New year's eve

"Broadcasting across all on the surface. By the end of the next song, we will be into the new year. Doors will be opened when the snow drifts into the sea cover." Having followed this signal for about month, I did cross onto a patch area of where there is land under the snow. I parked up in relative guess of where it maybe safe, "There will be a active category storm pass over us which will hopefully move snow from our locks. Anyone on the outside waiting, your more then welcome to start digging. You crazy folks out there are mad enough for it."

This is indeed earth and there is some whom stay out in the snow. I have yet to make contact with them. Then there is those in the locked vaults. The door is due East from here, yet I have chosen to watch whom else was hovering at the doors and if they had a gun system to stop raiders. As of so far, there wasn't much in the way of predator types that have attacked me. I have seen tracks for those that did have a interest yet they haven't bothered me. I may look intimidating from afar by size or mannerisms. I am constantly walking on all fours for stability, especially the black ice areas and snow mounds. In having second thoughts about seeing civilization, since I don't have the throat structure to speak. But the morning radio has been nice to have, sound of ranting about underground city offers and reports of some sort of famous names. Market pricing in scrap and the item of the day. Each morning there is a wide broadcast for a item search - sometimes a game for a laugh and sometimes serious request for repair (rewards offered deal).

In the ironic timing of the last tune, the sky showers in a last whip of ash fall. Oddly melting away most surfaces, I had no mind of it a all. My ride was made of alloys in mind of radiation. The rusted doors into the vault was rippled and sagging in places. A panel of sheet metal peels off, like wet paper off Billboards. Most of the floor around was blacken from the hot nature of decay by cells, puddles of melted plastics and raw metal.

"Alright, that was the last song of the 4932. This next track is going to set the new year with a little hope. Hope that something good will come for us." They put the track on and I revved my engine on. Given I have been constantly returning to the scrap space station segments for material. I have plenty of a stack pile on ready to drag closer to the vaults with. I choose to move camp closer. Maybe it be easier on them if I was.

From the fencing, there was clear boundaries of what they monitored and what they considered the trade stands area. I set up shop with what I can do, a tarp lay with many items along in rows. Parked in a way to have seat to watch over it. I did a little area cleaning with digging the melted away - left in a slag pile where someone has before. Once I was sure of what I done, I sat in my snow ride and turned the music up slightly. Easing with tapping to the beat and humming along to the tune. It wasn't exactly a song I knew but I can at least enjoy it. I pay no mind to those whom came crawling from the wood works. Literally strange mutant things that scrambled to climb past fencing, burn themselves to the melted bits and scurried into holes of the door. They avoided me, it took a glance and they scramble the opposite direction.

"Apologies for the interruption mid track. I have some questions to the security team at the gate. We have a guest parked outside the vault door." I tuned the radio a bit, "If your listening, would you kindly join in the effort of making sure the creatures done be making any more Swiss cheese of the door." I huff at this I brought out my fishing spear. I walked like a human, upping my volume to max for now. The music track is put back on for the time being. The beat was catchy for sure, I was knocking the heads of the few ignoring me. Feeling like the drummer. I had to pole swot a falling metal goop away from me, sparking into a whole crowd of trespassing creatures. They all hissed. I rumbled deeply and that sent them all scrambling. I stab the floor, leaning while watching the last lot packing.

"Live on the air is DJ. This morning we wither very lucky or misfortune to meet the scare of scary. Other then the three known stuck into the vault door, the entire pack has been sent with tails between the legs. We should be thankful towards our tall and freaky visitor." I pose a random wave to such notion. I pulled my fishing spear out. I head back into my ride, lowering the volume to listen so close to it. A new track of music is put on in the meantime, allowing me to focus back to watching the area.

I grow bored and took out a project I had been working on. Metal craft flowers for a bouquet, sort of example pieces to be shown the next time I see my sister in law. They also tend to sell well as a luck charm or gift. As of so far it has been roses and poppies. Maybe a Lilly if I am patient with the petals. If I could trade for some nicer metals, I could make statement pieces to add into her bouquet. A little lasting flower in reminder of better times, reminds me of how mine used to hang on the bedroom door - dried out yet still beautiful statement piece.

The occasional times I would look across at the fencing for any issues, find nothing out of the ordinary and lower back into crafting. I needed a little heat to warp some fragile metal, a small little fire set up nearby to crackle. A little of the music still soothing and the breeze of the near trees. Sort of knocking hollow dead branches. Peaceful at the least, there is a continue fall of ash from the sky - flaking more metal off the vault door. The soft steps of creature in debate of returning back to face me or to flee with their lives. Another rose finished, a larger flower that would have mimicked the types that had a strong fragrance. In my mind, peach petals... this was made in a copper mixed steel alloy - close enough.

