Chapter 2 (3/7)

Adela was very angry hearing Jaane defend Kain, she said, "It does not give him the right to disrespect others. He doesn't call any professors as professors. He looked down on other students thinking he was on top of the world. He-"

Adela stopped as she saw Kain walking toward a building. The group looked at the old poorly written sign and realized it was an orphanage house. Adela and the others quietly followed Kain into the orphanage house where they witnessed him give out food to those orphan children. Kain took out a pocket full of copper coins and handed it to the owner of the orphanage house while saying something. Because it was far away, Adela and her group couldn't hear what Kain was saying. But judging how the owner of the orphanage house almost kneels on the ground to thank him, they could guess what he had said. After several minutes of talking to her, Kain went to play with the children like they were his brothers and sisters.

Jaane whispered to the group, "As I have said earlier, Kain was an orphan. You can see he likes to take care of those orphan kids. He is not that bad.”

Adela asked, "But where did he get the money from?"

Ana said, "His adopted mother is a Duchess in the Grand Duchy of Macmalian. She must have been sending him money like a monthly allowance or something like that."

"See? Having a Duchess as his adopted mother, he is not unfortunate after all."

Kain noticed a group of six girls was watching him not far away. He stopped playing with the orphan kids and walked toward them while smiling. The group saw Kain walking toward them. They turned around and attempted to run away but Kain called out loud, "Wait!"

Jaane and her roommates stopped, but they refused to turn around due to embarrassment.

Kain approached them from the back and said, "I noticed the crests printed on the chest area of your robes are similar to mine. You guys must be the students from Mages' Academy of Nosh."

The girls remained silent while thinking about what they should say. Kain walked toward their front and graciously introduced himself, "Hi, my name is Kain. Kain Almos. Just like you guys, I am a student from Mages' Academy of Nosh.".

Kain reached his right hand out and attempted to shake their hand but none of the girls grabbed it. As Kain was about to withdraw his hand, Golda grabbed it and said, "I'm Golda. Golda Coldshore."

"Hello, Golda." Kain smiled as he greeted her.

Having Golda lead as an example, the rest of the group shook Kain's hand and introduced themselves as well.

Kain appeared to be a completely different person than they had known. He was humble, sweet, gentle, gallant, and very respectful toward them, unlike the Kain with a cocky attitude that they have witnessed in the duel with Arthur Castillon.

After several minutes of talking with them, Kain said, "Please keep what you have seen here today a secret between us. I wanted this Mages' Academy to hate and transfer me back to Lylnesle as my mother is waiting for me to come home."

Jaane asked using a surprised tone, "Your mother? Do you mean Duchess Graylock?"

"Ah, do you know of my mother?"

"No, but we heard of your background."

"Wait, what?"

The group explained to Kain that there was a rumor of his background going around the school. They don't exactly know which were lies and which were truths.

Kain shook his head and asked, "I wanted this Mages' Academy to hate me. That is my only way back to Lylnesle. Why would they waste time to investigate my background instead of just sending me back to Lylnesle?"

After three seconds of silence, Kain raised his voice out of frustration and said, "If they don't trust me then just send me back already! How long are they intended to separate me from my mother!?"

Kain quickly calmed himself down, looked back at the group, and apologized, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice. Please forget that you have seen me today."

Kain sadly walked away from the group without saying anything else.

After Kain's back was out of sight, Golda said, "I truly feel bad for him now. He must love his foster mother very much. As smart as him, he should have known the only reason he was adopted by her was because of his Conjurer Soul."

The group nodded as Golda continued, "Kain Almos is actually a nice person deep down inside. He was acting to be an asshole this whole time." The group nodded again in agreement.

Jaane said, "We must keep the secret of seeing him here today as he asked us to."

Ana said, "No, we needed to tell other students. We can't let him go back to a foster mother who only wanted to use him for his power."

"Ana, even so, we still have to respect his decision."

It was the first time Jaane disagreed with anyone in the group. Ana was surprised, and so were Adela, Rosa, Golda, and Calley.

Calley said, "I agreed with Jaane. We should keep this a secret because he asked us to. Even as a foster mother, Duchess Graylock may have loved Kain very much which made him want to stay close to her. We are just outsiders. We don't have the right to be involved in Kain's personal matters."

The group nodded in agreement. They then continued touring the city together. In an alley not far away, Kain was smiling and thought to himself, "Those girls were so easy to be fooled. Which group should I encounter next?"

Two months later. During school hours, Principal Myriam Starag called Kain into her office. Kain already knew what she wanted to talk to him about but continued to act dumb about it.

As Kain was sitting in front of Myriam, she said, "Kain, you can drop the act of being rude toward your professors and other students."

"What do you mean that I needed to drop my act?"

"I know you have been trying to make everyone hate you so you can have a chance to go back to Lylnesle. Believe me, when I say this, that won't happen."

"Why not!?" Kain angrily asked.

"Kain, this is the Mages Council's order. No one can change it. Not me, not you, not Duchess Graylock, not even the Pope of Bifjorkian Theocracy can."

"But I-"

Myriam interrupted Kain, "I understand how you feel. How about this? Just focus on your training in Mages' Academy of Nosh. Ten years from now, we can arrange for you to go visit your mother for several weeks."

Seeing how Kain remained silent. Myriam continued, "If the Mages Council wanted to keep you in the Commonwealth of Krorg after graduation. Then, I will speak with them about letting you travel back to the Grand Duchy of Macmalian more often."

"I'm sorry, what? Did you mean that can't I move back to the Grand Duchy of Macmalian after graduation?"

"I'm afraid so. Based on the new Mages Council's law of chapter 426.21, graduated students of one Mages' Academy can not move to another nation without the Mages Council's approval."

"I will join one of the Mages Guild in the Grand Duchy of Macmalian. The Mages Council can't deny me that. I know my rights."

"True, but what if they pressure the leader of that Mages Guild from accepting you? Remember when I say this, all Mages Guilds are ruled by the Mages Council. All Mages' Academies are also created by the Mages Council. More importantly, all magic casters are licensed by the Mages Council. Unless you want to be a Rogue Mage and get hunted down by the powerful Executioners then don’t even think about defying their laws and orders."

"..." Kain’s mouth was wide open in surprise as he didn’t know what else to say.

"As I have said, just focus on your training here. I will see what I can do, okay?"

"Principal Starag, you have my thanks."

This was the first time Kain referred Myriam to her title as the Principal, she nodded in happiness and said, "Kain, you can go back to your class now."

While Kain was walking away from the Principal's office, Myriam thought to herself, "Duchess Graylock is just his foster mother, but this kid genuinely loved her very much. Such a hearted loving magic caster. Kain Almos, you will be someone big in the future."

Myriam had no idea what Kain was thinking while walking back to his class. He thought to himself, “Such a dumb ass bitch. Human beings are so easily fooled.”