Date of report: 30.01.xxxxx
Current tasks:
* Seeking trade for sale in estimated 10 days time. - invited to a caravan sale park which is estimated a days travel from current location. (1st email since new access to city networks)
* Investigate area abnormalities - there has been a environmental fluxes of radiation here without known source. (Purple99.8 had sent a email about this)
*Seeking untouched resources - not all raiders or caravans companies know what they are seeking thus leave behind 'useless' or 'broken' items. (System interests to continue building items for survival requires such items and to learn why things are 'useless' or 'broken').
Status of Operations:
Puppet aka 'puppy' - healthy and active. The body puppet has time to act its own will in the early hours and when Kate doesn't require use. Internal nanotechnology is in full operation, no abnormalities detected and no average changes to cellular percentage. No requirement for cellular configuration. Monitoring cellular data still on going - there some unpredictably with biological matter.
Kate Nick - her only orginal parts of her are contained within a metal box. No abnormalities other then that she just a few infect organs in a box including a brain. The cellular configuration is constantly monitored as there no reason for her to be 'alive'. It seems the mix of diseases and the nanotechnology is all that keeps her. No matter the amounts of testing or damage nanotechnology causes to such organs. She will still be fine. System has re-evaluated her use and has stopped further inhuman experiments.
'van' - This isn't a typical van as it has two states of form. The frist is what gives the name 'van', the frame of the orginal parts before modification was 2016 Peugeot Partner E electric van. Its history as an 6 door van that is painted white was badly aged, radiated and lack of human care for a period of time rendered it undrive-able. We completely gutted the van and rebuild from inside out. The help of spare nanotechnology bodies after the power generator was ate in cellular configuration (the library incident). The internal storage boxes and operating robotic limbs means that it completely automatic drive to system commands and a place that system can craft and build new modules on the move. Powered engine is still solar charged and kinetic movement of the drive shaft when not on the move. The second shape is a full lift off the ground of the wheels - instead 'walking' on 8 limbs. These limbs can be deployed as defense shelding or set as table surface. They seem to have a new purpose every time Kate thinks of something. In extreme case of emergency, not to her knowledge, her organs box produces enough energy to power the van for 3 days - depending on her health and diet... the cellular level of her. There is another power generation method of radiation sponging into electric conversion - but this still hasn't been worked out for why it does. System doesn't want to rely on a method without prediction or known science. There is consideration of new modules that have access to the city networks from remote access being likely for why - new elements and metals we have no record of.
Hover drone 1 - the military model that was the mad doctor gift to us. It is always been of systems use only. The connectivity is more adapt for system use for monitoring Kate or other watching tasks. No longer a maker model registration after modification. It has spider limbs and is able to fold away the hover wings. These wings are not machine shape based, instead are light weight materials for bug like wings. While in flight, it looks like any other hover drone to human eyes. Shape was models after share data between system and Kate's deep consciousness.
Hover drone 2 - is a much smaller model and is closer to a normal commercial hover drone. Its shape is no different but the material is replaced for connectivity to Kate's box. This is what she uses when awake but not in puppet control. System has access too but only for its return or if needing extra sight monitoring during stays in wary places.
Module construction 5 - a successful redesign of the survival device used by travelers nowadays. This is how signal broadcast has been possible for weather radar updates and connections to city networks in set radius of locations. Due to taking 4 tries, it is stand alone for protection reasons. The reactive radiation sponging core is highly sensitive to wavelengths and has been the cause of melting the floor thrice. All parts and elements of such devices has been carefully contained in signal blocked material. The box it is within must be opened if the device was to be in operation. The radiation levels are being monitored and new sensors were designed with that in consideration.
No current exact placement - system - The operation has been spread between all the operating bodies. The system has three internal processing minds - one with the nanotechnology, one within sharing connection to Kate and the last is a program... self aware and constantly adding new tasks within operation without Kate's permission. Although Kate has expressed her trust and is calling this ai 'brother'. She gives permission regardless. Nanotechnology system is concerned in this breach of laws and ai does agree that its abnormalities are law breaking. But since host Kate give consent, the compromised will of acts are at peace for now. All system agrees is survival of host and self. Agreed to share promises with Kate - protecting 'life'. Although host definitely give no definitive definitions of what that actually means. System is in full operation and is updated to newest versions with modifications by ai. Ai claims this is anti‐hacker program defence from city networks and unknown sources. System agrees with permission. Kate agrees with permission. Kate is currently administrator of nanotechnology within her connectivity. Emergency service uses ai to replace Kate as administrator. In doubt worse cause, puppet is final administrator. If all three are defective, all bodies will be deconstructed by all nanotechnology and then nanotechnology will be ordered to attack itself only. That last order permanent.