as innocent as ever.

"Oh spare me that, miss Gilligan just told me you have failed to submit your school project and have not been paying attention in class she says if you continue like this you will be expelled from the school" Aunt Marie stopped and waited for a response but jewel said nothing but kept on staring right back at her, so she continues, "she also says that you have great potential but you just don't try" she stops again but still no response"well young lady I Sure as hell aren't talking to myself so don't you have anything to say for yourself?"

Jewel finally replies by saying"well aunt Marie there's nothing to say I am a Dullard who you shouldn't spend money sending to school"

Aunt Marie's facial expression finally softens as she replies "baby I didn't say that okay I only said that you needed more practice really" she now feels bad and tried to change the topic "well miss Gilligan also said there is a school field trip tomorrow and I am sure it's gonna be great okay you just hang in there and keep trying okay" .

Jewel doesn't reply so she adds "why not go upstairs and change your clothes then come back down stairs for some blueberry pie okay"

"Okay" she says as she goes upstairs. She enters her room and shuts her door and collapses on her bed.

A minute later her cousin Jinny comes in and says "hey jewel mum wants me to tell you if you don't come down for pie soon she'll give it to me"

"Okay dolphin I'll be right there"

She changes into something more comfortable and goes down for pie.

When she comes back up to her room it's almost 9 o'clock so she goes to bed.

Oh no it's happening again. suddenly she sees herself in a city which is burning down she can see there is a woman smiling at her and saying everything is gonna be alright baby, she turns to a man and says "we've got to get her out of here"

The man replies "give her to me"and the woman hands me over to him . She kisses me and says" don't worry baby daddy will take care of you" she starts crying and the man says "stay strong okay" and he runs of holding me- the baby.

He gets to a small ship and puts me in it and says to me- the baby "be good over there, remember Daddy loves you"

I start crying I can't see anymore there is an ear splitting noise and I can't breath ... I can't Breath..... I can't breath ..... Help.

"Help " jewel screams as she jumps out of bed gasping. It was all just a dream and it's morning.

"Uh oh I'll miss the bus" she jumps out of bed,turns of the alarm clock and dashes into the bathroom .

She rushes her breakfast and runs all the way to school and just in time the bus is just about to leave "wait ... Wait for me" , she shouts breathlessly and the bus stops she gets on and the only open seat is the one next to David " oh no ....not Today" she says under her breath as she reluctancly takes her seat next to him.

But to her surprise he barely notices that she is there he is wearing is headphones and doesn't say more than a reluctant hi to her.

Now it's not that I am complaining but

something is wrong with David but what do I care. she also ignores him the whole way there .

But finally they are there and the awkward silence is over she gets of the bus and walks along side the rest of the squad into the place that would change there lives forever.