The tank container wasn't strong enough. Yet to be nested within vaults indifferent to the mess it is in, that can be forgiving. In my prolonged state of lost sanity, I have scratched strange symbols across all surroundings. Anything in my way was torn and it seems ate. The symbols were very unique and unsettling at least. I found that I wrote out the alphabet for it... so all of this nonsense has a translation.
Speaking of insanity driven strange things, a had build two robotic machine bodies with no programming. They are fully operational, have ability to connect by sever for testing movement. They were completely sculptured from the wedding scraps in here. Additionally the gemstones were embedded into them. My subconscious wanted to make them something then having useless scraps about. The nanotechnology I did have... also embedded into the machines. I am not sure how. I do know that they will never require servicing with a flesh being.
I haven't been able to connect to the lock gauges outside main vault doors. I have also made a line that seems I will never cross for whatever reason. The scramble ends right on the line. Going by the strange screens telling me things in the engineering languages. At best of my ability of translate. This segment was dropped from the station. It is in a atmospheric landscape. These gauges could totally be wrong, since they are fuzzy and often also stated there was no atmosphere. I ponder if the sensors have been damaged. Access to space meat paste has been cut off. Water filtration is busted. There was damage in areas that suggested outside causes. I felt no connection or ability to mind connection like I would. There was as if nothing. Nothing living it seemed.
I debated on how to best get out if leaving was wise. I had choose poke my head through the disposal shoot. When I would click the death report button, it would drop into the engine jets - instant cremation and ejection. But if we are not in space and the jets have stopped working, it be a way out. The seal isn't as harsh as the one at the station connect doors. It has taken me the best part of awhile to give up on the air lock door. I can't bring myself to pass the line, like there was a mental block.
The disposal shoot wasn't exactly as I imagined it. It's not a comfortable way through, I had to break the booster fins to exit. It were to dark to make out distance once I crawled to air space. The breeze felt icy. I had to retreat to the inside. At least I have a way out if things were desperate. I did make a repeat trip out, collecting snow, I heated it in the water broken filtration system. I can't repair it but I can reuse sections into a heat pad. I imagine I not going to have a lot of electricity soon. I have to make the craft walls into solar panels in some fashion and be on top of snow moving.
It's entirely likely I am on the snow drifts that been created since the fall out. I am assuming this is earth. The segment could have been stolen.
I will need to head outside to make sense of the location or if the ship segment was safe as it was seated. If I am to have to lift in or remove snow under it - then the work as to be done. If I am to go outside, I am going to need layers of clothing. Not only was my chamber dropped but the whole vault room as I knew it was dropped off.
I had to fashion a light for now, as it was still pitch black outside. The damage on the outside suggests that the segment was lost in a fight. I don't see the station in the clouded sky and no feeling above. Entry scorch marks, so I have fallen into a planet atmosphere. Given that I am breathing with no oxygen aid, maybe earth. None of the normal sensors are still working - sabotage from before. I will have to make best in making it fixed later.
The world immediately around is bleak as it gets. White and horizon. A endless grey clouding that seems slightly dim in daylight. 12 hours day and 12 nights - maybe earth. The snow has no radiation to it, the Geiger counter is still working in the van. I am able to pull scraps to something into working travel. I just need a method of charging it... Given I am unable to rely with sun. There is a breeze so wind turbines would work. It be a working project to get a travel method that will keep me warm.
No food. I will have to seek it tomorrow. If I must let my instinct to food for survival - murder isn't going to matter. It will if they talk to me, stop me in time. Convince me with food offerings. Not that I would imagine many being thinking that when they see me.
There is a deep water under this ice, the fish that live here are are deep sea types. It is salt water under this fresh layer of snow. When swimming the divide of salt and fresh is easy to swim through. There are preditors whom can't swim the fresh water, nor can the fish I am eating either.
I pulled / fashioned a rolling ice surface system for the entire ship out of the crater. I noted that the no crossing line inside was about. Any pressure to open the air lock doors would allow water to flood in and drown me. It's now on flat surface. Out of finding solutions, I made snow stilts. It's sitting on these stilts. This allows me access into flooring and warmer then heat transfer through snow. Temporary while I seek a way to leave this place. A traditional sled wasn't going to work for me.
Access to the air lock door... pulled it apart. Obtained a sort of chain treading, perfect for a motor sled. The van was totally stripped out. Ate the last jam jars of food. Tasty with fish. Crafting a engine from what there is wasn't difficult. It was the installation of a computer system that was. With a computer on board, I fixed all the new sensory measures to link with it. Padding warmth to it was easy. I had the two robotic machines on board - I don't think I will be returning to this scrap shell. I have storage of raw fish in jars, a food source for now. Driving this was as traditional as it gets to a car, I don't want to rely on a computer to drive. It can do the lesser stuff like air quality control. Being the school kid like I was, a strip of metal rubbed to a magent and then left floating on a water surface. A make shift compass, not perfect but I have no sky to navigate.
I have only really made 8 stops to restock on fish. But on the recent break, the computer was finding signals of wifi. Being nosy as I am, I drove around to find a stronger signal... more wreckage it seems. There isn't anyone alive in it. Frozen to death or bleed out. Working kit I can use at least. Devices from the station, nothing good about their reports. I left most of it here but took one. I took potential medical bits too. I posed these people into a peaceful respect. A cross to mark the grave. Not the whole station was dropped onto the planet surface. Given the signal of the device, there was chance to reconnect above the radiation ash. Still no where closer to mental connection to someone on the surface.
It comes to mind that if this is earth. They returned back to radio signals. None of the new technology from space detects radio. I do thankful have the remains of the radio system I used before. It may need repair but it will scan channels. Maybe some music for once would be nice.