
"Rise and shine girls" Etim said stepping into the room where the girls were Sleeping.

"Ugh what time is it?" asked a sleepy D.F.

"Well it's early afternoon on lucem but it is still 5 am on earth” Etim answers cheerfully.

"Woah early afternoon" Hailey said sitting up "I never sleep this late".

"Well you guys are still operating on earth time" Etim said “don't worry you will still adjust to lucem time".

"Oh god I feel so deprived of my sleep" rebby said yawning.

"I’m sorry but you guys can't sleep all day, so get dressed we are going on a tour" Etim said leaving the room.

"Etim wait there's no bathroom here " Cally pointed out.

"You don't need one" he moved towards a door which looked like the closet and pushed the button on the handle it opened and the machine came to life.

Etim turned around and explained “this machine does everything you just step in and it cleans you brushes your teeth and dresses you".

"Oh cool" Cally said still sounding sleepy “but what if I want to pee”

“It has a water closet” he gave Rebby a small smile “Okay ladies your suits have been put in the machine so all you need to do is just step in and remember we are waiting for you outside" Etim said and left the room.

A while later the girls came out of their rooms chatting with one another and went down to meet David, Etim and jewel.

The girls were all wearing jumpsuits with different colors and symbols on them.

Hailey's jump suit was blue and had a silver heart on it.

D.F's was green with a silver peace symbol on it.

Cally's was gold with a silver Star on it.

Rebby's was orange with a silver musical note on it.

Jewel was also wearing one but hers was black with a jewel on it.

"Woah cool you all got jumpsuits with the symbols on it" David said.

"What symbols?" Cally asked.

"The symbols which were on the portal that brought us here" Etim explained "you see each symbol represents you and what makes you special"

"So what makes me special is my love for world peace" D.F asked smiling.

"That's right D.F" David said.

"And mine is love" Hailey said.

"And I am a star" Cally said flipping her hair.

"And mine is my music" Rebby Said.

"Yup” Etim said.

"Jewel that must mean you are precious just like a jewel" D.F said enthusiastically.

"Yeah... whatever. Can we just get this tour over with" she said walking towards the elevator.

There was a sudden silence before David Said “don't mind jewel she is like that with everyone”

"Yes but never with us" D.F said in a shaky voice.

Etim stormed towards Jewel and said "hey what's your deal those girls are your friends you didn't have to be so rude".

"My friends.... Whatever just leave me alone" she said ignoring him.

''yeah I should have known better than to try and reason with you" Etim rolled his eyes at her and went back to the girls saying "okay girls follow me to begin the tour"

He led the girls to the elevator and they all got in.

"Okay our first stop is the green wing"David said pushing a button on the elevator the doors opened to reveal a place filled with plants and animals.

"Woah" the girls chorused.

"This part of the castle holds the plant and animals" Etim said.

"Since tenebras started attacking the plants and wildlife have been suffering so the Queen decided to keep some of them here to prevent them from going extinct"David explained.

D.F who seemed most fascinated by this place was petting an animal which seemed like a horse,"oh they are wonderful this is definitely my favorite place in the whole castle"

"But you haven't even seen the rest yet" Etim said laughing.

"Nothing can top this room" she said cuddling a furry creature.

"Well we still have to check the other places we can come back here later" Hailey said.

And girls went back into the elevator.

David pushed another button and the doors opened to give way to a room filled with babies being taken care of by a group of people.

"Ladies this is the nursing wing" David said “we keep the babies here to keep them safe from the attacks and these people watch over them".

"Oh they are so cute" Hailey Said holding a baby "yes you are... yes you are"

"Who would even want to harm these cuties?" D.F said smiling at one of the babies.

"Tenebras doesn't care how cute they are" Etim said "they will destroy them to make this race go extinct".

''well aunty Hailey is here now so nothing is going to happen to you baby" Hailey Said still smiling at the babies "I think I just found my favorite wing".

"They are babies yay can we leave now" jewel said sarcastically.

"Jewel" Etim said glaring at her.

"No she is right we should leave now" Hailey said, she kissed one more baby before leaving.

"Okay now we are going to the tech wing" Etim said and the door opened and they were in a workshop with lots of gadgets on the walls and tables.

"This is where all the gadgets in the castle are made" Etim said.

"Woah" Cally walked into the room towards a table and picked up an object which looked like a gun.

"Woah woah don't touch that" a guy about there age came out of the back room and took the gun from her"that is a..."

"... patented atom restructuring gun" Cally completed "yeah I know".

"Yeah my friend here is kind of a tech wiz" Hailey said smiling while looking at both of them.

"Woah I didn't know pretty girls like you also like engineering" he said giving her a Charming smile.

"Oh you called me pretty"Cally said blushing and smiling shyly.

"Oh where are my manners, I'm Zack and you are..." he said smiling at her.


"That is enough Zack" David said walking over to them and interrupting their flirting "girls this is Zack, Zack these are the girls Hailey, Rebby,D.F and you already know Cally".

"Nice to meet you girls" he said not taking his eyes of Cally.

"Yeah it looks like it's only nice to meet Cally" D.F whispered to rebby who laughed.

"Zack he is our engineering expert" Etim said slinging his arm around Zack's neck.

Zack smiled at Cally and said “maybe you could come here and you and I could work on some stuff together”

"Yeah I would love that” Cally said.

"Eeew can we get out of here before I vomit" jewel said rolling her eyes.

Etim gave her a nasty look but said “yeah dude we best get going”

"I'll see you around then" Cally said moving to the elevator.

"Yeah I hope so" Zack said.

"So Zack uhn?" Hailey teased.

"Yeah whatever"Cally said smiling.

