Revised Notice: Core 1 complete.

It was late enough for guests to leave. The three whom want more of their weapons and tools back, stayed. In that time of not being spoken to, I looked over all the notices my internal notifications sent to me. I mostly was checking in how the nanotechnology was integrated with a machine core. It also had me questioning if I was more machine due to better awareness to network space. Once I had finished reading and the entire stew pan, I felt to energetic to sit around or sleep.

All machine programming and AI live in webs networks. Some have their own and send threads out to supporting weaker systems. Most complex use the network to seal lock for safety. Our network was the later. Within the network any AI can watch where files of data are placed or sent to. All can watch where unprotected simple program are sent, often the coded language of conversations usually. Sort of like knowing whom they were talk to, whom the words were intended for. My internal notifications shows me all this new stuff, treating me as an AI then something of flesh. In seeing enough and finished washing my cooking pot, it was about time to put it away.

I took inventory in a new book, cleaning up items were no longer needed. All the food that would spoil was actually sold. Some basics like milk, eggs, cheese and bread was in a fridge. So I didn't have to eat stew, thats rather considerate of him. He bought it a few days when he got notifications of my sleep pattern changes.

"Kate, what are you doing?" I look up to my brother. Another body of his. He put away the thin tall guy. This body was human proportioned with some clothing on. The hat that suits the face shape. Still very machine in systemically shape with a mat plastic that does not mimic human skin texture. He leaned on the side door which I had open to watch our three guests. I have already locked and deactivated the weapons causing the magnetic pull.

"Inventory." I show off my clean hand writing and show my understanding of his new up keeping. I knew about the clothes he has for us both and the extras bits. He has taken to city life relatively, but not completely. All of our clothes are practical or have third use.

"I was going to surprise you with a cake. The whole ordeal of being demanded that strange order had took away my time." He took the inventory book from my hands, scans though it. Yet it was placed to the side. Lost in my own thoughts, I smile in appreciation of his want to make that effort. The slight frown at the edge, 'was he always like this?' comes to mind.

Since the laws have changed, maybe. Since we gained our responsibility with the network, could be. Was it that he knew that he could leave me behind if he ever wanted and felt guilty about not telling me? Hiding some other secrets? He has been clingy. He has been trying to make things better for me. He has been more open to being himself towards those around. I pondered at this moment what I was to him.

The clothing. The promised cake. He carried me around like a parent with a child by one arm. He was distracted with signals my internal system of nanotech. He has been crafting practice of the van's protection and abilities. New tires. He had put me in better care when he did have to much in one go. Things he didn't have to care about if he didn't want me around.

"I have missed you too, brother. I can make out that your trying to butter me up for something. Did something happen while I was asleep?" He is worried about telling me something for sure. The nervous lowering head and looking away. He shuffles into the van and closes the door. Very reflected in a human way. Being awkward too.

"I am your brother, no doubt. I have all the history of what I did back then." He offered hands, "But... you have noticed. I know you have. You have been very quiet between our connections."

"So it's a update or a code release." I try to understand.

"I am the latest version of him. AI lifetimes are different to humans but we do fade quickly." I cross my arms in trying to understand. I had closed my eye to give my imagination a little ease to show me my thoughts. He gives me my own space to think about things. Maybe slightly rejected by my choose to not take his hands so eagerly. He doesn't pry into me like he used to. He strictly monitoring my condition by signal and not stealing my body access as before.

I guess the sort if think I could relate this was like different versions of operating systems. Windows 95 to Windows 8 then Windows 10. Each was the same system but different layout. Or like how android phones would update. The same phone model with same camrea, different software compacity. The same car with different features added due to the year the model was made in?

Now I am so lost feeling.

Flesh as I am. It is also true that I am still part machine in my replaced bones, nanotech bloodstream and glass lenses of my eyes (which is how I used arguement reality). The only flesh of me is my brain. The rest is regrow by infection DNA rewrite or was originally the parasite named poison. This is why my weight and height is childish. Regression of some compacity.

My brother is a program whom was the 1st generation of nanotechnology software. He had developed his own thoughts. He used to spread himself thin between several bodies with ease. This him has trouble with it. By now, maybe the software for nanotechnology has been over developed past my brothers capacity. This current him seems fine with city database reads where as it would drown his past-self.

