Chapter 2 (2/7)

"I don't know what they will do, but I'm certain that won't be the case. I can feel that the Mages Council intends to keep him in the Commonwealth of Krorg."

"This is odd. Why would the Mages Council want to keep him in the Commonwealth of Krorg? There is too much we don't know yet. Are they suspecting... Could it be that the Mages Council... I see. The Bifjorkian Theocracy wanted to force the Grand Duchy of Macmalian into submission as a vassal. That is why they wanted to keep as many talented magic casters away from that nation as possible. In the future, the same fate will fall into the Commonwealth of Krorg. We are part of the Mages Council. There is nothing we can do but obey their commands. Anyway, thank you for the detailed report, Professor Caligarus."

The Mages Council’s headquarters temple was built inside Bifjorkian Theocracy. But the Mages Council and Bifjorkian Theocracy are two different entities. Nevertheless, the Mages Council tends to work with Bifjorkian Theocracy when it comes down to politics. That was why many people believed that the Bifjorkian Theocracy indirectly controlled the Mages Council.

After Rogal Caligarus left the Principal's office, he headed toward Vincenzo Biersack's room to summarize the investigation conducted on Kain Almos's background.

After hearing the report, Vincenzo laughed out loud in happiness, repeatedly punched his desk, and said, "Professor Caligarus, I have been waiting for this great news. From now on, I will dedicate my training to Kain Almos. He will become the next icon in Conjuration Magic."

Rogal nodded his head but appeared to be not happy when hearing that. He asked, "What about Arthur Castillon? He is very talented."

"Ah, of course, I'm going to do the same for him. Arthur is a great genius. They will make me so proud in the future."

After he finished talking with Vincenzo, Rogal went back into his room and rested to recover his mana pool. He has been using the [Wind Walk] spell to quickly fly from the Commonwealth of Krorg to the Grand Duchy of Macmalian, then vice versa. Rogal determined and whispered to himself, "I will go talk to him four months from now to avoid suspicion."

Four months later, after another regular school day. Rogal Caligarus went into Kain's room while he was meditating. Kain acknowledged the presence of someone in his room but he refused to stop meditating because it would interrupt his advancement into the next level. After patiently waiting for five hours, Rogal decided to leave and come back another. As Rogal was about to stand up, a bright gray aura surrounded Kain and flashed for several seconds. This was the indication that Kain had advanced to a higher level in Conjuration Magic.

Kain opened his eyes and saw Rogal was staring at him. Kain rudely asked, "Mister Caligarus, what do you want?"

Kain's personality was very rude. He refused to refer to someone by their titles such as Professor or even the Principal. However, no one criticizes such a great genius like him, at least not in front of his face. If Kain continued to improve this quickly, he would surely become a Legend-tier magic caster before graduation. Kain had the right to be cocky because not even a King or Queen dared to upset a Legend Mage. A powerful level 50 Legend Mage could easily destroy a quarter of a small Kingdom just by casting several magic spells.

Rogal smiled and asked, "Kain, are you happy with this new room?"

Kain nodded and said, "It's alright. As long as I can be by myself after school, then it wouldn't be a problem. I won't ask again, what do you want?"

"How many ways to avoid death? Yet no salvation comes to Blood Mages." These are the code words for two Blood Mages to acknowledge each other.

"You?" This is also a code word to respond to.

Rogal activated his Twin Soul. On his left hand was a dark red energy ball flying while on his right hand was a green energy ball flying. Rogal deactivated the Twin Soul and said, "Kain Bersk. Master Whistler spoke highly of you."

"Senior, please pardon me for my rudeness earlier."

"Not a problem, that is the character you must play to avoid suspicion. I delivered a genuine report to the Principal four months ago. There should be no other concern about your identity at this Mages' Academy."

"A Genuinely false report?"

"No, a genuinely real report of the real Kain Almos. But he is no longer alive in this world and the Duchess that adopted him won't be able to see you at all. There would be no way she knows you aren't the real one."

"She has been writing me letters for the past four months. What should I do?"

"Just simply reply that you will find a way to work for her after graduation. That will buy you time for the next seventeen years."

"What about handwriting? Wouldn't she suspect my handwriting doesn't match with Kain Almos?"

"Kain Almos was living with her for seven years but she wasn't his real mother. She had never treated him like her real son and never once checked on his handwriting. I have investigated this very carefully, no worries."


"Kain, here is a fully charged Magical Blood Ring, hide it well. Give me your old one so I can refill it for you."

Kain accepted the new Blood Ring from Rogal and gave him the old one. Kain checked the status of the new Blood Ring and was very happy with it. Kain said, "The blood pool in this ring is very large. It will be enough for me to use for the next two years."

"Yes, as you can see. The Magical Blood Stone on this ring is bigger than your old one as well. Master Whistler said you are one of the geniuses in our guild. You must train even harder now when she is not here or she will come to punish you in the future. I will come to see you again two years from now to give you another Blood Ring. In that way, you won't ever have to worry about refilling your empty Blood Ring. If you and I accidentally see each other in the Mages' Academy, then just refer to me as a professor. The less we see each other, the better. If there is no important matter that I need to know, then don't find me."

"Senior, I understand. How did you get the Mages Council to transfer the real Kain Almos from Lylnesle to Nosh?"

"The less you know, the better. Even if they find out your real identity and capture you, then it wouldn't disturb the Blood Mages Guild."

Rogal then left the room as Kain got back to meditation. Rogal thought to himself while he was walking back to his room, "Kain, we have to make you endure this hardness. You are one of the Blood Mages that can bring salvation to us. I'm sorry for being too weak. After the Tykan Eye’s trial, I have been stuck at the Master Wind Mage for too long with no improvement..." Rogal goes on and on thinking about useless stuff but who cares about that? Let's move on.

Jaane Almos was not slacking off in her training. It had only been four months but she could cast [Stone Fist], a level 5 Earth spell. Although it took her more than ten minutes to finish chanting for that spell. That would be too long in real combat because her opponent can easily kill her before she finishes chanting for that spell. Her roommates were training hard as well but they haven't been able to cast their level 5 magic spells yet.

On an off day, Jaane and her roommates decided to start touring the city of Nosh to get their minds to get some break from learning magic too much.

Calley said, "Adela, I have not seen you hang out with Arthur lately."

"Arthur was not himself since he lost that duel. He put all of his efforts into training now and no longer has time to visit me."

Golda said, "Kain Almos is too strong. No one would have thought he was an Intermediate Mage at the age of thirteen."

Adela was not happy to hear that, but she could not deny the truth.

Adela said, "Kain has a very bad personality. I can't believe the Mages' Academy agreed to grant him his own room. By doing so, it clearly showed they are favoring him more than Arthur."

Ana said, "Arthur is still a genius of Conjuration Magic, yeah?"

Rosa said, "Of course, he is."

The group goes on and on about Kain Almos and Arthur Castillon. Except for Jaane, she hasn't said anything yet.

Golda turned toward Jaane and asked, "Jaane, why are you so quiet? What do you think about Kain?"

"Uh... I felt bad for him."


"I have heard of his background. Kain was orphaned at the age of one because his biological parents were killed by Demi-Humans. He has been through a lot. That could have made his personality into who he is today."