Chapter 6

Kater's POV

I remember when I left him, I felt as if I was crazy. I would randomly burst into tears and couldn't stop myself from screaming when I was alone. Everyday my heart burns in my chest knowing I will never see him again but when I had the opportunity, I found out he already continued with his life, he forgot about me. For me this pain I feel is the one that drowns you completely, the kind of pain you not only feel in your heart but in your mind and soul.

A few minutes ago he was just near me, a breathe away and I couldn't bring myself to say I still love him because he loves someone else and it was definetly not me. I still remember how his eyes trained on me and how much strength it took in me not kiss him there.

Now, here I am, running away from my past love. I let the soft egine of my motobike come to a stop as I removed the helmet from my head. The sky is so beautiful, twinkling stars, the bright full moon and the dark sky just perfect, they fit in each other perfectly but what about me, what went wrong?

I got off from my bike, the men guarding Roman's house opening for me the doors and I enter casually feeling as if all my strength has been thrown away. I see a maid run to my way and then bowed her head a little showing me some respect. I wonder why Roman came here, he even has a mansion in London and he never told me. Am gonner kill him for that.

"Get me some water. Teper! (Now!)" I growled lowly feeling as if a headache is coming and turned to one of the men, who lowered their eyes the moment mine landed on him. "Where is Roman?"

He looked upstairs and then me making me to get irritated. I don't have time for this shit. First, my plan goes completely haywires then his acting mute. "I will empty my gun in your damn mouth if you don't want to use it." I watch him gulp slowly as I got close to him, its as if he has been recruited here for a short while. "His in his office, miss."

He trembled a little as I watched making me to smirk. This is halarious, a grown man, who is like 5 feet taller and more stronger than me is afraid of me. I don't think am that scary. I walked past him noting I will surely come to enjoy him later. I made my way to Roman's office not bothering to knock and I find a blonde lying on the couch, her legs hanging up busying her self in her phone.

"Get out, teper! (Now!)" I barked at her making her to flinch a little as she sat up and looked at me, "izvinite? (Excuse me!)" Am not even surprised Roman brought a girl from Russia. I see Michael from the corner of my eyes coming inside and I turned around taking his gun from him. Now she will now who she is dealing with.

I shot directly above her head hitting the wall and she screamed cupping her ears as her phone dropped. "I don't like repeating myself." She looked at me as if am crazy before she stood up running out of this place.

"You must enter here with some rackess, don't you?" Roman smirked as he lit up a cigar and I turn to an amused Michael as he checked the way the blonde run off to. I gave him his gun before I plopped myself on the couch making myself comfortable.

"Always!" I finally answer as I saw the maid ready to knock on the open door and I wave her in giving me my water before she run off making me to chuckle. "Be thankful it wasn't her head even though I know, you careless" I mocked sipping my water. It extra sparkly and refreshing.

"How did you know I was here?" He asked cocking his head a little and I smirked plopping my feet on the coffee table, "I always keep tabs." He waved off Michael after whispering to him something and turned to me offering some whiskey which I decline, "and from your status of arrival-"

"Ne sprashivayte! (Don't ask!)" I cut him off because I know he will immediately rub it on my face like a big deal. "Why are you even here anyway because am sure you never came to great your little sister," I pouted the last part and he cuckled leaning on his table. "I came for the annual ball that we were invited."

"We" I montioned between us and he nodded blowing the smoke away, "from when are you even interested with this things?" I asked him finishing my water and stood up, crossing my hands on my chest. "Its an important function that means most of the mob bosses will be there including the Costellos, Luis to be exact." And Quinn.

I sighed rubbing my temples as I shook my head, I can't go there. I can't face him again especially with his fianceè, it will just break my heart, which am left with. "Am not going for that shit, you go and take care of it yourself." He narrowed his eyes for him because he never takes a no but I can't just go there and look all misarable.

"Let me guess, is it because of Quinn Linch?" He asked and I just kept quiet, "well then I guess its because of him. Katerlina, he continued with his life and so do you. His the American mob boss so he has to be there whether you like it or not and am not taking a no for an answer." He hissed at me making me to clench my fist tightly as I threw daggers at him.

"Am over Quinn, he has nothing to with this." I growled making him to take two dangerous strides to me before he towed over me, "then what is the problem, if its not because of him?"