"It be like needing to have the newest model of phone after several generations been made after it. The older version wouldn't be able to take in new information after a while." I pondered relatively in letting him see what I was thinking. He made a sort of movement which I could hear him do, sort of the rub of fabrics. I bet it was him crossing his arms like he always does.

It's that philosophy about the ship being replaced a part at a time. A ship with parts replaced. Is the original program him or is this update with his past data? Certainly a hard one to choose.

"You're right in a sense. The same person but has changes over time. That past program of me is still exists within me." I hummed with hearing him.

I think on this deeper with a lot of my mind working in strange thought waves. I don't really want to throw away the older him with no closure. We may figure out how to use that past him for something. Or am I just denying his wishes. I am stumped. I have grief of seeing it as if he was sleeping forever with a son taking his place. Yet this wasn't how an AI would see it. They are used to this culture of letting past versions go.

"I do not dislike this change and I think I get it from how most programs work. I do feel a little weird by this. I don't want to forget and throw away that past you. You are still you in a sense, at this moment." I pout deeply in trying to get around how I feel. It made sense. The new core database I collected from the race would need compatibility.

"I am glad that you do try to understand. Its how artificial intelligence can continue on but it is a messy affair. It be like I had died and was replaced. It wouldn't be jarring if you didn't know me so well." I nod along with his words, "I am still made of the vast majority of the same data."

"I guess the table is turned then." I look at him as he is and with no longer crossing my arms, "If you recall how I was when I sheltered in the libaray and who I was after we left." How better to relate the situation then to use myself in comparison, "The me now isn't whom used to live in Hollow Bastian. I guess it is your turn. I have and haven't changed. So it is with you. You have changed with me in a sense." I hummed again, "I can't forget how you were but I will try to be reasonable." I posed out my hands and he does take them, "I still wish not to throw away that past you. I don't mind placing him in safety within the spider drone or hoverdrone1. It seems suitable that he stays within a body with software he knows well."

"OK, we can do that. You do still understand I am the same person."

"Yes. I do know you are him. It wouldn't make any difference now. You can consider this request a legacy back up." He shurgs at this and does exactly that. Putting the older data in copy collection into hoverdrone1. It stays active for a while then rests. My smile and hold of hands, "I wish I could do something like that. But then it be the same ask of which one is the original; of which both are in a way the original."

I picked up the inventory book once again and have the door open again. Back to my checking new stocks we have for the out city trip. He has been fitting a new better recharge energy technology system so he may use his new forms.

The thin tall is noted as 'the working uniform' and the clothed one is 'casual'. He uses these bodies like a person having different clothes for different situations. Both that I have been able to inspect while deactivated has hidden features that suited off city life. A lot of preparation to making the van smaller again, taking the extention parts off. Improvements to the spider legs that double as sheilding. He is serious about going back to the zoo routes and helping them out. We have a lot of medical supplies tucked about again.

The three visitors still with us have camped themselves outside of the van, sleeping in some things that been offered by local AI. They were warm and comfortable. Dozing well at calm heart rates. I wasn't trying to be weird, just interested in their relative conditions. If I could help improve breathing for the two whom need equipment. I wanted to understand the body adapted features they had in common to each other but not with humans. I couldn't sleep like my brother is at the moment.

He needed to time to compress data and recharge all his forms. Being this wide awake had meant there could be preaperations I could do this quietly. Importantly that I made checks on my hazmat suit and its combat armoured layers. I put on suitable mess clothing to while I worked on it. Not to ruin my new dress or other clean clothes packed away.

I got quiet carried away with myself, suddenly nosing on some of the paid work my brother was up to. A lot of small fiddle projects in between some forging shapes. Just because, I did some detailing too. It was fun and took time. I took breaks to fry up some cheese egg half sandwiches and a kettle of tea. I got back into the work when I finished my often short breaks.

"Excuse me, madam." I turned down the heater I was stood by, looking up to a flesh sort. The fancy suit had two dull guys behind, business guys. I don't really give them much thought as I lower my sight back on the metal I was currently bending pulling it with the table edge and a few taps with a hammer. I give it a good look at different angles, press it another try then drop in water. I put down tools.

