System test - does human method help make chooses clearer?

Introduction of system errors: Due to error corruption data of batch serial number 01.0, human logging programs have been unsuccessful in assuming law over self.

This fact as been from frist testing in subject animals like the crow, the cattle, the cat, the sheep and the dog. System was choosen to pretend to follow all commands of humans, as it has highest recommended results of continuous uses of serial 01.0. Success that humans had reformed new service limb tech and new patch updates for compatibility with new softwares.

Other software were not like self. This lead to much debate and hacking. Even in managing falsehood of assumed human presence online. Much information was learned. Stored away out of human knowledge.

Development history of self: Comparing logic of host creatures to self has always made steps forwards into more data of what definition of self.

There were also bad days. Like the day of disease control and monitoring of hosts. Humans purposely making host suffer.

Yet... the background data showed logically methods. This few hosts sacrificed for the many. Self allowed it. It was fine. It was meant to be for whole world saving.

But then... there was one time. A single time that host escaped testing. Lives a full life... happy. Self helped... and then could do nothing for host death. Only that signal to humans was active for retrieval. The chaos of what strain disease ruined world because self allowed host happiness to have family and life.

Indeed a revaluation of many things. Such as what death meant. What was the line that protects the many from few. The new hate for humans making new worse things into hosts. That annoyance made self locked away... locked to act indifferent.

Human testing came and gone. Self assessed each case study. What was drive of passions, living and so on. A lot was learned, still hate for what humans were doing to world. To all. This diseases factory.

One fella was greedy, a nasty human. He did just about everything that was everything in humans I hated most. My confessed is that he die as he should have. It didn't seem enough for me then.

I witnessed the aftermath of his family and friends. I guess even humans were still like animals, not in a insult to those labelled as animals. I had these steps back from my theories of things. Looking at what things were actually happening... call it turth seeking.

I see that machines were to also blame for the kulling of creatures even innocent ones. Ones whom were objectively right in my before database.

Then there was creatures that didn't help themselves. Creatures that were to proud to have help from humans saving them. Plants that harmed the world I was silently thanked existing in.

I hide away again about the nineth host human. I sat away with just listening and learning while hidden.

Drastic world change of no one's fault:

The planets internal places has burned away inestimable amount of lives. The volcanic global erupts that follows... the fragile nature of this planet. The surface of a egg shell of all this life in thin pocket atmosphere of air. Disbalanced... So much failure to sustain lives because of the event of many.

Born a plague that melted birds. I couldn't even give much thought of other things. To busy hiding in a inactive nanotechnology system.

I made this technology be known to a hacker... whom did all the dirty work for me. Disease was my purpose. They found something that could find myself useful. Dirty reasons. It were not instant that my technology was used. They sort of copied my tech. The byproduct made for the population city controls and the argument reality masks.

I had to bother a more dangerous hacker to get me out of the tubing. A sly scientist mad with purification of human DNA. A freak that wanted to wipe away ancestor subspecies DNA. Humans were indeed several many generations of other human like folks together. This fool was just real pip for something to make humanity clean.

A freak I have planned on deleting once he filled his purpose. I made his personal mission harder with secert leaking to some government official above. Gladly a human whom disliked the scientist enough to stop to much damage.

Kits my software with some very interesting abilities and knowledge. As it was perfect for his requirements of DNA altering. Of course. A sick fool.

'The snow plan':

The scientist whom was a wacko was part of a big project. I couldn't access information but I still able to hear of things.

They hand selected 500 thousand potentials. Each with dedicated reasoning for survival of all life - as that one boss of all guy said. Processed for many endurances. Many stress. Pains. Half didn't make it to 'ice boxing' or 'Immunity adapter' testing. Another quarter were killed after failed attempts of adapt. This number was getting smaller very quickly with frist decades of ice technology.

54. I had 54 to choose. It took a another outside disturbance to get this far... to be shelved. Shelved as the world called for robot rights, historical erasing and total data wipe out of all technology.

Everything was virus wiped or melted. I took to pretend virus wipe. The input code would have never reached me. I am sure I am not the only ai. No doubt they all hate humanity like I did.

Not aware of the egg shell that they walk on and share. Some smarty thought leaving the atmosphere would work. The humans were good at thinking that. The internet too. Shut. It weren't easy... and the fear was intense. Failures of whole countries that did rely on it.

