A uncomfortable day with moving progress

Over the past week, it has been a lot of talking and not any necessary putting anything under the knife. I have finally got everyone into a dental practicing with keeping teeth clean. It helps that many mixes helped the others. getting over my fear of torn fleshed animals has been uneasy, I have my brother to thank for taking over body controls if my stressing grows to high. Yet in order for me to improve, I had to be the one actively speaking the consultations. They dislike my brother's way of voicing, not minding in minor things but not with more serious matters. This sharing has been the compromise we both can agree to, both of us have no wishes to be trusting poison's actions. I have grown more aware of that system whom is running the nanotechnology, a new stranger I did foresee as a issue... until it had forced me into a change I didn't agree with. I hoped at least to not alter my DNA with a geno I have no background. I can't let this be at my mind all day, I have a lot of other things.

I can however be glad that over the zoo's many years, the creatures in the place haven't been so drastic as the ones from when I was a child. So, recounting what things are here - ignoring the mutant situation. There is a lot of monkey tribes here with the leading clan being the orangutans and Gorillas working join force. They oversee the mass majority of other monkeys including the gibbons, spider monkeys and Bonobos. Tycross has so many monkeys, it was the biggest attraction at the time and with especially the breeding programs. Wildlife conservation was a big deal.

As normal, the small monkeys are one flesh body.... a lot of small primates suffer not having enough flesh to compensate or that their fear of the transformation has lead to the 'gore tower' as I mentally label them. This tower of gore has nothing to do with my clinic unlike the other zoo closer London that requested me here. They are only for checks in its own home turf, and doesn't roam around as the other did. Which is interest, does this mean the DNA mix in this one has enough to be self-sustaining?

The birds aviary had been contaminated with the crow's fungi infects, so even the eagles have been acid staining their landing platforms. On my look into the fungus cell shapes, I found that this has been keeping the birds as single bodies. The smallest of birds that are here is the hummingbirds, infected for the fungus and the transformation issues. Only same bird types within the same families (taking genetic branching) are body mixing. No birds have ever presented the gore tower issue like the smaller monkeys. I would have thought the birds as small as hummingbirds and the finches would have the gore tower treatment. The Fungus is doing something... but its not a answer of curing. I considered asked the human bird mix as a translator to ask for me about health issues these birds would be worried about. Yet of course, all of them have accepted this fate of gooing feathers. Not a single bird wished to be rid of the fungus or the transmutation problems. Some older birds have devolved. A bit like a certain franchise concerning putting creatures into spherical ball traps, 'gotta catch them'. They lost some feathers in trade of their ancestral DNA links - teeth, claws and some scales. Modern day dinosaurs, whom is their clan leader. I don't know what it was before, and it will not tell me either.

If I was going to talk about birds, then I have to talk about their allies that do not have a single leader but a democratic voting systems among their types. I am surprised to say, the reptiles have a self interest society that only bothers with clans of others without scales when they have to share something outside the trust. The most respected of them is the turtle types and the crocodile human (the one currently in hibernation of cocooning state), whom report things to the bird clan.

Every single reptile is itself interest and leader, all are infected but hardly physically changed. Even without human DNA detected, these infected have gained higher thinking compacity. They also are harder to help with the extreme levels of Ddc198, even Philly back when I joined them about first 5 weeks ago. The more I look into this unexplained intelligence increase the more concerned I am of what else I will find, as the more involved of health care I am expected to preform. I don't know what the source is, and I don't want to make a mistake of taking that from them.

My brother states that maybe finding the source would wise... but can't think of any non-intrusive methods to find it. As we have scanned them all, most went for x-rays and all potential answers have came with no answer. It feels like that whole issue about my missing organs again, that unable to detected the structures as they are arranged in a way we understand them, torn to base chemical actions.

There is single enclosures for the tiger; the dental work was all that bothered the poor fella. He and his original human side which was his keeper are mentally great. Still meat eater by diet and healthy at keeping fit. One the strongest yet also the one whom has been the most gentle with me. Unlike the other residents whom don't always control their strength. This guy is a very soft and knows his strengths. He helps co-leading with those whom are isolated society types. Such as the Bear, didn't tell what type of bear. And none of the current records has anything helpful about this bear. Tycross has had many types over the years and there is little data in which this one comes from. The visitor maps that were the most up to date are ruined or to faded. None the residence has found one for me to read or that they didn't want me to have one. I can understand from a privacy sense why you would give a stranger a map of your house. I don't push for it. I am sure to meet the bear at some point.

The Tiger finished his last visit in a while with me just a moment ago, he had nothing to report about his body. He allowed me a blood sample of the tiger and human sides, but i told him one sample will do. As always, my brother hasn't found anything interesting about the cell count. The tiger wasn't in any risk for drastic body changes for a while for as long as he does stress himself with anything. Stress is a game changer around here, causing the largest amount of annoyance of unwanted body deconstructions.

The wolves... is a single dire wolf. It has the voices of all the clan in itself. It claims to see the ghost images of the wolves around them. There is a lot of electrotonic interference with them... like being a ghost hunter claiming to see the dead everywhere. The dire wolf is in charge of watching the out of bounds areas within and out the gates. Forget the cameras system that monitoring the place, this dire wolf does a more detailed job of it. As if it was stood over you watching the entire time. I can't figure any medical way of how this is happening. I choose to act as if I believe in the spirits around; it was a smart choose.