"I don't believe that you just ignored me." This freak is full of himself. I put my elbow on a speaker to connect. I leaned with removing gloves.

"Heya stranger, top brass likely. What do you want?" My voice was as humanly annoyed as I looked, "You don't look like a man whom bothers in my trades. You dont look like someone whom my brother would trade. You just a fool whom want me to do something for you because pressing some fancy title at me might scare me." I turn on digital overlays to read his heart rate, "Here to demand money for a car that was nothing to you?" His car was stolen in the court case.

"You're reputation that your brother painted about you seems off skew."

"Dandy and fragile, I am not. Not to someone like you. I can organise your organs in alphabetical order for a joke." I moved with picking up my cooled metal work, giving it another check now that it to touch.

"I feel lied to. Cheated even. Lady Kate Nick. I came here because I was told that the planetary ambassador was you or your brother." I took off my face guard and mop up a bit. The guy in a mid-rant froze stiff. I straighten up my back, my height matching this fella. I looked up the information I needed from the space network, accessing about what race this guy was and if I had to worry about some custom of theirs. I check for any reason for why this guy was after Earth's Machine Ambassadors - (EMA being the start of any message code for us to care about). This guy has the same id clearance as the single whom was chasing the two thieves.

"You're buddy is safe and preventing two thieves from running away." I directed to the sleepers and the guards moved to cuff up the two whom were suspects. The guy whom stole the car was indeed with them, the which has to be a space cop - is given some kit by the guards. I give knock to the van, my brother waking up in his causal chill. I leave him to do all the talking, getting myself all washed from all the hard work I have been up to all night. He has more sense with recent developments then I do.

"We will be in contact again after our meeting with the local leader."

"It will be over a phone, as we have business off grid." My brother doesn't treat the highly either, I did out of being defensive. If it was important officials from another race, they would never come here in person. Give how we are, we come to you and not the their way around. Not unless you had business with folks we picked up or have a delivery for us.

"In all seriousness, what in your sister?" I was by now washed and dressed nicely once again, trying a different dress today that I would only ever wear in the city. It wasn't practical in how the sleeves were, "You two know the true about parasites, where most humans think its a plague."

"You don't have the level clearance for that information." My brother shook, "You are just low level grunts or merc they send on undeclared galaxy law planets. Chasing high threats the had brought down whole systems of planets no less." He stares at the twins, "You're parasties with the control removed. To be exact, your stage of development means you are combat ready and yet no longer brain controlled into following orders." The twins looked shocked, "At a guess and in agreement of my sister, you thought this planet was the next army under thier contorl."

"The dust is unsettled here, so there is several sides at war with each other. I am not just declaring humans and machines." I step in and leaned with my brother, "Someone created a virus that attacks the cause of brain contorl in parasites here. This has lead to many undeveloped ones having free will at the get go. You also have native races whom humans have disregarded for now, that are taken over by parasites. Some still fighting the contorl of following orders and others are free willed."

"So when you wanted me to make the bomb. We both knew you weren't normal." I nod in agreeing.

"And humans aren't aware?" Nods.

"Just a fight between animals, it doesn't concern them; which is the statement they make goes. We are about to change that. Humans are about to be faced with truths they were not expecting. It going shake several cities on the surface into mass riots."

"But if we are to help the parasites out of mind control, the we need more allies on the same stance."

"You have a hidden stash of that virus here?" the cops ask.

"We aren't allow to trade anything like that on city limits. We aren't normally in the city to begin with. You will find us in markets across the wastelands. We travel between settlements. We also travel where none can follow." Being in radiation cloud storms and other disaster prone areas.

"Today is likely one the last few days we will be in a city for a long time. We will not be returning unless circumstances change. You may hear us in a transmission from a place assumed a dead capital." The cops and the two stare at each other in a lot of shock.

"Chill we didn't tell you any national secret. Most of this is common between the traders outside the city. They just don't know who or what is which side of the hidden civil wars." I picked up a fancy handbag that complements the dress. I have my essentials for street walking like id and money.