"You don't need me in this. You can just form an alliance with him without including me or what? Am I your lucky charm or something?" I crossed the room away from him feeling as if I will suffocate from the intense gaze he was giving me. He likes bossing people and am not just one of his disciples who will obey him blindly.

"Because its time for everyone to know your alive. Its time to show your enemies that we are in control." I looked at him as if his going crazy but his features are all serious, "its time to make all these romours about you come to an end." I pinched the bridge of my nose tfying to calm myself down. To say the truth am not really ready to face the world but I would really like to see the face of Eros when he knows he never killed me.

"Boss, we have something that you might want take care off." Michael butts in our conversation which he immediately regrets from the deadly eyes we gave him. That's one of the common things we have Roman, the fury that runs widly in our body when we are angry. With Zayn he had the calm demonoar that you felt pulled to but with Roman you become the monster you never thought you had in you.

"Okey" he waves him off and faced me again, "you're coming with me tomorrow, night and that's final." He growled slowly before turning on his heels heading to the basement. I took deep breathes trying to calm myself and threw the glass to the ground. At least that helped. I removed my jacket then straighten my skirt before I followed him.

My shoes clicked as I walked down the polished marble steps. A few men stood at the bottom of the steps as they waited for me. Even if I agrued with Roman I like seeing which dumbass is going to be killed next for their mistakes. The stench of metallic smell and odour immediately invites me as I step in the basement and Daniella, one the guards and also the closest one have liked since I stayed with Roman, smirked a little as she saw me.

She slightly bows her head as she greets me, "priyatno videť vas snova, miss. (Its nice to see you again,miss)" I nodded my head in response already seeing Roman settled on a metal chair digging daggers to the bloody man.

I leaned to the wall, next to Daniella as I watched eagerly as the scene unfolded before me. "Do you have a joint?" I asked Daniella who nodded digging into her jacket pocket removing it for me with a lighter. That's why I like her, she's always prepared.

"So Trevor, I'm giving you one last chance to confess." Roman said lighting another cigar and smirked at the beaten up man. This man is beaten up badly, I feel like just gagging from the sight of him. His grey hair was tinged red with blood and foul smelling feet were bare. "Where are his shoes?" I asked Daniella, unable to hide my amusement and she smirked answering, "he must have lost them when we grabbed him."

I chuckled as I ran my hand through my hair, pushing away some strands that are on my face. I looked at the man who remained silent while Roman just blew the smoke to his face. Is he going to confess or what? Because I know Roman's patience is very thin. We stayed in silence for five minutes, the man not even uttering a word. "Alright you fucking rat. I know who you're, Aiden Ronov. A corrupt D.E.A. You think you can just waltz in here and be a snitch. You have another thing coming."

He had to be anything else but a fucking pig. A fucking D.E.A, what a man! Those pigs have been chasing after my father for a while now but they never found anything on him.

This seemed to have awakened Aiden as he began to stir and pull at his bounds. I pushed myself off the wall and walked slowly to his direction. He chuckled a little before coughing as he watched me with his swollen eyes. "If it isn't the sleeping beauty. Katerlina Vokan or is it Kater Mendes or Alexandria? I must say your more beautiful than the magazines that showed that you were dead"

Hmmm his done his homework on me so well. He cocked his head a little trying to smirk through his bloody mouth and I tap my blunt removing the white ashes. I leaned a little watching his bloody face twist in amusement, "do you mind?" I asked him and he looked at me confused as I put my blunt to his cheek. He grunted as he held in a scream as I twisted the butt of the blunt into his flesh.

"That's going to leave a mark." He spat immediately to my top, his spit red from his blood. Am definetly going to burn this top after this. Without a second thought I smashed my fisted hands on his face removing that idiotic smirk from his face as I snapped his nose.

His head snapped to the side as he twisted his jaw and looked at me with anger, "yebat vy, sùka! (Fuck you, bitch!)" I smirked as Michael handed me a towel to wipe myself before I heard a girl scream being forced to walk. She whimpered as the guard brought her in, a gun held to her head.

Aiden's eyes shot up as he stopped struggling. The girl started crying as she looked at him trying to get out from the man's grip. I guess she's his daughter from their age difference but she could also be his mistress. You never know with these silly girls. Your grandpa can even be your lover. "Alright, alright fine! I'll tell you everything I know. But please, don't touch her."