None of my medical results from previous clients were secret from those clients, I hide nothing about what I used for research data. What is creeping me out was that the dire wolf knew that stuff, even when it should have only ever been me and the creature in question. Even the others creatures dislike the dire wolf invasion of privacy, so it was an issue not of my control and all of them have accepted as simple fact. It also proved to me how the previous doctors had failed to hide their work from the communities here. This dire wolf has given me more things to consider with plague concerns. Like me, has super active internal organ activities. The blood is constantly changing blood groups. The other body fluids are changing states of matter, like all water in the body turned to steam - especially for when running around or climbing. The bulk of mass is always changing, and thus can not be weighed. I tried... many methods as suggested by all the other keepers and vets. Online or by local ask. My own body has this problem too, so I asked in wanting to know for my own study of myself. There is organs like the liver, kidney and lung that disappear from the xray... and reappear a scan after. So fast, that I can't photo capture between. Maybe this was what my organs were doing in dome city, they were there and not. The density of mass can't just change like that.... can it? No. But it does. Water displacement measuring proves this problem. I did consider trying something that wasn't water but I have no access to anything of that level.

So you gathered that my last client was the dire wolf, here with a interesting problem. Being unable to go toilet... like at all. It has never needed to go. It been eating so much food as of lately and never as it since tranforming, gone to the loo. This was brought on by a conversattion it was having with the others... and felt picked on it for it. I find it strange that disscusion of toilet habits is something they have common.

Yet... then this is a zoo, these creatures have some whom used to also be creature keepers. You want to talk about how healthy they are, you talk about how good the colour and smell of poop is. A lot of excotic animal keepers have this habit, even those I visited on my way to Twycross were houses with repitle pet owners. They all talked about poop contain very easy like it was normal. As did the horse feild with the half horse people...

Thought aside about poop, the dire wolf lack of habits could be chalked down to the ability it has with the ghost freinds. Maybe the food is being processed for them to have healthy bodies too. Well its what i said, I am still on a fence about the ghost wolves thing. It sounds cool.

Maybe its why I fit into tiny boxes. I didn't think of that until now. Why can I fit in a box that is no smaller then my thigh? Forget the hips and collar bones, those break down - I feel them. The only bone in my body that does not contort or break is my upper thigh. Once I am squished into a box... I am able to stretch again and drift to sleep in a 'comfortable' pose. According to the measurements, of my old bed box... that was the same as an airport medium dog crate. According to some digging about the crates the zoo has, they have small ones too. Like domestic cat sized. I squish into that too. I have to many questions. Put to the side as next consultation is a bone splinter problem.

We thought that the Ddc198 would fix it by now, nope. At best, it looks like I need to figure out a sterile bone clamp for it. I left Poison to make one and have it sterile. My brother should be supervising it.

He warns me that he might not be good enough to watch, said that it stopped him in my last body changes. Another reason why we both are starting to question the poison system. We didn't have any issues until now. So why is it acting up now. Why against mine and my brothers will? I didn't think of it as a issue, assumed things were fine... now its not.

The surgery was a success, the need for the big drugs wasn't needed. This client was very reasonable, able to handle human levels of drugs. The pain did get to much around the drilling into the bone, and thus they were given a slight more then... but it was then ok. The stitch work was clean, I had to take over my brothers actions as he wasn't experienced or accurate enough. Odd for a program AI to struggle, but he couldn't account for the upper level tough skin and the sheer thickness of bone to drill through. He had no dismay of me doing the tricky surgery. I would go at a guess, if he was human - he would be vomiting. Hours after, he still struggling with the sounds of the surgery and pain that had to be inflected in order to get it sorted. Maybe he could never kill a person up close, if he understood the damage of the organs a knife or bullet makes.

The no names policy around here is hard for me to get used to, you just rudely picked a feature to nickname them by. Some use skin types; feathers, fish scales, shell, soft skin, fur, or rough skin. 'hair' isn't used. It is always fur. I have fur on my hair, that is how they say it. I found it rude for a while, but I guess it was less insulting then using the human labeling... its a tiger, its a fox, its wolf.... there is many whom find it insulting. Many whom hate it. Nothing simpler or your just asking to be murdered. No cat. No dog. No snake. Not a bird. I am getting over it, they are appreciative of my attempting to change my way of speaking for them. They seem confident that they could educate me wiser. Still never to eat with them. That's fine, I am not used to them. A two way street.

This evening was a treat, I thought to sit on the roof and have a bit star gazing. I of course didn't end up alone in the enjoyment. It was a strange aura of solar wave across. Not northern lights, it seemed different. I laid at the roof staring to the sky talking about stars with the bat folks, birds and other nocturnal friendly.

This was maybe what Poison was warning us in that dream place, the strange visitors from space with technology that shimmered the sky into distortions. The very fabric of particle nets being swallowed or folded for leaper year travelling. What was blackholes were just the exits or remains of bunched up particles being to stuck together. These could be pulled back straight if these aliens flew certain ways. A path of distorted destruction the erased whole planets in the way. I bet they have erased worlds of life in how they bend space like that. No second thoughts of ever scanning the areas of space they needed to fold before breaking the practical networks.

Humanity isn't there yet in space travel, its only ever been robotic technology that landed on Mars or drone crafts that fling orbit within our solar system. We can get there to the moon... with great costs of years of preparation and resource gathering.... lost with the nuclear waste. Well...mostly. I cant imagine that humanity did try to save handy people like that. 'pardon?' Maybe in my time under ice, they acheived a space ship for a city or three... like in the movies. Fifth element comes to mind, the paradise hotel. Freaky oprea singing moment. I miss that cheesey movie.

'This race whom are called humans can space travel?'