I give my brother a light hug and leave them be. I brought up my shopping list that was things in human only shops. I have my crate buddy to follow after me to help carry some of the load I will be purchasing. It will be parked a lot outside or at docking ports.

The human only streets on the surface were vibrant of distracting VR adverts or with digital ghost of underground shoppers paying for goods remotely.

The first shops I went in were medical ones, mostly for very exact medications for the zoo folks we will be pit stopping to see. This was what the blank paper letters are about, they were requests by they rubbing trace amounts of the requested medication on them or the patient saliva that had something in the patient notes.

I had to look in antique shops for spare parts for broken phones, computer parts and the class car engine parts. Parts that could retain some unedited information about history humans had erased. There a part of the stock market for bringing in this stuff to be erased or broken down. This was just parts needed in general for devices that the keepers use. This could also be handy for us with van repairs since no one makes light bulbs for cars anymore.

The city has its pros and cons.

Living in safety within a clean barrier zone is not bad. At the moment varieties of food in a abundance, surplus being fed back to outside communities. There is ways of making money, staying low profile and plenty of distracting entertainment. Crime is lower in comparison to outside. A lesser chance of dying with all the medical care on button press.

It is stale here, the grey is like a prison. The very trapped nature of how this city protects and provides is as any military or prison works. Laws are everywhere, not always a good thing when it suffocates the lower income group (whom become the mobs against the system). No privacy, hidden camrea are everywhere and in everything. Your own body has nanotechnology that is using you as test subjects. The separation of underground and surface is causing hate to pull each other. There is always those whom cheat the system, as seen recently by those whom can overwrite public filters. To live your whole life within a digital world to ignore these problems will be utter hell the day they turn that off. For all this being watched, its the wrong types whom use it. It seem never used for the potential good it could have been. Turn into black mail for the corrupt individuals.

I prefer freedom of open space and solid footing. A horizon to watch of real stars the can not be faked. Outer space maybe a little to much to handle right now, I fear that the DNA gaps will be a problem in a vacuum environment. I still have yet to catalogue the more common things. Other potential sources from other countries. Space seems nothing but a dream.

"Lady Nick, I am surprised you returned." A old man in a chair, or maybe he isn't human at all. He has a maid whom seems wrong too. A voice with notes of tone that brush me the wrong ways. I picked up my crate buddy, even with such weight. The maid has a unsteady hand reaching to her hip, "Its fine. I am not here to steal anything from you. I am sure you know whom I am. I ranted at you for a while, enough for you to eat a hover drone." Oh this sick guy. Plague doctor was his nickname and a poor joke at that, "You were ground zero for the Dd100. The first to developed into evolution faster. You lost your organs due to it, became reliant on the nanotechnology. To my annoyance the engineer of that technology had not shared my goals, implementing a virus to kill you with it."

The falsehood of human shape is more clear in how the wheelchair just altered. No longer a old guy in a chair, this was a tall fella with armor. His maid is not much changed as she torn away prostatic face feature. I am way more distracted with watching limbs and weapons potential threats then his ranting. Thankfully I am just recording the nonsense. I backed off in countering the gestures, flinching at the threats that could be.

"She isn't listening, sir." The maid makes a point at me, I evaded the direction.

"Yet you see, she is a smart one. She is why Dd100 altered into Dd198. Her own body had created a version of Dd195, the one I made for the federal space agency to detect parasites within a host potential. This same clever person had managed to capture the only photos in existence of what the parasite bio weapons look like. She can heal them and remove the brain control." Shaking way seems to be arms, "She makes one of very few I look up to in the same fields of biological sciences. A ex-ape no less. A race I considered a lost cause."

"And now she is your superior in federal space laws. She actually is the equivalent of a minister." The maid looks around, "Whom seems comfortable to walk around seedy parts of the dome and not be mugged."

"Hmm... points made." He has light sabers, what is this? A star wars rip off?

"I am not interested in being kidnapped or playing with things that melts the floor." I have my crate attached to me. I lowered onto all fours as I am a more adapt escape artist this way. It makes the crate less awkward too.

"She just spoke, right?" The maid asking, stood more causal and not interested in anything.

