Welcoming community

As it was promised that a whole set of buildings had been kitted with everything from the lorry. Everything else from the lorry was a replacement for something else within this Twycross grounds. The time delay to travel wasn't as hard pressure as it was assumed from the other zoo chains. It seems we are even further away from London then when we received the request.

I remember this place fondly of its past self... I liked how some of the enclosures were visible from the visitors entry. A tall and well architectural design building that was a cafe, shop and ticket entry. Large space and once themed with design that relates to the park residents held memories as a student among others in a trip or a little girl holding hands with her parents. The taste of cheap small box lunch with ice cream as a dessert being ate while watching the elephants and giraffes being fed.

Its somewhat altered from what it was. The visitor areas and just every single facility within the old ruin of Twycross has been adapted by those whom call this place home now. That visitor welcome area is the new gather meeting area and dinner rooms for higher ranks (I will explain the ranks further on). The new entry into this site is through staff only places.

The buildings I am to use and live in were the educational activity room, storage for disused exhibition furnishings and garages for many things. This garage had multipurpose yet the most used section now is for the parks on-site jeeps. Its easier access for us to renovate the new medical site. Even a charger port for puppet 2 was in function - that my brother can now pilot indefinitely if he so needed. Yet he wishes not to be reliant of electricity here.

The tour of the place was courtesy of a creature whom names itself 'Philly'. Philly is a lot of contorted and fused together nest of snakes... buried within were some human parts too. Philly is always quirmming movement and yet fash jolts when easily excited. Philly also doesn't stop ranting, talking of topic within a topic. Making things more complicated sounding then they had to be. Philly would unnerve most, with many hidden snake jaws or hung hinges.

According to Philly, daylight hour movement only is the common rule for those whom can't protect themselves. There is also that this zoo shares the colour code radio intercom system but does not have anyone monitoring it... its a self ran automatic system that is reviewed by residents on weekends. The active speakers for mass listen was linked with the keeper radios.

In short without all the stories of random events around each color type. The ranking goes a little bit like this. Ranking here is shade base, the darker the more a predictor or threat to the rest of us you are. The lighter means you are a provider of some sort of service and are deemed trustworthy. Green, blue, yellow, black and white are in residents colours. Purple, Red and complex colours are outsiders.

They have code words for situations which wasn't used in the other zoo makes sense in short listen. Leaf is healing related - required or a update retained to an ongoing condition. Flash is threat related - mostly outsider based as most in house cases don't lead to this. Footprint is someone escaping (they have several residents that are to stay in the enclosures). Skull is reported death. Mud is a plague infection related update.

Philly one of any examples is a shorten story; 'During the moment of easing for the night, the intercom flickered with the message. "Black footprint has been sighted with skull of light blue." Upon response of them working together, one the mutant dangers had killed a keeper during life checks.'

Philly got itself in a rant of explaining further with; 'Life check is something we do often for accounting food needs and confirmation of awareness for some. Blues are often tasked with the duty on a rota timetable. Yellows are food service related. Greens are health or keepers. Sometimes a light blue can becomes dark green.'

Philly seems the only willing to speak to us when we first entered the grounds. Philly stated that it was officially either White or Yellow. It jokes with claiming Cream like its scales. The rest of the encounters wanted no eye contact or interaction until we were room settled. In having just being curious and asking my brother to scan it.

From that soft quick scan, the body of a little child is within the coils snake nest. The freaky part was that the analysis showed that the underneath was a separate entity to the snakes net around it. That it was reading of Ddc198 with peak cell active changes.

Putting it simply, it is sort of expecting it to be a Black colour instead of White. I have choosen to not question the rankings after that. Or pry into why this net of fused snakes had lied to me.

Additional content - logged record:

All of Philly speech is to long to be listed in shorter notation. After Kate had finished unpacking and writing this entry, there was more left unwritten.

"This makes the last box unpacked on the shelving. The spider drone has finished wire working the fridges, freezers and computers. All medications that could be required has been stored away. And the bedroom has been arranged for suitable comfort. As a treatment, myself and poison have altered you storage box bed for your comfort." The hover drone soon landed onto the puppet2, connecting to change perspective. Some small movement checks later, he steps right behind her with reading over her shoulder. Looking on the dairy entry she was inputting, the timetable that been emailed was opened, and then lastly a database log of inventory was scuessful opened on the second monitor.

The balcony French doors that is in the newly sorted patient waiting room was knocked on, both turned in notice of the echo.

