From the moment I walked through to the main clinic rooms, I have been observed in uncomfortable ways. On my attempts to trade back staring at the guests hung on the ceiling, I have concluded it had to be some the nocturnal folks from last night. The star gazing at the ungodly hours, must have had some of them miss their chances getting back home before dawn. There has been a lot of owl like head moves, with all these creatures hung on the ceilings. All with the nocturnal eyes that are voids looking into your soul. I couldn't turn around for three seconds without one of these folks clambering about to stare at me. I wondered if its do to one them wanting to talk about a injury or illness. No, utter silence... I know they can talk, they did last night. Maybe they prefer the darkness to talk or are hiding the mouth they use for such talking.
From being stuck with staring back at them all day, I was able to make out that they are all local and exotic versions. From the largest being a rainforest fruit bat to the smallest as a vampire bat... the smaller ones are cute and creepy. There is a lot of natives British bats, not in season be seeing around so causally... but I must consider the transformation plague has its side effects. They are intelligent like the reptiles... without human DNA sources. Its moments like this that I really find discomfort in the increased intelligence thing. They know whom I am and what I do, they understand my words completely. I can't just chalk this behaviour as - 'just what animals do to understand humans'.
So there has been some whom had been let free out of the enclosures either by doing it themselves or the help of other mixed creatures. These are then mixing into the local populations, obtaining the local diseases. I have my bets that America right now is in hell. Rabies comes to mind when being faced with bats. As it is for badgers around the UK, TB is a big issue back before all this mayhem with transformation plagues. They were considered endangered vermin... now they are freaky worse with the knowing glances of them predicting my next moves. They know to stay out of the x-ray room during shoots. They never enter my private rooms, my escape from them when I want it.
"You have quiet the audience within the clinic today... the fur wings must really see you as a wise lady." my current client was in today with having their hooves cleaned and cut. This client part zebra but... a lot of those features have been reformed into a two legged humanoid shape. The lower feet are hooved where the front are human hands. This client is one of those hidden head types - neither human or animal head is in the place it should be. The voice they speak with is from a new formed gap where the neck area is visible. I am over the headless client types, they aren't scary as the were my first week. A lot of grass grazing types have this headless type issue.
Just another interesting notion of the plague... hand picking the features that make things more deadly. Or that's what it seems like. They look horrific in the contortions the body is put in between cocoon sleeps. This client has had experience of 7 cocoon hibernations. They been the very helpful in previous conversations about their history. 3 of their times was after a fearful experience, which is why I started using indoor clinic rules. None are to over stress me or other clients while in visitation, save any arguments with going back home.
"I was up late last night watching the sky, the aura had got my attention and I wanted to stay up to watch it. I ended up talking about stars and planets. I gained a lot of questions. It was nice to star gaze. It been a long time since I did."
"The stars are very pretty, so I can understand the interests and passions for it." the client made a odd noise following that. My guess was that it were a hum of thoughts. The tilt they had with looking around the bats and looking to me with my handy work of the hooves, "What's you opinion of future telling by star patterns?"
"I don't know. I like the idea of it, if we could tell the future by star reading. Yet it has always been a personal thing, a sort of what your star consolations is by your birthday. Giving vague tells of advice by generalizing everyone in the same star sign. The practice has been around a long time and many different things see it different ways. I love science and I like to try to understand the unknown. It just a very fine line between fact and fiction sometimes. That the supernatural is just things we don't have answers for yet." The client posed in thinking about my answer. My back ached a little from the awkward filing down the grown edges. That odd sound still echoed a little, stopped when me working on the other foot. The tilt of looking around, and back to me.
"Before all of this chaos, what was the world like?" I take pause with inspecting my work and then to them with that sort of question. I grin a strange grin, I couldn't help it with feeling a little weirded out with no face to look at.
"I guess it depends on how far back your asking. The humans in the dome cities wouldn't like me talking about those things I know. The machines consider me a werido. I speak quiet openly often." I sit back on my desk chair, rolling around over to the computer for a quite take of a few cleaning supply and some clear nail polish. Twirled back with the chair to have both feet on my knees. A last check again for smoothing edges, applying some clear polish on some upper section creaks, "I am very old in turth." I swing around to the computer for a profile medical update, "I was once a visitor guest back in this places past use. I came four times actually." I slide around with putting back the many cleaner bits I had left around, "I was a child learning about the world, then a student in a class. I came again with someone I loved. My last visit was with my family at the time. We liked going to see new things as a family, I didn't want them ignorant." I finished. I was putting thing back to the different tables. I avoided disturbing the few sleeping in the corner of the room. My soft hand putting a wing to not catch on a cabinet hinge before closing it. My client was making that noise of whistling once more, singing a little for a while before clearing voice to say something.
"You have human way of thinking. You must be really old."
