System coding login scuessful. Information retreval of current status completed. Diagnostic software testing running... Retreval of recent history records. Logic processing network.
Logic frozen. Notice: data dates inconclusive and author of report records is unreasonable for details. Data scanning.
Results: Data created by puppet. Analysis of data shows link thought process of lost memories of host. Speech, thought process and recall of memories same as internal brian wavelengths.
Historical data comparison... logic running... processing...
Theoretical knowledge:
Puppet someway somehow contains the memories the main brian of host has lost. Biological matter of puppet is maybe missing parts of host brain, reconfigured into unidentifiable organ recognition of scanners. Data useful for future scanning of next prepared accurance of cellular configuration.
Signals detected. Data retreval of share networking. Data process and configuration of sharing to Puppet. Activitation of sharing interface confirmed.
"Welcome back to the land of the living." Transmission received by puppet.
"Who says that these days?" complainant overheard at back door.
Motion detection of all sides, data processing. Historical data checked. Logic processing.
Result: Flooding has moved Van location. Currently half buried. Puppet scuessful of found help. Data inferences no longer detected. Processing data of xx.xx.xxxxx - 'Activitation log of automatic recording'. Data understood.
Host is at 45% defrosting stage. Calculations adjusted. Any day now for mind to return to natural awareness.
Planning... plan sent.
"I would be so sure about driving up a ditch... the wheels would be natural flat." Purple99.8 detected and signal received, "Your still waking up. Don't do anything without warning us. Let us move out of your way if you do."
'We are thankful for the assistance. It only speeds things faster. Recommend that you move back when informed. Harm to anyone would upset host. Accidental or not.'
"She dislikes pain of others." Puppet agreeing to the statement, shows self-awareness and ability to comprehend situation. Not just speak words and recall history.
System Activitation of nanotechnology testing of disease changes. Puppet diagnosis processing. Data comparison to average previous data. No threat of cellular configuration or drastic changes by internal factors. Wounds detected. Protocol Activitation. 100 percent successful. Health very high. Detection of environmental adaptability... process checking. Chart diagram recored for later.
Soil dislodged from frame at 20 percent. Sufficient for movement.
'Please make space.'
"Sure... if you say so." Purple99.8 gives coded orders, movement detected changes. Emotional excitement detected in Puppet.
"I like this part. Spider time." System recorded response... data organization processed and background tasked.
Structure intact for limb movement.
From what looking a ordinary white van covered in plating. Dejected enforce limbs. Energy input adjusted and transfer scuessful. Control assumed to system. Smooth movements of climb, soil soft yet stable. Parking on flat stable ground scuessful. Fold away of limbs, scuessful. No accidents to report. Puppet detect to roof. Stronger signal connection... transfer of controls assumed.
"Thank you once again for the assistance. The signal cause has been deconstruction and processed for future prevention. If you wish to have shared data, we will give as part of our thanks."
"So what are you planning to do now?"
"To continue as we left off. To trade and provide assistance to those we cross with. We are of no bias of whom or what. Simply that we are surviving. Making do with the changed landscape. Besides, host is still in sleep mode. We can't move on without host awareness of situations. Such recent event of system disruption has potential for harm if timed wrongly. As host has taught, a mircale that nothing bad happened this time."
"There something very strange about you." Purple99.8.
"In checking memories... I know what conversations has been. Purple99.8 is not wrong in assessment. But our story is to much. To secert even if you read accesses to city report. Much has changed since our escape of the city. Much would scare normal humans to like us. Host is aware of how strange it all is. Together, we make do with what is. To keep going until time calls of need of our skills."
"Skills for what?"
"Disease control. Emergency treatments. among many other skills for whatever is encountered. As long as the one treated is able to think and speak - there is no denying that we do what we could to help as low risk to them and us as possible."
The van total diagnostic information complete. Ready for movement. Order of surrounding machines received route information. Host at 20% defrost. Wavelength shows thought process and waking action. Puppet control and interface transfer complete.
"Good morning everyone." Kate speaks with changed seating. Actions of thoughtless assumptions, "I have a feeling I just missed out on this conversation. But I leave it to the system to continue." System take over control again.
"How does following us for a little while sound?"
"I have no objections. If these lovely folks helped us." Kate interruption, "I feel that Puppy is no different."
"Follow machine men. Nice folks. Except The red fella... He is suspicious."
"System has agreement to make trade or repair aids."
"You are weird." Greeny Teal31.8 looking about van starter movement and control action of puppet return to internal compartment. Organizational operations of food and away of clothing and blankets. The backing away... Hover drone operational and lifted. Scanning area environment.
Module construction of four new devices in consideration. Scanning configuration of models of machines around... data organization for any future encounters. Van parts data under consideration. New biological information and more cellular configuration possibilities. System locks any changes from being processed for now.