And they all burst into laughter well all except jewel who just stood shaking her head.

"Well the next stop I’m sure rebby will love" as he said this the doors opened to a room with a stage on it "this is the music and theatre wing"

"The Queen made this wing as a way to entertain the lucemian and make them smile even in their time of crisis" Etim said.

"And they could use someone with pipes like yours" David said looking at Rebby who was staring at the stage.

"Yay of course I'm gonna audition" rebby said happily.

"Okay time to go we still have a lot of wings to cover" Etim said.

The girls got back into the elevator and about an hour later David announcement that they were done with the tour.

"Oh finally" D.F said.

"But wait we haven't gone there" Hailey said pointing at a black button in the elevator panel.

"Oh that's because there is nothing there” David said.

"That's SOLITARY so that place is just dark and empty" Etim said.

"Oh okay that seems boring anyway" Cally said.

"Yes it is" Etim said but glanced at jewel who had averted her eyes.

"Okay then where to next?"rebby asked.

"Oh that's a surprise" David said.

"Uh I don't like surprises" Jewel said.

"Well you don't like anything" Etim said and they exchanged deadly glares.

"Ok cool it you two" David said "okay girls and jewel follow me".

The elevator opened at the ground floor and David led them outside. They kept on walking until they reached a museum.

"Girls this is the museum of the first war with tenebras" David said.

"Well I have been here before so can I leave now" jewel said.

"No cause you haven't seen what I have to show you" David said "Follow me".

And the girls followed him into the museum he led them past all the exhibits of weapons and books and painting until they reached a closed door with the inscription THE HALL OF HEROES.

"Hey genius you walked past all the exhibits in the museum" jewel said.

"I know but that wasn't what i wanted to show you" David answered calmly.

"Well if it's not that then what do you want to show us" jewel said sounding irritated.

"I wanted to show you this" he opened the door and led them into the room.

"What is this place?" Hailey said looking around.

"This is the hall of heroes it contains paintings as well as life sized statues, weapons and descriptions of the heroes who helped lucem defeat tenebras the first time" David explained.

"How come I have never seen this part of the museum before?" jewel said.

"That's because the Queen wanted you all to see this place at the same time" Etim said.

"So these people are our ancestors?" Hailey asked.

"They're more like your predecessors but yeah you can call them ancestors of sorts" David said.

"Woah you guys come check out my ancestor" Cally said standing in front of a painting with a star sign in the background.

They all gathered around and stared at the stunningly beautiful woman in the painting she had blonde hair and hazel eyes and her face was perfectly structured and without a flaw.

"Woah she is gorgeous" D.F said.

"Yes she is" Etim said.

"Look what at it says underneath it" Hailey pointed out.

It said:

This is Donna the wielder.

of the star symbol. she is

Beautiful and brave. Her weapon

Is her gadgets bag which holds

All of her inventions which she

Uses to take down the enemies

Her power is her speed.

"Woah cool" rebby says “that means you might have super speed".

"Yeah it also means am a nerd" she rolls her eyes "I mean a gadget bag what!”

She looks at the gadget bag which is on display and says "and the bag is so ugly I'm gonna have to spruce it up a bit".

"Woah guys Check out my ancestor" rebby yells from across the room.

They all gather around the picture and the writing says:

This is treena the wielder of

The musical note symbol

She has a powerful voice.

Her weapon is her bow and

Arrow and her ability is her

Sonic scream.

"Cool sonic scream" rebby says "even my ancestor is a singer".

"Yeah it runs in the blood" Cally retorts.

"And check out her bow and arrow" she says examining the weapon "now this is pretty badass".

"Guys look at my ancestor" Hailey says and they all focus their attention on the Painting in front of them.

It said:

This is Xena the wielder of the

Heart symbol. She is one who

Doesn't conform to societal

Norms but does things her way

Her weapon is her bow staff

And her ability is her exceptional


"What a badass" Hailey said beaming with pride.

"Yeah she sounds so cool"rebby said still looking at the picture.

"Woah guys I think their is a mistake with the painting of my ancestor" D.F said staring at the painting in horror.

"Why? is there something wrong with her?" Cally said going over to her.

"You see that is the problem it isn't a she" D.F said.

"What?" Hailey said.

They looked at the painting in disbelief.

The painting was one of a dark man covered in scars and wearing an eye patch over one eye. He looked like something from a pirate movie.

"You see there has to be a mistake I'm so pretty and he is covered in ugly scars" D.F said scrunching her face.

“How humble” jewel says sarcastically.

"No D.F there is no mistake" David said.

The inscription under the painting said:

This is bellator the wielder of the

Peace symbol. he fought battles just to keep peace reigning. despite his intimidating exterior he was a good man at heart.he says that he is proud of his scars for they Tell people a story about him Which he can't narrate. his Weapon is his boomerang.His ability is telekinesis .

"So you see D.F bellator was a wonderful man you shouldn't judge him because he is not good looking" Rebby said.

"Yeah I guess you’re right” D.F said.

Rebby noticed jewel staring at a painting so she walked up to her and said "which means this is your ancestor"

Jewel just nodded but fixed her eyes on the Painting.

The others gathered around to look at the painting.

It was impossible to tell how she looked (if at all she was a she) she was wearing a dark cloak which covered her from head to toe her face was also concealed by a mask.

The writing said:

Her name is unknown so she

Was called mystery. She was

Always on her own. Her weapon

Is her silver sword and her

Power is the most amazing

Of them all...

"But what is her power?" D.F said directing the question at David.

"No one can say for sure but their are many rumors" David said.

All the while jewel said nothing but kept on staring at the person in front of her.