"It's the only human aspect of me left. I am only really here because of my chooses. I am sorry that most of you didn't get to have chooses back then. It seems unfair but it was very different back then." I pose with direction, "Your free to go if you need to. You are all sorted. Walking should be easier now... I can't fix those muscles but I can adjust the hooves." The stare to thier feet, back to me and then back to the feet.
"Wow, you are a quick worker." they hop on down the soft examiner bed, walked about. They were very noisey in some sort of whistle commentary. It is almost bird language. None of it was to my understanding. They wave me well and left the room. My brother giving code at me for whom was next and a guess of the issue. I meditate with closed eyes for some moment of peace... I do not want to over react about the look of the next guy. I mustn't be rude. Be nice, not stare at anything to long or have my head bitten off. And ready.
"And what can I help you with today?" My cheery soft tone with a hand directed to the examiner bed. I didn't stand up due to my back aching from the cleint before. A lot of eyes of the bats around the room all narrowed at the person coming in. I haven't made any mental notes about what they are because of the oddity the bats gave next. Many were unsettled and backed off, looking for places to hide out of sight. Yet they all, every last one, watched this guy.
"I am not here because of any illness. I booked sometime to talk to you. You have very interesting way of seeing things."
They don't sit down and they instead paced back and forth the longest length of the room. I make my record note of general things as they ranted about planets and knowledge. They spoke off about how things are now and confused of the past. They talked of people it spoken to before, how annoyed it was with not having the clear answers it was looking for. I eased with listening to them carefully, as it felt wrong. Its that annoying echo in my mind that I get when Poison acts strange. Now this client too.
"What exactly happened? Where is the mass of the population?" I sit with a crossed leg and leaned at my computer desk. Waiting for them. They like the sound of their own voice, for sure.
"I take it that you were either born before the trigger events, lived in a vault for most of your life or your something else." I broke them out of any extra topic changes, "Maybe your another between stages and lost some memories." They stopped pacing with slowed to stare, "There isn't any point of me giving a lecture of information you can find for yourself. It isn't hard but it is deadly business." The mechanical scan of them shows as a stage 10. They were plenty dangerous... infection rate was high in any skin contact. The lack of memories doesn't make sense of someone past 8 cocoon hibernations... which is when they regain lost memories completely.
"You know things... You can answer me." They sit at the floor on there knees. Sort of begging, in a weird anime method. Its more to my mind to have a sedative at hand, "Please tell me... please. I have to know. I need to know what happened after xxxxx." I give some prolong thoughts.
"You would have to understand three things. First, what I tell you is dangerous or is considered taboo topic. Second, I have some basic health questions to ask in return of answering yours. Third, you can can only blame yourself for the consequences." I see that they didn't like this tone of have and so I soft for now, "You dont have to believe me. Most of it I am also trying to figure for myself. Somethings I could say, isn't what you want to hear from me. Do not blame me." They pouted in long thinking as they were sort of trying to figure something out, "The basics that does no harm is that when your asking about the past. You have to adjust about what calender system you mean. xxxxx isn't this year, yet it is when you check any machine or ask any local. The calender was changed and in retrospect that made sense."
"Calender... wait, really?" They tilt perplex even more. I take my notes with the computer at my side. The bats around the room all jolted in fear with this guy standing up so suddenly, "So why was the calender changed?"
"Before I answer, can I ask your medical history? I wanted to know details about your body alterations, and understand that I ask everyone new these same things." The frown and the hiss of a near bat. They all settled when he backed off and sits at the examiner bed.
"I was two humans and thier parrot. I have full memories of thier past. I could even remember bank passwords... not that it matters but you get the point." I make my soft notes and nod.
"So you know that there is machines around. I mean that folks like my brother at the front desk. Self aware machines. The reason humans changed the calender and for that matter other things... was fear of machines. Even before the plagues, humans weren't sure of their creations. But it wasn't the only reason why calender was changed. There wasn't peace before all this." I see how well they took that information and make my notes in typing, "Where or more accurately the sort of environment you had during your first cocoon hibernation?" The twitch at me and I sigh, "You can't fool me as a normal person. I am researching this transformation disease, I know when I am dealing with a victim." The fella snarls for a bit but soothed again.
"Research... you not going to touch me, are you?" I show how harm with empty hands, "You not going to ask for my blood?"
"I am not forcing you. You don't have to Answer my questions. I will not take anything that your not comfortable with. I am not going to give you anything that isn't safe. I don't want to force anything. Yet I will not lie when I say, if you do go for me. I will break your arm and give sedatives."
"I still don't trust that." I shrug to that.
"I simple wanted to know what contaminated surfaces you may have been in contact during such fragile stages. Its gives me an idea of what diseases and infections aren't affective of the plague changes." I tilt, "These plagues were a later issue... about 4 decades after the calender was altered. In that 40 years, the world was changed. Things changed. There became fears of things that weren't of fault of anyone. Not even the machines couldn't argue with helping."