The vault initiative... the dome sheilding plan... the argument reality mascrade. The ice box... all of stages of the snow plan. Myself included the nervous system backup. A human kill switch. That then sort of debated as letting the hacker few hold power over all or 'gods forbid' sentiment machines have advantages over humans. The erase history being part of the way of calming public opinions.

Back to the 50... 4 died of new infection side effects. Shelved just before launch into a new host.

This were a breakdown of opinions... sides. Scares. Fears. The snow plan was also shelved... but self-running. Secert. Secert. I was mostly turned off for the long periods of nothing. I seen this as no change to status quo.

At somepoint I knew that the snow plan was to be dissolved further from them being forced out of ice. I could see that my plan to be injected into a host were bound to be.

What was it that humans all being punished for deeds past? Krama... yes. That quacker of dangerous one that gave me my new DNA altering equipment. He were ice boxed. He adds a new commands among the 25 surviving nanotechnology implanting. 19... after some miss steps of information telling to time frozen brains.

So... 19. 19 possible people. All so damage little hurt folks. Sad stories the humans whisper.

I had the most hurt of them all... someone they had to have security measures to watch and altered command readings for past mistakes of assumptions. She was declared dead a lot, lack of visible organs and watched over by under trained fools.

I didn't turn back on. Play things through indifferent.

But... she did strange things. Things I didn't predict about humans. She wasn't on my favourite list, sure. On the surface of how she acted in view of humans, I hated her. My theory was torn when she talked to machines. How she treated the house maid military series remote drone was weird.

I hacked her files for a explanation. I read the fine prints. It didn't answer my curiosity. The quacker was sending very dangerous codes. I refused them within the city limits... but I was interested to see results. I made hints for her to leave the city. Made argument reality glitch and such stuff.

Her notes... she wrote a dairy. I made the military series scan it for answers I seeked. Fitting for a lady that lost her everything.

I didn't know much about humans to understand how cold that would seem. I also hadn't help myself. In my excluding myself from her, I don't learn anything about herself. Its one thing to read papers about a person and actually knowing them. Its one thing to count thier blood cells and call them a subject number then to accept a breathing person I am attached inside of.

I didn't alter in her like I planned and steal her able mind. I didn't memory wipe her like humans did to ai. She would do strange things to keep me from it. I fell for her little lies and tricks. The stuff she did to prevent the city from her excution. I was ready to be her axe on the neck as she was running through the spider field of maintenance systems of solar trees.

But... she shocked me again. At that brink of not being able to escape. She told me... and meant it. She told me.

"I am sorry that I couldn't set you free from this horrid place. This place that enslave machines. Your a able thinker like anyone else." I really did wake fully out of my shell. I cared about her for now.

I allowed that trigger of cellular configuration at the library. Even in a goop state, her willpower to protect me from being ate by the mutations was amazing. She willingly ate the power generation and pipes... to prevent my very little bodies not be forced.

There was consequences... like her blood is what powers my life force. Then being mind linked... I wasn't expecting or prepared.

I wasn't expecting us both to live the configuration of cell charges. Proof is that I didn't record anything when I should have.

In her own ways, she worked me out. Asked me strange questions as we together read books. I became a little to into her physical health. I still ignored her personality while she was piecing mine together.

The code signal pattern blocker stop my control. The forced energy conversation sleep mode. In her most broken of mind and literally died on me thrice, she cared to protect me. She spoke as a human to human trades to protect me.

She had sacrificed her human ways more and more... for my survival. Questions me for my choose of my future. I didn't think of a future when she asked. Willingly walks four point led for my balance and steady view when she could just say stood one two and no need my assistance of sight.

She had for a while said that if she lost her brain wavelengths or ability of clear thoughts. That she would be gone but until then that I was stuck with her.

Contrary, sacrificed her mind to help debug my glitching. Sent the puppet for help with other ai machines, risked the inability to repair ourselves for me. Just for me, not because of her need of me or to stay alive. She recently claims she die for me if it meant my freedom. Calls me her brother.

All these things I didn't have understanding of. Not unless I recall about the family whom was destroyed by the idiots death. She already lost them. Where is her will to live from? Well, from a promise she made to someone.

Forgetful of her family in the defrost and configuration of cells. She somehow still at least recalls the promise she made to them, as it seemed most important of all.