
It was like nothing they had ever felt before it felt like walking through the sun they felt the heat but they didn’t get burnt instead it was refreshing.

They felt like they had been reborn.

Next they are standing in the most beautiful place they had ever seen.

It was on the outskirts of a forest that seems to be something out of a fairytale.

"Where are we?" Hailey was the first to talk.

"I don't know but it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen" D.F said in a small voice.

"The last thing I remember we were in the museum and the ring flashed and poof we are here" said Cally looking very confused.

"Maybe we are dreaming" said D.F. She took in a sharp breath “maybe we are dead”

"We can't all be dreaming the same dream" said Hailey rolling her eyes “and I’m pretty sure we aren’t dead”

"Well I don't see you coming up with any explanations" said D.F who was obviously annoyed.

"Guys calm down" said Cally.

Rebby who hadn't said anything since said suddenly “The giant ring, I don't know how but it must have brought us here".

"What you mean like a portal" Cally asked.

"Yes exactly a portal" added rebby.

"But how and why?” asked a baffled Hailey.

"And more importantly how do we get back home?" asked D.F.

"I don't know but we can't just stand here we need to find someone to help us" rebby says.

"Okay then let's get moving" Hailey adds.

As they start to walk the forest started getting darker until they are completely lost.

"Oh no we're lost aren't we?"D.F asked.

"Of course not okay calm down"rebby adds calmly.

Just then there was a rustling sound that startled Hailey.

"Did you hear that ?" Hailey asked frightened.

"Hear what?” says Cally who wasn't concentrating.

"It’s coming from the bushes" Hailey continues.

"I didn't hear anything, D.F did you?" rebby turns to D.F

"I didn't...."

Before she could finish her sentence there was that sound again and this time they all heard it and immediately a huge growling beast jumped out in front of them.

Rebby screamed.

"I don't it can see us" Cally said covering Rebby's mouth.

"Maybe I can calm it down after all am great with animals" D.F took a step forward and stretches out her hand "hey boy calm down I’m D.F and these are my friends we're just trying to pass,okay? Calm down boy"

And then something amazing happened she heard it say something.

"Hmmmn D.F, hungry...." it said.

"Woah did that thing just talk"

D.F says perplexed.

"Of course not" Hailey says trying to stay quiet.

"I didn't hear anything" rebby adds.

"Now move away from that slimy ball of fur" Cally says in a hushed but disturbed voice.

"No, I’m pretty sure I heard something" D.F says

"No you didn't now walk towards me slowly so we can get the hell out of here" Cally says still keeping quiet.

"Oh my gosh I’m gonna pee my pants" rebby says.

"But he is just hungry" D.F says still petting the creature.

"How do you know that?" Hailey says.

"Because he told me" D.F says.

"All the more reason you should get away from it before it eats us"

Cally says.

"No he wouldn't do that...."

Just then a little animal like a squirrel squeals and jumps of a tree scaring the beast and it lets out a big ROOOARRR!!

"Ahhh run” rebby screams running as fast as she could.

D.F yells while running “I’m sorry".

They keep running until they reach a dead end and the creature is right behind them.

Just when they thought it was over for them and the beast would eat them.

Three strangers in masks come out of nowhere and fight of the creature with shock sticks.

"Who are these people?" rebby asks.

"Whoever they are, they are saving our asses" Hailey says.

The beast is gone and the three masked people come up to them and one says "come with us".

The squad follows them until they reach a clearing and the forest gives way to the most beautiful city ever. It was a mix of a rural and urban community it was beautiful. Their were skyscrapers and little houses and in the middle of it all stood a giant building which was as tall as the other skyscrapers but was built like a fortress.

The masked men led them through the city and the people kept on staring at them.

"Is it just me or are we the center of attention?" D.F asked in a hushed tone.

"Yeah what’s wrong with these people" Cally says.

"Talk about rude"rebby says.

Just then they reach the fortress and one of the masked people punches in a pin.