The doors shuddered a little to a thin enough gap for someone to slide through. I respected that they were maybe making the effort of having someone come out here but then again - this radiation was spiked to high for someone to be out here. I moved from my spot to shield instead, I put out the fire with a splash of water. The door shudders closed once more, maybe the smoke was a issue for them. I was gladly done with it - having cooked a little bit of fish on the side of metal crafting. I heard a little motor going, it must be one the remote control cars with a camera mounting. I hear it getting louder on the approach and park short in my range. I give them a little wave of greeting. It has a little basket on the attachment, a few tins of food and a radio mic. They wheel it a little closer, a soft sort of suggested wheel twist. I lowered down took the radio and tins. I nod to the camarea, showing that I had them. I put the tin food to the side for now and had a more proper look at the radio. recharge batteries... switched off. I gently poked that switch. It fizzed for a short with continued clicking. I returned a click.

"Clearly you know your way around, a pleasure to met you." They finished on a double click. It was on the correct frequency. I give my voice a little pitch testing with settling to something hearable and understanding.

"Pardon voice, I don't talk much." I settled with being in front of the camera, "It's been a few years. Not that much changes. I go by several names. I am Doctor Kathrine Nicks. I prefer Kate personally." I double tapped in stating I was done talking for them to reply.

"A doctor like a threapist or a actual trained person?" Asking with double click following.

"I am as old school as it gets. I have actually preformed surgery and published science research. I am a doctor under oath as it used to be." I ended that at the double click.

"Very outdated by now." they noted, "So how does a lonely Doctor come to be scary enough to not be attacked by anything? Or survive the radiation." double clicked.

"The battery of this radio die before then." I peer to listen around and sigh into it, "I am plague victim or whatever you call it. Difficult thing to get use to. Every time I wake up from slumber, I am a little less the human on the outside. Terrify the other races too, let alone the creatures from ashes." I peer in listening to the sounds of something approaching, "You have something moving nearby. This is a heads up to you lot." I double clicked.

I picked up the little car too, places safely at my roof. Moved my scrap trade back into my little snow sled. I put the little car back down to the floor with how the wheels twisted about, watching it zoom off. The radio was silent even the one to time in with music was cut frequency. I turned that off but left the walkie talkie on.

The car that came was a city dome model, that of the machines whom drove it were solider as it gets. On carries the car camrea, stopping to the fence to release it. The car revved with parking in safety in a nook by the door. The team peer perplexed with some twisted a look at me. The analysis of the alloys and the signals. I do have a lot of space station technology. It did connect to the network of the cities around here. I just no where near one. I am closet to this vault.

"Space clearance." This came from one and spreads to others they have two teams now. One on me and the others lining the fence.

"I do believe I was sent up as a living plant would." I joke they aimed, "Easy. I was only joking. Honestly, my brother was better at joking." The aim intensely but one whom lowers slightly. I leaned into my sled and took out a device. I typed about a while with eventually showing the ID they needed. They all stayed steady in aimed but the one with the lowered gun took the device.

"Forgive our mistakes, lady ambassador." The team looked at the individual as they handed me my device back, "You survived falling back to earth somehow."

"Science." I shurg, "Its been fine. I am glad to be back, this is home in relative terms." They peer about very confused and some did ask questions, I had in my purr. Holding back my snickering on their reactions.

"Would you agree to the dome regulations to have nanotechnology returned?" They asked.

"Well..." I don't really know how to not freak them out in saying my body is reject them now. I had a little hmm for a while and they scanned me and then my truck.

"Are you having a medical issue that is causing any discomfort?" The one asked differently.

"You could put it that way. As you may guess, I can't exactly be called human anymore. We both know it seems off that a lady like me would have... interesting qualities." I could not stop my tail from my subconscious smack of a hand at my door, "You will ruin my surprise for my brother. Stop it."

"Oh..." The looked at how that dented there hand and back off.

"Other then yourself. What other dangerous things may you be carrying?"

"Medical equipment... a pole. My own hands. Maybe I made the two with self defense features. You are not welcome to be stealing them. They took ages to make." I pose with showing the one. They looked in and backed out instantly.

"Original craft."

"To be fair my brother stated the making of spare bodies ever sense we known each other. He only went sale of his own work when paying for my stay in care. It were shortly from there that he became full time ambassador. I did the detailing and the tricky engraving." I did purr lightly and closed it all, "I made those two myself. They are for him and his partner. It's important to me that they aren't used by you or anyone else." I peer into someone among them, "I will pull every last wire out of you and crush any database if you dare so." They are stopped immediately.

"Lady Nick, would you like to return to a dome city?"

"Don't turn the offer down. We all ok in this vault." The walkie talkie sparked alive, "We have permissions with dome cities to be cared by the cogs."

"I will then take the offer on conditions. Due to my own health, I don't think trying to put any sort of things back into my body is wise. I will be taking my role as my brother's stand in. I have a few project requests yet more details will be sorted out at a desk and after some reasonable sleep. I am sure mother would appreciate seeing me alive, we all know what she's like in a panic." They all instant had that reaction of just knowing. Guns lowered and with all the help to have my ride and all my goodies packed. I did make sure that some the larger scraps are left to the vault here. Intended to be given to the vault. I was given the most protected seat. Slept a little in the long drive.