The disappearance

Jewel walked into the museum in the company of her friends, we began the tour and within the first few minutes she was bored.

She saw Etim coming up to her and she thought what does he want.

Etim said in his usual cheerful manner "hey jewel".

"Hi"she said while walking away.

He kept on walking beside her apparently he couldn't take a hint.

Etim was one of the most handsome guys at school he is the captain of the school's football team and his parents are super rich so it really amazes people to see him hanging out with a girl like jewel, but honestly Etim is a person who doesn't care what people think about him which just makes the girls crazier about him.

He said in his usually charming manner,"listen, I think David is a little pissed cause his parents fought again”

"Oh yeah, so What do I care?",she replied without looking at him

"I know, I know you have this whole jewel thing going on but I think you should at least talk to him . Who knows maybe he'll feel better", he persisted.

She stopped and faced him, "thanks ,but no thanks . David can take care of himself", then walked away hurriedly.

"But jewel....",he yelled after her but she was no longer listening.

While the boring tour was still going on she noticed a room which said DO NOT ENTER.

So she asked the tour guide what was in there.

The lady replied “oh that's where our latest artifact is we don't know what it is yet so we can put it up yet" she noticed the look in jewel's eyes so she added quickly "whatever you do don't go in there for all we know it could be dangerous".

But was already devising a scheme to get in there unnoticed because for some reason she couldn't quit explain she was drawn to that room.

A short while later when everyone else's attention was focused on a shiny object she snuck away from the group towards the closed door.

David and Etim who were coming from the bathroom noticed her sneaking away so they followed her into the room.

Inside was a very big and beautiful ring it had engravings on it they were five symbols on It

A heart, a musical note , a peace symbol, a star and at the center a jewel.

"Woah" David exclaimed.

Jewel who hadn't noticed them there was shocked she said "what are you guys doing here? You shouldn't be in here"

"You shouldn't be in here either"

Etim replied.

"So keep your voice down or we are all gonna be busted" David added

Jewel turned her attention back to the ring and David asked "so what do you think it is?"

Etim who was obviously mesmerized by it said "whatever it is, it's beautiful"

Jewel noticed some writings on it and she held out her hand to feel it .

"Don't touch it jewel it could be dangerous" David said with concern lacing his voice.

Jewel gave him a look of mock fear"oh gee am so scared".

She touched the writing and Said "see nothing but I can't quite make out what it says it's like it's written in some ancient language".

"Let me see "Etim said as he moved closer to examine it "woah".

The symbols started to glow.

"Let's get out of here" David said already Making for the door.

But jewel wouldn't budge it was like she was in a trance . She moved closer to it and then she reached out to touch the jewel symbol.

With a whoosh the ring came to life filling the whole room with lights.

By now Etim was scared to "hey jewel I think David is right we should leave".

"But don't you guys wanna know what it is" she said moving closer to it.

"No jewel let's go" said a very frightened David.

"Uck fine we'll leave" as she turned around to leave the light from the ring grew stronger.

"Oh no this can't be good....." There was a big flash and they disappeared.The light from the ring went off as quickly as it came on.

The room was dark again and was filled with an uneasy silence the only evidence that they were in the once in the room was their back pack which got left behind as they were taken.

Meanwhile, the other students have noticed their disappearance and are searching the museum for them.

D.F, rebby and Cally are freaking out while Hailey is trying to keep them calm.

"You guys should calm down" she said trying to sound relaxed.

"Calm down , calm down! "Said rebby while breathing heavily.

"They have been gone for more than two hours ,where could they be?" Said D.F in a panicky voice.

"I heard miss Gilligan has called the police it must be very serious now" said rebby still freaking out.

"Oh just stay calm, I’m worried about them too for all we know they could be fine they could've just wandered of because they were bored, I mean you know how jewel is right . Tell them Cally" Hailey was running out of things to say now she looked at Cally desperately trying to stop D.F from bursting into tears.

"Yes I know jewel can do something like this but David and Etim would never let us worry like this I really think they are in trouble" Cally said she was also starting to get scared.

"For all we know they could be dead" rebby blurted out.

Now D.F couldn't hold it any longer she burst out crying "I’m never gonna see her again".

At that moment the police arrived and told us all to leave so they can carry out a thorough search and examine the place.

They mentioned that they found their back packs in a closed room so it's possible they snuck out.

They said they would keep their families updated on whatever they find.

The squad went back home hoping they would be found.

A week went by and still no news on jewel, David or Etim . The entire town was worried now.

There was a reward for who ever could find them so everyone was searching, their faces were on the news and everyone was talking about it.

The police didn't know what to do anymore.

A month later and still no news on their disappearance.

It had been a year since they disappeared and by now it was obvious that they wouldn't be found. Their families had organised their memorials and all hope was lost, but the squad wouldn't accept that.

One Saturday evening as D.F was posting on her save the planet blog she saw a news article saying that the a new exhibit in the museum of ancient and mysterious artifacts was to be opened the next weekend and she found out that one of the artifacts that were up for display was the ring by which Jewel David and Etim's bags were found in front of.

She knew Right then that they had to take a look at it.

she called the rest of the squad and explained to them. They were all so eager for the possibility that they could find jewel and the boys that they didn't even stop to think of the dangers it could present.

They all agreed to meet at the museum at 8pm the next night.

At the proposed time they met up at the back of the museum and went in through the vents.

It was surprisingly easy to break into the museum though.

They were in and there it stood It was beautiful like nothing they had ever seen before.

"Woah" Cally exclaimed "I mean woah ...woah"

"I know it's beautiful" added rebby in awe.

"Yes it's beautiful but we can't waste time let's look around"said Hailey in that stern, commanding Voice of hers.

After looking around for a while D.F noticed the inscriptions on the ring and called out to the others saying"wait there's something on the ring".

She examined the symbols and when they all moved closer together it, it lit up just like it did with jewel.

"Holy shit that definitely wasn't me" said D.F. D.F is really cool but sometimes she can act really stupid.

The whole ring lit up now and Hailey said "we should get out of here now".

"Yes indeed" Cally added obviously scared now.

As they turned to leave there was a big flash and they where all gone they had vanished into the ring and all that was left of them in that room were their flashlights which had dropped to the ground as they disappeared.

Other than that the room was filled with a very uneasy silence as though nothing had happened just moments ago.