They doors open and the place is full of people all doing different tasks which they all stop as soon as the girls enter.

"Okay now this is getting super creepy" Hailey says.

"Um excuse me masked men or...women .... Just where exactly are you taking us cause we have been walking for quite a while now and people keep staring at us like we're some sort of celebrities and this shit is getting weird okay" D.F asks trying to sound as polite as she can though she’s annoyed.

Two of the masked people try to stifle a laugh and clear their throats while the third one nudges them and answers “we are taking you to see the Queen she'll explain to you better".

And they keep walking.

"Oh great now I have more questions" Says D.F rolling her eyes.

“Is it just me or does he voice sound familiar” rebby said about the third masked person.

They enter what seems to be like an elevator and one of the masked men says “the Queen's quarters please"

"Going to the Queen's quarters" the elevator talks back.

"Woah cool it's a artificially intelligent elevator cool" Cally says touching the screen.

"Please stop touching me" the elevator replies.

"Oh sorry" Cally says and laughs.

Just then the elevator door opens and they seem to be in some Kind of throne room. The walls are made of pure gold.

"Woah is that...." D.F is cut short by Hailey.


"Cool" rebby coos.

"Guys look” Cally points their attention towards a throne in the middle of the room also made of gold and silver decorated with precious stones.

Just then a woman who carried herself with the grace of a queen walked in through another door in a gold flowing gown.

She was wearing a crown so they know she is the Queen. She is followed closely by a girl who is holding the Queen’s scepter and they all know she is the maid.

The Queen takes her place on the throne and the maid hands her the scepter.

"Your Majesty" the masked people say and go down on a knee to bow to her.

D.F whispers "are we also expected to bow ?"

The Queen smiles and says "D.F ever so funny".

"Wait how do you know my name?, I don't remember telling you" D.F asks her.

"I know all your names Daisy, California, Rebecca and of course Hailey" she says.

"Yeah I can see that but how?” Hailey says.

"I am Tamara the Queen of lucem.i know you are probably wondering how

you got here"

"Yeah we would like to know that" hailey said impatiently.

"Patience Hailey” she smiles and continues "The ancient lucemian portal brought you here it was made to help bring back the five mighty heroes when we needed them"

"Hold up , mighty heroes..... Firstly where are we?" Cally asks.

"You are in lucem about 20 million light years from earth" she replied calmly as if she didn’t just drop an interstellar bomb on them.

"Wait what?” D.F yelled and started pacing.

"So we aren’t on earth anymore?” Hailey asks trying to seem calm.

"This is a joke right?” rebby says.

"No on the contrary I am not" Queen Tamara continues still ever so calm.

"Now wait just a second" Cally says deciding to humor her “you said that your lademian Whatever was meant to bring your mighty heroes back here, so why are we here?"

“It’s a lucemian portal and itsBecause you are destined to save lucem" the Queen said again.

"I'm gonna need you to explain a little bit more" Cally says folding her arms.

"For over a thousand years lucem has been at war with the planet tenebras whose sole intent is to wipe out all light in the universe giving way to only darkness" she explains "now about a hundred years ago when lucem was about to lose the war five mighty heroes stepped up and saved us

"After the war they returned to earth but there was a prophesy which said that the darkness would return and we would need those five heroes to step up again and save us, so we built the portal to summon them back from earth when the darkness returned" she paused for a while before she continued "and now the darkness is back and it is stronger than ever...”

"Wait so if the portal was built to summon your five heroes then why are we here instead? Was there some kind of mix up?" D.F asked.

"No there was no mix up" she paused again and continued “you are the descendants of those heroes and we need your help to save our planet... All five of you need to work together to find out your powers"

"Hold up, you keep saying five of us but last time I checked we were just four" Hailey said folding her arms.

"No you are five" she gave a knowing smile and nodded to the three masked people who hadn't said a thing since she started talking.

They took of their mask and the girls couldn't believe it. It was jewel, David and Etim standing right across from them.

They had come all this way together and didn't even have a clue it was them.