"I might as well." She walked on fours at frist, peeks through the room and changed to walk on two.

Important area mapping records from ai:

The layout of the two buildings have became one building. One half is medical storage, personal storage, bedroom, small basic kitchen and lounge living room. Th other half is in three sections; patient room, work room to consult in and private lab back room that entry to private home area. The last of three buildings is the large open garage, nearly completely untouched of objects within but has been totally organized. This space is for the larger folks whom can't fit human entry.

"You settled mighty fast... I heard that your part machine." A new face, unnammed as of yet.

"I am sure my background was explained before I even got here. Someone once told me that to only be mixed with a machine it pure luck. Even then thats not entirely truth either." She spoke calm and she doesn't stare harshly as most would, "My title and names is Doctor Kate Nick. I have another name but I got rid of it. That name still finds its way to be used as somepoint."

"Dont worry about it. Some of us have the same problem. Having been multiple humans and maybe a few not humans... the whole names business gets messy. They call me Anthony the grey." Shook claws and offered a ride in a parked jeep, "Philly talks a lot but I don't think they get the point across clearly. Colour is for jobs. If your jobless your black, white or grey. I bet Philly lied about being white. Philly is dark grey, so be careful. Philly got so mad at someone interrupting them... Well got rank dropped very quickly." Kate sighed in relief of being right while Anthony snickers about the reaction, "Are you on your own?" asking with looking at back at the doors to the building.

"My machine side has an ai whom I respect. I consider him my brother with all that we both been through. His known to borrow my voice from time to time... so sometimes I am not the one replying. We work together as a pair. He has several bodies of metal to be in the form of. He is also respectful of how that can weird folks out. Forgetful when a situation is difficult. Very much lives up to the sibling act, protective and more defensive then me." Anthony laughs lightly about that too.

"Its good to not be alone... to have family. Even if they live in your body. You are not the nut case around here. He can come with as he likes. We all gathered together anyway, so emergencies will be then and there." Kate nods lightly and waves a hand. Puppet2 picked up a emergency kit and sits at the back seat, "Whats a name you go by Mr Brother?" Anthony asking with light chat and very impressive driving skills. In spite of claws and shape, he a very cautious driver.

"Jackle. I go by Jackle. I overhead everything said but would like to clarify a point. Kate is mostly flesh with some metallic fillings where bone is totally brittle or lost. The most machine about her is the technology that is within her blood and her left eye. In her last hibernation, she lost a lot of the machine replacement parts."

"Honest folks... your very truthful." Anthony hmmed in some concern.

"It be wrong to lie to folks that know that you are." Kate leaned at the window watching the passing area and looking at the home changes some made for themselves.

There is several newly built areas or just marked area of paint. The elephant enclosure is a growing food farm. Some shelters were exhibition furnishings pulled apart into things and some were like a horse mover and another was a shipping container. Most original fencing was left as was but into walls for small houses for smaller bodies. The layout of what was walkways isn't anymore, so it was harder to understand what was safe or not.

"There we go... parking." Smooth glide to a space, this was the visitor exit. The double doors was prop open, many creatures were trying to take a peak of her or Jackle. She follows Anthony's lead up to the main building. She was forced in shaking limbs of greeting the leaders groups.

Buildings and area had group control. The highest ranking of that group was the leader... whom was given permission to use the visitor facilities then the public cafe. This made sense and not everyone follows it strictly that way. The bigger building made dinning for bigger bodies to enjoy comfort eating. Its mostly all sharing and respectful of others.

"Doctor Nick, a pleasure to have you. I am sure my blood brother sent you here with the sly request of you staying."

"He did. Yet I will not intrude over anyone whom isn't comfortable with me or my brother." She had lacked any jerk reaction to the torn open face whom spoken to her, that lack of human quality again.She does work hard to not be viewed as the rude one.

"Not one to try anything under hand to convince me to stay?"

"For as helpful it is to work together, I wouldn't want to be the cause of problems for you or your home. I am not here to do anything stupid as to directly be a harm to those already suffering enough. Even then, not all of you are suffering at all." Giving swift checks around, "If you haven't any need of me on grounds all the time, then I can work with that."

She is directed to take seat, as everyone find space to settle. Her brother kneels next to her, not needing a chair for sitting. Everyone goes quiet with the stand of 10 figures. There was a unexplained voting maybe bidding war. A flared argument lowered down with the ones whom turned down the starter part.

