The early 1am is greeted with weather report, death counts, food menu for breakfast and what sections are to be avoided today. Additionally was the announcement of the clinic opening within the hour and some general rules for the residents to follow when interacting with the newest crew. A few reminders to some folks that new people are not toys or a new food source.
A quick coffee to warm up, the frist coffee I had in a very long time and being mortified with the first eight whom were already in the waiting room. My brother had been sorting it all out while I was getting ready.
The first patient had a tumor, on going returning cancer that wasn't curable. The DNA of the cancer was now included within the Ddc198. So at best, it was going to be a lifetime of returning until the Ddc198 could be rewritten. The patient knew about the cancer - the human side had been a long time survivor but not of the DNA capture issue. They look forward to when I could figure out a way to have the cancer DNA sections removed. They didn't want any changes to their body. This meant not touching up any horrific looking areas like having the heart surfacing the chest area and the missing skin in some areas. The face that was half melted human and half sloth. There is spare sloth limbs and the sloth organs crossing human ones.
System note: timestamp; Ddc198 activity within host is at 74 percent. Trigger is 93 precent.
The oddity is that organs were matched up, put together will continually trend with everyone else.
The frist 8 were extreme looking. The eyes hung out, skull morph mixes, nonhuman organs at places that didn't help them and the dental work.... a lot of dental care around here. More time cleaning cavities and sewing gum areas then other body areas. There was a little jaw rewiring for two of them - allowing use once more. A tiger dental had issues before being altered, and was the last of the morning eight. Taking the longest.
Poison system timestamps notice: Ddc198 activity at 84%, c1a at 93% (actively removal of invasive changes) and c2a is at 49% (computer signal inputs responsive from three rooms away).
The end of the early morning came to the medication hand outs. Having small talk about why each needed the drugs they were on. There wasn't much change of what they were taking but dosages were remeasured for them.
System notice, timestamps: Ddc198 dropped to 43%, c1a raised to 99% (converting shape) and c2a at 84% (high traffic with data search and photo analysis).
Lunch was limb talks, 4 very different types. From a fin removed from the spine. Removal of small human arms that were boneless flesh nubs. The worst was a fused limbs... to many joints going the wrong directions and stopping on locked poses. They ended up with being left with big thoughts for a later surgery. That we took a lot of images that needed processing. The last before lunch was just a talker whom had concerns with a internal limb... there is a portion of human folding into itself, cutting circulation with that limb.
System notice: (data redacted)
The poor circulation is a second trend among them and there isn't any fix for it. The mix of ages in one body comes with challenges that has to be taken into account - including the condition of the multiple hearts in rhythm of each other. Its normal that all connected lungs and hearts work in rhythm together; regardless of how matter added or lost.
By late evening was the nocturnal residents. Mostly dental, jaw shapes and medication adjustments. Not a lot of problems with predictable conditions and lifestyle choices. There was about 2 whom will need a long term talk about organ clashing, scanning and diet care.
It was a lot of researching into exotic creature conditions, thankfully documented online and in most vet networks. The later evening was sorting tissue samples, checks with blood works and some cell photo capture. A lot of different conditions being researched and gaining appreciation towards veterinarians. They generalized conditions for all species and recognize it regardless of the body shape or orgin of adaptive features.
This makes for the last additions of notes before heading to sleep. Early morning calls means for early sleep when possible. Hope for no repeat nightmares. Sort as forced I was into deep sleep, I am still trapped within my dreams of making sense of the monsters around during the day and my fears shaped as them. I have been making my own health care records clear with my system and brother. At a basic level I know they worry... but it still feels empty sometimes. I have tried to speak about my issues with them... but I don't think they understand it.
Maybe I might someone here whom does... I just need to be careful of whom or what that is. I doubt that the understanding feels enough sometimes even with my new clients. All this stress is really eating away some of me. I am glad I have summer away from here, as in off site staying.
At somepoint I will stop having heart attacks when a client shows face when I don't expect it. Being reminded of their origin makes a difference... I will have a pictures set somewhere for that peace. It may even help me over come my fear.
Poison system interest - Download of four different known biological weapons may help with hosts mission to help the ill and weakened. Risk... to high. Alter data as reported illnesses from other races... considerable. Risk still high but manage able. Given more monitoring of host action to situation changes before data is gifted.
System question... what is the purpose of all this? Does what host do now have impacted towards administrator plans? Yes. Assistance of this help? Yes. Are these creatures going to be worth the efforts? Answer can't be calculated. Need time and results of blood samples. 'No point in saving what will be wasted' administrator 4 in historical data.
System having a radical change of preferences since given permission to think for itself. Need input... opinion... ask jackle of things. Risks are low. Worth a try.