How pathetic! You can pratically see how his eyes are welling up with tears. Daughter it is. Roman chuckled as he stood up, "I did give you one chance. I don't give second chances. Now she will face the consequences." He walked over to the girl, "and if I want to touch her, I will." I looked at Aiden who was shaking uncontrollably as he dug holes at Roman's head.

I went to seat at the previous chair Roman was as Aiden began to talk nonsense, anyone can notice what his saying is not true. I saw Roman rub his eyes irritated as he snapped at him, "alright, shut the hell up!" I chuckled amazed by the scene as the girl eyed me pleading me to help. Oh how I wish I could but my voice won't be heard if I say anything to Roman, his furious. Its been long since I saw him this angry.

The girl looked innocent and was barely 18. Her long brown hair was a mess and her blue dress was torn in places. "I do apologise for the roughness of my men and for what I'm about to do to you." Roman said as I saw the fear that her eyes bore. "See this is what you get Aiden. I don't give a fuck about what you said" he nodded towards the guard who promptly released the girl and took his gun from his pocket and shot her.

I pinched my eyes closed trying to shake out the terrible feeling I feel inside. He shot her perfectly, an instance kill. A mercy for her life. She wasn't at fault but she paid for it. When will all this blood shed ever end. Aiden screamed loudly as he started sobbing and I just looked at the dead girl. At least she won't live a harder life than this.

"Now Aiden, I want to offer you a deal," Roman said calmly as he replaced the gun to its original place and tapped his cigar letting the ashes fall as stood before him. He pressed the butt of the cigar to the man's hand making him to muffle a scream before he threw it to the ground. Never gets old.

"Work for me. I want an intel on what the D.E.A has on me." I looked at him as if his loosing his mind. How can he think this man will just obey him after killing his daughter. Aiden held back his sobs, "No fucking way I'll do that, ever!"

"I anticipated that reaction. Maybe this will change your mind." Michael showed the a picture and he snapped his head to Roman his eyes pleading. I snatched it from him and saw a photo of a lady at a bar. "Now I won't ask again. Work for me or your sister will face the same fate as your daughter." I glanced down at the poor girl, a pool of blood flowing from her body. Aiden gulp nervously, still sobbing and Roman scowls leaning closer.

"Tell me, where is my father being held?" I almost fell down from the chair from the question Roman asked Aiden. Does he mean my father has been captured by these pigs all this while? Why didn't he tell me? Aiden looked a little shocked before he hanged his head again as he answered, "I don't know much but he will be tranfered from California to Mexico soon, maybe in two weeks am not sure."

Oh shit, now am we're going to meddle with the high cops. I don't like this one bit. "Why? Why now?" Roman asked furiously, "they haven't still found anything to incriminate him so they are taking him to be investigasted thoroughly, the CIA also want him." Fuck! This is bad. The CIA are also fuckers, they do anything to make you talk even to a old grandpa.

That's why Roman was so angry, he even went to extense of killing a poor girl. "Is that all?" He asked him and he nodded hurredly. I got up from the chair wanting some fresh air as Roman barked to him some orders. I made my way outside to a small garden and stared at the bright moon.

I hear heavy footsteps and I sigh still looking up. "When were you going to tell me?" I ask him without looking at him as he finally stood beside me, "soon." I faced him feeling a little betrayed, his the only person have trusted during these three years and I find out he was hiding such a big thing from me its just painful.

"What happened after the car accident in Atlanta?" He looked at me sadly before he started to explain, "when you were taken I managed to get out from the car and enough time to remove dad from the car. It was tricky but I managed to remove him before it blew up. Someone helped us when he found us at the deserted forest but dad didn't recover quickly. When I went out after my recovery to find us a way to go back to Russia because nobody knew we came to get you, I found the man that helped us was already gone and dad was taken away and from his weak status, he couldn't manage to save himself."

"I thought it was Eros who took him but later on I found out its the cops who took him and they immediately handed him over to the D.E.A. It was too late before I rescued him, I couldn't find out where he was being held."

Even if it hurts, I know it hurts him more because he was the closest to my father. I lean my head to his shoulder has he wrapped his hand on mine. "What are we going to do?" I asked a little afraid and he sighes tightening his hold, "we're going to get him. I promise you." I closed my eyes feeling exhausted from this night and sad.