"I had a home near here... the roof caved in about my 7th cocoon. I was taken in to this park about 9th cocoon. My 10th was about 60 years ago." The time gaps are odd... but I have no room to question it, "So in term of bacteria contact... as your would suspect with a cottage on its last stand. Not filthy but not well kept either."
They were very calm with me. Once I had kindled nostalgic conversation about tv programming or things seen on holiday. It was smooth conversation. For the most part the mix before me has no bird traits and some the human parts have been altered that didn't make sense. They had bone that for jab out as a weapon. A lot of deadly features. Nothing human or in the human gene to explain these features.
The way of thinking was like talking to three people at a given time, flitting between personalities. The two of the three was as I thought and normal. Its the third one... the dark one that had me distrustful of them. It wasn't at all the bird they talked about. Yet they believe that its the bird personality.
I suspected things... this is the personality traits that the reptiles and none human DNA sourced ones have. The intelligence that didn't belong. A lot of how poison treats others behind my back.
My notes were open to read about, I hide nothing. It made this guy more relaxed that my approach of the disease was harmless conversation. Things written down wasn't private.
They learned about the machines, the several minor outbreaks of local things, and ending the history with some speculation of most of the public being vaulted underground or moved to other countries. That we can't assume the whole world was over ran.
"I feel enlightened by your answers. You made sense of things I had been ignoring. There had to been a big war or something within that 40 years."
"Try nuclear fusion chaining." I sigh, "This land is poisoned by radiation. Its not been long enough for the dust to settle, and its going to be centuries before it does seem safer." They about fell off the table, "Sorry... thats the only last thing I hide. But its not a secret either. The dome cities monitor the atmosphere of radiation storms and there is plenty of research going into cleaning it up. The clean up for nuclear power and the transformation plague are global problems being looked into."
"Yup... all city networks are busy looking for answers. If its in the network then its being looked at through the lense of the whole world." I make time check, "I have my next client now. Please let me know if you need any help. Any changes or an another cocoon... being infected over again. I will keep you safe as I could. No miracle worker magic but safe hands."
"I will keep that in mind. Thanks." They leave... the bats all snarled behind the back. I make my coded notes with the leave. I clean my hands as I have always periodically after everyone leaving the room. I wipe down everything again. The check of the front with my brother. I guided in a regular.
"Did the night man stop by?" They asked, I pondered how they knew.
"The crowd in here dislikes the guy whom just wanted to talk." Nods... looking about me.
"He didn't take your blood... how rare." The notes made as this client talked of things I missed about the 'night man'. Interesting stuff that the guy refused to tell me about itself. Maybe he didn't know himself.
This regular was easy fix with some bandage replacing, hoping that the bandages wrapping will move swelling away from some limbs. Very helpful to report things to me of they notice particular passing others. They themselves updated me of things they felt of their own body.
Very nice. Another headless client type. Part elephant but lacking any elephant features, human sized. Another questionable internal structure of lacking some organs. Maybe two personalities, a quiet and negative speaking one. The other is the friendly resident. It can be easy to be caught off by the tone changes and alien mannerisms. So normal for here. Not strange to average.
I have been compiling similar background issues that has been dividing this community.
There is those whom are intelligent from a unknown source; mixed animals only, removed head types, small body masses and or all have a concentration level of over 90% of Ddc198. They all have a... 'knowing' things, if I were to tell one... the rest of this category know too. They also need a collective decision before making any changes to themselves. Yes, collective voting... like the reptiles do for some reason. I found that linked with the reptiles are in leagues with the grass grazer... like the zebra herd. They know things too. I didn't suspected any links before until this afternoon.
A guess in the dark, all of these 0f this category has lost the will power battle with the infection at some point. They have been DNA captured at great lengths. It bothered me that i could find any trace of human in them, i wondered why human DNA was being rejected by this category. I also made this guess from the other residence say about this group.
The other residence are those whom are not weird. They are intelligent because of some human mix, as in the human percentage is high enough to filter enough traits for self awareness and own choose making. They are independent working and are often helping the community like humans do. There can be more higher animal mixes in this category as long as the animal itself is strong will powered. I find that this is especially true for the elephants, gorillas, orangutan and giraffes. They have heads... all of this group suffer nightmares. They stress easy. They can be dangerous on a mild day.
There is one last set whom aren't either or. There is some animals whom fear both the strong willed independent ones and the voters. They are much closer to animal or pure human. They have a 2% Ddc198 level and the highest of c1a. Their c1a removes Ddc198 worse tendencies. These lot are like the bats around me. They all have gained something but not to the extent of the independent and voters.
I need more time alone to finalize my notes... make comparisons with my internal information from my time merchant nomad walking. I need methods that isn't going to be invasive of how these folks feel about themselves. They don't want to be chopped under a knife... and I don't blame. I wouldn't either.