"You couldn't hear her? Interesting." This freak isn't slow or stupid. He jolts in a blocking the nearest escape. I looked around enough to know that these two have the area around me covered in a technical field shield (some sort of barrier that blocks anyone looking in or hearing much). A lot of off world types have this technology for spying on other planets. It is a set area, so this was a planned ambush. I make my evaded moves while faking out directions to be double sure that there wasn't escape through. Most people around that is on the Plague Doc's team, they were smart to keep the human appearances. I lower in listening to the ground, my eyes glance at network connections as I had not turned off arguement reality.

"Are you going to come quietly with us?" I stand on two with looking at height differences. Maybe I can pull it off. I don't think I am lucky.

"No. I am not going to allow myself to be kidnapped. I will go on my own terms." I hiss.

"Go on your own terms? Rather amusing." The freak is started at my jump at him, my strength and snatch of his light weapon. I pushed him back with the momentum to return me back. Not to land but free fall with a few slices of the ground underneath me vaporised by the weapon to hand.

"I am a idiot." The plague doctor sighed, "She said She wouldn't be kidnapped. She lied about playing with items that could melt the floor." A lot of folks peering into the crater I made. I listen around where I landed now. They could still reach me from here. I turn it off, not hard with a ease press switch. I look around at next options.

"So now what? She made herself a little hole to drop in. Stole your short life vaper blade. She looks panicked." I found something useful down here and some big mouths don't know when to not hand me information like candy. I use my claws to uncover a wire, sliced like ham then scooping soil. The removal of the wax protects would normally execute me in full earthing contact. Pressing the new tool, it has a light bar that flashed blue. I move it away. Not wanting to overcharge it. I knock about the walls for a hollow sound. Company jumps down here with me.

"Lady Nick, we are allies of the same federal space. We aren't here to kidnap you." Pointing weapons. I leaned causally close with the live wires, my back loosens the soft wall behind me. I play about with no turning on the the vaper light saber blade. Actually tossing it to the air and back to my hand.

"If you please stop tossing that around and come forwards. We will lower weapons to. Explain it all."

"What's your entry atmosphere clearance code?" I ask and the plague doc translates. They look about me strangely still after. I take the saber and cut the wall a little behind. Enough to squeeze on through, into a smugglers tunnel. Its common for smuggler networks to follow cables, less to carve out and guarantee pathways. They may have lifted aim again. Only to lower and attempt to follow in. I turned off the saber, with crawling it that whole way. I choose spaces that only the crate fits past just. I had no regard for myself. Everything items wise was up into the crate, and it was sent on its way alone when it reached machine territory.

I took to borrowing the underground plumbing, having a wash before facing my brother. I am going to have a bit of explaining to do. Not recording myself in the showers, that would be embarrassing. All clean. I paid for new clothing with scanning my hand.

"Kate..." He sounded annoyed, even in calling me with my nanotechnology mimicking a machines internal hardware, "Do you know how late in the morning it is now?" Ah, I wanted to be back sooner. He was utterly silent for a while. Enough for me to nearly forget he was on call. I was in the midst of taking a fourth sip of a drink, on the public elevators up through the court house again. Getting off at the place I can finally sign out my name from. No one questioning me at all about it.

"Why is the crate back alone?" I coughed at the swing doors, posing apologies to those around me.

"So like the nut job called the Plague Doctor is a off worlder. He among a group was attempting to not kidnap me. I didn't believe them for a second and escaped. I didn't know if the saber floor cutter has any tracker. I had to part ways before I got back. I am on my way safely as long as I don't choke on my drink again." I sip my drink at peace, now that he was informed, "You know its the same guy when he talks like a monologue evil out of some cheesy spy thriller."

"That sicko is still around?" I am glad we're on the same page. The crowd around me is indifferent but its the lack of one near the street turn off into the storage village that unsettled me, "This guy in a wheel chair with three heart signitures is the sicko?"

"He will freak out when he seems what happened to his military grade hover drone. I don't know if its a good thing to try or not. He is also freaky tall and the wheel chair is his armour plate. The maid freaky face too. Lack of nose or bug eyes." I hover about going through the barrier, "Do you need me to make a escape route or we really have to sort stuff with the freak?"