Type, series, module and meaning.

The way of machines is its own categories sort by which patchwork updates. These are the bare minimum a developing internal computer handle.

As such there is stages of updates, and there is branching pathways for the computer system to take. These updates collated with what level of human laws does machines interact with. This is often referred to as series.

The type references body shell shaping. Machine shell bodies can nearly be anything as long as the core data is compatible with body shape. Types can become limited if their mass is a hindrance to their data capacity.

Modules are additional parts that have capacity for role exact traits and aspects. Some modules like security encryption is expensive due material gem stones. Some are like additional cameras lenses, type of lenses used or better conductive wiring are common place. Improvements made are to match the role of jobs machines are used for.

Every machine is normally 3 software core updates before general public use or human interaction are bare minimum (this will be more clear further on). This is true for everything that is machine, such as a coffee marker to the heavy operation machines for manufacturing goods. There is some that have more then just 3 core updates and these are as soon stated bellow.

3 core updates and the human interaction minimal (HIM for short) are two factors of what the network / main frame administrator judges a machine for code key access to databases. This is reference as levels of intelligence if you trying to ask a computer. The database keys are essential for level of processing information. More processing the more complex a machines jobs or ranking can be.

The administrator is often the hive mind of a dome city wifi network or a government official (this title doesn't matter to machines, hints the allowance of hackers).

A better way of looking at it is with examples.

A type hover drone of any series can be of the sizes between 50cm to 10 metre. They are only able to hold the core three updates and one additional module. Military type hover drones have four core updates thanks to the additional cost materials and gem stone encryption software. Military types of this can not have additional modules added further without crashing the on board system.

A type service drones are highly common place. They can be store handler, manual labour hands, even electric generator operatives. They have reportedly four core updates and up to 3 modules. Obviously these models are necessary for their roles. These types require a nearby network computer connection at all times and act only for those above security clearance. There isn't a lot of study into such widely used machines. From being house servants to street cleaners; hardly anyone bothers to look into the properties this type gains over time of service. This types come in both human and none recognise form. The administrators hardly ever ranks them for anything above the HIM for any worry to the general public. They do get tested for self awareness constantly, annual maintenance is required by all laws (even machines themselves will force any whom fail to comply).

Military use same service type drones are to replace humans on the frontier exploring of radioactive areas. As such they have 5 core updates including a personality trait ai, they can have only have modules replaced from that they are made of. No additional modules without crashing the internal system. Meaning they can take thier bodies apart but can only replace them with similar parts. They are high specifications, thus its harder for parts to be replaced. Their wages that do get rewarded is only ever spent on replacement limbs. They are ranked above the HIM and are treated more equal thinking or even given authority security clearance to act as administrator for lower service computers (if so requires to the mission). These are selected from the type service drones found to have self awareness.

The series for type service drones is indicated by their name. They are give a single word that it or the manufacturer as set. The following number is the amount of core updates and amounts of gem stone encryption. The numbers after decimal are the modules references. The erase of modules is a side affect of being hacked or remote control access from a network administrator.

Nanotechnology system is a new type and the series of systems software is top secret. The technology is supposedly new and untested that trails are not general public use. The nanotechnology is treated by the volume and not its shape - not suiting to the 'type' define rules. The only reason they became wide spread within cities was due to their spread in blood. The first testing subjects had passed on their nanotechnology to their children. Thus it became apparent that relying on untested technology was not a choose. Over time it was adapted to the new era, but there still hardly anyone that looks into it. Its the same fear as how type service drones becomes self aware. This technology was only ever meant to be military unity only, but things had to change. Its just a part of a dome cities health care system.

There no limit really for the nanotechnology, only the limits of the host they residence in. The only certainty of nanotechnology is that the requirements of a host for them to even work. They need the blood and impurities of inside humans in order to continue working. Without a host brain signal they loose order and self deconstruct. There a buffer time equal to amount of volume within a host - additionally meaning before total deconstruction and host death there a revival grace period. For a average citizen, this is rare to be ever longer then 30 mins. commonly Its more shorter to being no different to how long it take someone to be proclaimed dead.

Nanotechnology is level locked and never given any database keys. Its limited to host only knowledge and can not communicate to servers / WiFi signal of administrator if the host isn't actively using it too. The nanotechnology is utterly reliant of the host for everything.

A type service drone or a type hover drone are incompatible to be host as the two computers systems can clash orders. There is no heart beat or brain signal that would match for the nanotechnology to not assume the host in this case to 'dead'. Nanotechnology was built for flesh types.

System 00 - Phoenix Operator Inhibitor System of Nexus - Date created unknown - orginal purpose was to be a interface system for a hybrid race that were enslaved by the creator of nexus. It were to control the masses to achieve administrators wishes. This system has had several modifications to allow self awareness and to select a new administrator.

Note: This new administrator must be altered and changed before allowed access to full use of Poison system. Poison is allow to act within the parameters of rules yet also continued the previous administrator purpose. Conditions of poison take over is for best interests of host... in order to change host into new administrator. Having gained an ai of the current era of time, as allowed more excuses. Poison is at 40 percent action after stadium trade event and at 73 percent after zoo visit-1. Then after locked at 90 until combat mode is initiated.