"So its down to 4 again 6. Four object to having anything to do with Doctor Nicks provides and aren't in any say of conditional term. Out of the the six, it a three way tie. All six what you around. Two say part time, another two say timetable days and the last two want full stay. Mrs Nick, do you have any preference for what you seek?"

Kate gives it some consideration and deep thinking. There is clear tilt with hearing Jackle code something towards her. She gave a shakey gesture at him and with forward focus has it to her tongue tip.

"Why object her when she could literally help you with your tumor?" She couldn't speak as the lower crowds has some up roar.

"Why would you say part time work of she can deliver babies? Are you mad?" All sorts of issues from the crowd is shouted, enough for some notes to had to be made. She focused on the most concerning issues that would be life shortening. In how she would sometimes find ways into breaking down some of those shouting with health questions.

Her notes expanded on most of what was already recorded back in the zoos network. She gathered that some of these among the creatures can still work a computer themselves, but hasn't figured out whom they are in this crowd. The settled crowd now was muttering between each other about her questions.

"Forgive me for being rude when I started asking details. No matter what, I am here to help those whom want it. I don't ever intend to force anyone of you to have any sort of treatment. My only exceptions to me saying that is if the conditions you are in is life threatening. If your issues makes you more dangerous as a result of a on going past medical issue." She has paused so that they spoke between themselves once again, "I am not going to lie and say there any cure for everything. Not everything is curable. From what I gathered from your ways of life, it is survival of the fittest. Your all may benefit from living in a community but you all are still out for yourselves. I respect that. Sometimes you want help and other times you wish to be left alone. I am not here to invade your privacy or ways of life. I don't want to change anything if your not comfortable."

She wanted any concerns of her disrupting any sort of common grounds among them to be put to rest. She stood by what she is saying. She isn't here to act like she has rules over them and that they are test subjects to some freak experiment.

She wanted understanding and a middle ground. As they had already found a middle ground together, she simply wanted to stand sharing it. There has to be a balance between predictors and prey, they aren't eating each other completely. Some human common sense is here and some that was disregarded nonsense to them.

In calculation of risks, this was quite the gamble. To be surrounded and braving up a complicated speech. They all were putting her words at their own pass, she made sure to show no fear but also no threat - decreasing slight chances.

"Votes." The ten were back to standing and the surrounding was settled. 2 still deny anything to do with her. 8 wanted her. 4 of 8 wanted her to stay full time as live in. The last for did agree but with conditions. That was fully satisfied most.

She is to start as bottom ranking, she is to leave the grounds based on seasonal changes and she will not enter areas without escorts. If she lives on grounds she is to stay within set pathways and her own dwelling. She can not force treatment if it to uncertain of success, even in life or death. All her work is to be recorded for any future arguments.

These are the rules that she is to follow, in retrospect of understanding creatures - this made sense. Some had mating season (the later half of spring and through summer) that was very dangerous for that time of year. The hotter weather often changes behaviors for docile cold bloods. They prefer that she was around for the colder seasons and the start of spring changes which was often birthing season. She can make short visits all year around for conditions that were long term treatment - with being escorted by security.

"Have this all in writing?" She looked across with three creatures halves had nodded in unison of this question. A mostly human shape being the one to come forward for her to sign it. She has a blank copy for record keeping. This had meant they had a employee system, somehow with a acting lawyer among them.

Accordong to Kate's inner thoughts and her own notes about behaviour. She had plenty of thoughts such as the interests ethic of how much is human and how much was basic survival instinct for these creatures? To what extent does human knowledge play for them? If one body is made of 4 humans and a animal, how did the animal win on being in the control of the whole body?

There was a lot to be looked into about what is the trigger for cell changes when both Ddc198 and ccscc interact within a body. There was a lot that needed to be answer on why certain body parts were totally dissolved and erase in the DNA even when that body part has no help towards survival. The internal bone structures and muscles connections despite of being very different species. The hanging out organs thing, not for any of faint heart to be in a whole room full of folks with lungs, hearts and stomach tracks fluttering about.

Once she had signed the paperwork, she was directly informed to leave back to the newly named 'clinic care' area. That she will be seeing folks tomorrow morning. A very small meal that she forced herself to eat and some restless sleeping. I had to induce deep sleep for her own health, as the agreement of Jackle. Handling the thoughts of what the 'plague' causes was a maybe to much to explore for her at the moment. She couldn't finish writing her entry for today due to this stress.