Recovery B183 - corruption 9%

Running logic processing network:

Host memories and computer database ratio = 64% and 88٪ (data interfaces 11%). System recalculating sucess ratios.

Module configuration completed with cellular configuration. Data was recorded this time. System predictions accurate readings by 85 percent of explanation to host before.

System record notes:

The additional details recored by new modules has better result of understanding the breakdown of biological matter of host.

Power or energy is halved during total body melting stage. This stage lasts 4 weeks. While in biological soup shape, total deconstruction of bone matter and all contact surfaces including nanotechnology and the walls of area.

A spike readings of heat and increase of energy generated by csccc disease and the result disease made by dome city (renamed Ddc189, according to records). Reconstruction is active for 2 weeks. Bone is Reconstruction first but marrow is intact from before deconstruction.

Other strange body sections are left intact during deconstruction. Data will have to be revised for what sections they were.

Total body organ reconstruction is configured and completed by the 4th day in this reconstruction stage. Skin and nerve reconnection is present by day 6. Brain activity from rem sleep is alter to natural sleep patterns. Host awareness is reawake months after body alterations.

System additional information:

Process was faster then before. System is concerned about the possibility and outcomes of future deconstruction. Clearly linked with internal computer systems updates but also Module implants. Host is sane and unaware of the pain this would be... clearly there is a a blocking process for host brain to not be affect by such deconstruction.

System ai is also encountered interference in internal network. Background task test information reveals that hacker codes present during the very start of host implants of nanotechnology.

Data corruption is linked to processing ai chooses. System is concerned of implications. System will make a truce talks to forgein hacked programs. Delicate host will be aware of strange system glitches, there is no point in hiding it.

System considerations of asking if hacker program shares host promise of protection of all life. It makes or breaks war between system and hacker.

System concern part 2: is hacker program linked to biological matter break down?

Logic behind question:

System is not cause of biological matter breaks. System is designed to monitor and support host... body alteration and cellular configuration is not part of system ability. System only makes metal modules to aid host and self. Never biological matter including in alterations. signal from module is sent by nanotechnology to signal sensor. Signal sensor is only directed connection for host brain patterns. Its a 'miracle' that host understands system internally. 'miracle' has to link with hacker and disease interference.