
The girls woke up the next day to a loud sound. They all scrambled out of bed.

"Woah what was that" Cally said. her hair was in knots and she looked really untidy which is very unlikely her.

"More importantly, what's that on your head" D.F said gasping in fake shock.

"Ha ha really funny” Cally said trying to use her fingers to straighten out the knots while the others burst out laughing "my hair always looks like this in the morning" she rolled her eyes at the others still stifling laughter "now can we focus on whatever that sound was".

The girls quickly hopped into the machine which dressed them and rushed to the main floor.

When they got their they saw a room full of people training with different weapons.

"Woah talk about epic transformation" D.F said.

"Welcome girls" they looked at the direction the voice came from and saw the Queen but she wasn't dressed in her usual attire today she was wearing a black jumpsuit for training.

"Follow me" she said “and before you ask the sound you heard this morning was an alarm of sorts”

"Where to if I may ask?" Hailey said as they began to follow the Queen.

"It's time for your training" she looked back and said "your friends are waiting"


Jewel had been up since dawn she couldn't get any sleep after seeing the picture of her ancestor "mystery", she kept thinking about what her power could be and how much better it was compared to the rest.

Even now as she stood in the private training room waiting for her friends to arrive all she could think about was when she would get her powers.

But just then the Queen walked in closely followed by her friends.

"Okay girls this is your private training room your trainers will get you ready to fight the war and win" the Queen said with a smile.

"Our trainers?" Cally said looking puzzled.

Just then Etim, David and two other people the girls were not familiar walked in. Etim and David went to stand at their side while the two other people bowed to the Queen and stood beside her.

"Girls this is Penelope" the Queen said gesturing towards the woman by her side. "And that is Arthur".

Arthur walked over to shake all of them except jewel's when he got to Rebby he took her hand,flashed a dashing smile and asked "and who are you ?" .

She blushed before answering"I am Rebby".

"Ah Rebby a beautiful name for a beautiful lady” he then bent to kiss her hand.

"Okay that's enough now Arthur"

Queen Tamara said and Arthur returned to her side "Arthur here is skilled in combat and a master of weapons so he will be teaching you to fight".

He gave a mock bow while looking at Rebby.

Jewel who noticed this rolled her eyes and said "uuck BARF!!".

The Queen glanced at jewel but continued "while Penelope here will be helping you when you finally get your powers and she is also..." the Queen was cut off when Penelope raised up her finger to gesture to the Queen to stop talking.

The girls were shocked that the woman could command the Queen and the Queen obliged.

She stepped forward and spoke for the first time "I am Penelope and I am blessed with the power of sight"

"I don't understand....sight?" Hailey asked puzzled.

"Yes Hailey I have the ability to see what others cannot"

"So you can see the future like visions or something?"Cally asked.

"No I can't see the future exactly but I can see patterns leading up to the most likely thing that will happen" she said, when she looked around and saw that the girls were still confused she continued "let me demonstrate" she looked around the room and pointed at a wooden staff resting on a wall next to a shelf "see that staff, well it may look like nothing but with my powers i can see that if you push that staff it will set of a chain of events that will lead to a big mess"

"Yeah right" jewel muttered sarcastically before rolling her eyes "if you're as mystical and powerful as they claim then why haven't I met you before?"

"Well Penelope isn't really one to come out of her place in fact it took a lot of convincing for her to agree to train you guys" the Queen said obviously not appreciating jewel's disrespect.

Jewel doesn't seem to mind the looks she is getting from the Queen which urges her to trust Penelope, she just looks away and says something which sounds like "whatever" under her breath.

Penelope just smiles and says “well if you're so sceptical then why don't you do the honours”

She gestures towards the staff and jewel grudgingly stepped forward to give it a light push.

The staff fell to the side and the chain reaction seemed like something out of a cartoon.

The staff hit an old shelf next to it causing it to tilt and spill it's contents which included a metal ball which rolled towards the wall and hit it causing a painting which had once hung peacefully on the wall to fall with a loud clang the sound was so loud that a servant who was coming in with a tray of food got scared and threw the tray upwards I'm that moment Penelope moved slightly to the right causing the contents of the tray not to spill all over her but on Arthur who had been standing there to busy staring at Rebby to notice the tray heading for him.

In a split second the tray had landed on his head and the contents of a bowl which seemed to be filled with some thick greenish broth was emptied all over him.

''what the...?" Was all he could say as all except Jewel broke into an uncontrollable laughter, even the Queen was laughing "Penelope why didn't you tell me to move aside".

"Now where us the fun in that" she managed to say through her fits of laughter "plus I had to get you to stop staring at Rebby somehow"

At the mention of her name Rebby's face changed as her cheeks were coloured an unusual shade of pink. She quickly cast her eyes downwards to avoid meeting his gaze.

"Now I have to get changed" Arthur said looking at his ruined outfit, saying that he left the room giving Penelope a wicked stare that said 'this is not over'.

"Okay now we'll leave you guys to get acquainted to Penelope" she said still smiling as she walked out of the room with David and Etim following closely behind.

Etim quickly flashed a 'good luck guys' look followed by a thumbs up before leaving.

