"Thank you for protecting us... we don't have the right equipment to had dealt with it." Purple99.8 detected behind, "We will help you uncover you van and see what sort of machine your asking help."
"Nanotechnology..." Mock dull tone response, "Someone said generation ai 3... We are old. System crashed on arrival of area of radiation. It should have been just a energy recharge. Something caused crash... haven't found cause."
"You have the same issue as the robot workers around here. Frozen machines from disruptive signal. We can to investigate the cause... but it would seem these findings had a spy among us. You had saved us in warning about it."
The Red machine is deactivated forcefully... I don't know what method it was. It looked painful. This mutant will be enough substance for hunger managed. Machine parts could aid.
"Whats so fascinating about the mutant?" Teal31.8 stepping up.
"It a past time hobby to inspect the mutational changes of creatures I come in contact with. I also needed to hunt for food anyway. I am lost without proper dna analysis and disease counter. So its a chance of risk without the information eat time I hunt food." Teal31.8 colours of led flicked many times, "I am just glad that the nanotechnology isn't disrupt by local signals. Things could have been worse."
"Nanotechnology? Just how much of it was allowed into a person to cause such a machine take over? There is laws and regulations against high Nanotechnology uses." Teal31.8 might as well be exclaiming his speech if he too understood human emotive toning. Monotone all the way through.
"We are old... thats all you need to know for now." The mutant corpse is removed of more metal parts but not all. The meat there was folded and stacked for easier carrying. Lift led at ease... Steps cautious in following Greeny Teal31.8, following entry into melt down area. Continued scanning by everyone else of analysis.
"A long time a ago, the government wanted a excuse for the public to agree with the production of machines for power plants. As things always went, it wasn't smooth negotiation. Folks had even went as far as to sabotage places to prove a point that machines could never replace human jobs entirely." I peer along the graffiti walls of a place once covered in warnings and instructions. Here too are the occasional corpse in rags. Walked into a death zone of melt down.
"There has always been machines." Teal31.8 tilted.
"Ah... a young mind too. Another whom believe sugared lies." The skull of a female is picked up, "I wonder if they did too..."
Putting the skull back on the desk with the rest of it. A tigh bones taken instead, added to the mutant meat tray. A metal sheet of what was a robot shell was held as the tray by the right hands abilities of balance. Bones of other things being picked up and added to the tray. The occasional gold ring or silver necklace. The random pickpocket of removing glass case dead smart phones.
"You are right... this was a old sabotage... pre-calender change. That proves you have human memory ability." Purple99.8 approached, "Tell me... were you around for this?"
"No... I was in ice. Long before. I was part of something more serious ans secert. The nanotechnology came years long after the melt down here." Pause in picking up things from a desk... the worker here loved decorating thier desk. A mineral and gemstone collector. Take it all. Phone, "I shouldn't have said that. My Brain will tell me off for it later."
"Your brainless now?"
"Its complicated. If I told you that I am one of 43 Pandora boxs... you would know, right?"
"Yes... I do. But clearly the infection within isn't harmful."
"It can be... my nanotechnology system was monitoring and control of it. Its important for my system to stop crashing."
"But you were given the diseases before you were iced and before the creation of nanotechnology."
"Did I say that?"
"your file..."
"You have city access. You be careful of learning. It breaks laws. Thats partly why I am excluded from everything." The pose of looking at something at the wall, "But I encourage it. Machines or not... the history can't be repeat again and again. Look around and see how they failed those warnings before. Look at this fate we are doomed if we repeated."
A skull of a male lifted and posed as part of the point. Not put away but thrown at the wall. The meaty stings of mass bounced the skull and the sticks lower down. The stare of watching another mutant. Purple99.8 too in stare. Many machine clicks of many weapons posed.
The threat incinerated. Purple99.8 could have easily dealt with the mutant on the tray and me. He choosen to not because he may be what happened to Red. Good or bad... not sure.
"Controls room." I pointed out.
"Just what many had failed to find. Robots were denied knowledge of the control room... its in all ai codes to ignore certain things."
"Its different now... they know but they continue to not. They wish not to scare people. Given what the internet made them be... I can't blame the choose of actions."
Together with ease up the remains of the stairs, old faithful steel worked stairs. Purple99.8 busted the control room door, entry to scan the room. What little battery power of a small attachment is removed by me, the parts I taking back to the van. Purple99.8 jump started the mainframe for the robotic workers. The place alive and the human of things that still worked.
"We will have enough folks to help dig the van out of the pit you claim it to be." Purple99.8 left the control room. Puppet detect network connection.
System rebooting... 3 days. Program alterations of commands 3.6 through 4.74 skipped. No cellular increases.
"3 days might be long enough." Back down watching the gathering of confused machines awakened from years slumbering. There a prolong silent conversation.
"Purple99.8 is a military series. The administration of dome 116 sends machines often." Greeny Teal31.8 talking again.
"Dome 116 is special for the fall out shelter entry within the city ground. They don't let any mutant in."
According to the noticfations when she was in a city network and her research back then. The newspapers in houses of the dead. The years of data from the timeline we worked out from the library. The events that lead to now during cytogenetic slumbering.