"Okay girls so now let's go over your unique powers" Penelope said breaking the silence that ensued after the Queen left.

"Um well in the painting i'm suppose to have super speed like Donna" Cally said

"Ohh and I should have sonic scream like treena which is totally lit" Rebby Said.

"I know about those powers" she said and girls share confused looks "no.... I'm talking about your own abilities".

"Aren't those our own abilities?"

D.F voiced what we were thinking.

"Not really....Those are the powers passed down to you by your predecessors, i'm talking about your own powers the ones you get through your unique personalities" Penelope said looking at their faces as if expecting them to understand her.

"Uh ... I'm not sure we follow" Hailey said.

"Yeah what does that even mean" jewel said her eyes locked on Penelope's face in an icy stare.

"Oh my gosh .... You guys really don't know do you?" she is smiling from ear to ear now as she starts to realize that they truly are clueless as to whatever it is she is talking about .

"Know what?" Jewel said still giving her the icy stare.

"Would you just tell us already" D.F said obviously really annoyed by the suspense.

"Well you girls do not only have your powers which you got from your ancestors, you also have powers of your own which come out to help you in your time of need" she says staring at all their faces as if trying to capture their various reactions in her head.

She kept on explaining with so much enthusiasm you would think she was th one getting these powers "These um... These individual powers they are not from anyone else but from your own unique features like you D.F seeing how you are so passionate about nature and animals and the planet I would say your unique power would be something connected to nature like the ability to make plants grow or um... to turn garbage into something useful or ...."

"To talk to Animals" D.F interrupts her with a look which said something had just dawned on her.

"Yes yes... Like talking to ani...."

Penelope trailed of and stared at D.F who was suddenly happy for no reason "why do you look like you understand what I'm saying all too well?"

"Guys it all makes sense now"D.F said laughing and nodding like a lunatic.

"What ....what makes sense?" Rebby asked .

"I knew I heard it... I knew it wasn't in my head.... Because it spoke to me" D.F said still nodding frantically.

"Okay girl... You're starting to scare me, why don't you sit down, take a deep breath and tell me what you're going on about" Hailey said guiding her towards a chair.

D.F sat down took a deep breath and when she seemed calm she said "well you guys remember the day we first got here right and we were being chased by a creature?".

"Yes yes...how could I forget" Hailey Said nodding and encouraging her to go on.

"Well... when I stepped forward and touched it to try to calm it down" D.F explained "it spoke to me.... It told me it was hungry...it said my name.... I told you Guys I heard something" by now she is on her feet and she is smiling and she seems so happy.

"Girls do you know what this means" Penelope said.

"Yes. We are the definition of girl power" Rebby said her voice full of pride.

''wait I have a question" D.F said "I've been on this planet for a while now and I've encountered a lot of other animals apart from the creature but I haven't been able to talk to them Why is that?"

"I told you before that your powers only manifest in your time of need. This means that you've always had these powers but they have never surfaced because you've never truly needed them" Penelope said "and they won't surface any more unless you're in big trouble like when you're fighting the war but my job isn't to teach you to use those powers but to teach you to use the ancestral powers you have".

"Then how will we know how to use these powers?" Cally asked.

"When the time comes you won't need help using the powers" Penelope said.

"Woah that was helpful" Jewel said sarcastically.

Just then Arthur walked back in to see them all huddled around D.F and jewel with her back to the wall. Looking bewildered he said "i'm sorry did i miss something?"

"No of course not. In fact i was just leaving" Penelope said then turned to face the girls "I'll be back tomorrow and we'll start training properly but for today you're stuck with him"

And with that she walked out leaving the girls alone with Arthur.

"Well girls follow me then" he said leading them out of the room.

"Um...where are we going?" Cally asked.

"To the tech room" Arthur replied without stopping.

Immediately he said this Cally's cheeks changed to a slight shade of pink at the thought of going to the tech room and seeing Zack again.

"And with thelook on your face I'd say you've already been there" Arthur said "and met Zack".

"Yeah she has a cute little crush on him" D.F said giggling.

"Shut up!" Cally shouted and her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of pink.

"Oh .... That's so cute" Rebby said smiling.

They stepped into the elevator but instead of pushing the Button this time Arthur just said "to the tech wing please"

And the elevator replied "of course Arthur".

"Wow you can also control the elevator with your voice" Rebby said.

"Yes but you have to be a valued member of the Queen's board of trustees" Arthur said giving rebby a flirty smile "pretty cool uhn?"

Rebby quickly cast her eyes downwards and her cheeks also turned a shade of pink.

"oh.... That's so cute" Cally said mimicking Rebby.

But before Rebby could think of anything else to say the elevator door opened giving way to the tech wing.

They all walked in and met Zack busy tinkering with something that looked like a remote. He Didn't seem to have noticed their entrance.

"Hey Zack" Cally said in a shy voice.

The girls looked at each other and then at Cally. They were surprised that she could act like this around a boy because she is usually so confident.

Zack looked up from what he was doing and when his eyes met Cally's they both smile.

"Hey Cally" he said before noticing the other people in the room "oh you guys must be here for the weapons"

"Um what weapons?" D.F asked confused.

"These weapons" Arthur said gesturing towards a table where all the weapons were neatly placed.