Chapter 7


Kater's POV

I looked at the mirror one more time confident that I will do it. Today I will get out from this god damn forsaken hell, that I promise myself even if I will get myself killed. At least I will be at peace that I fought for my freedom one last time. I held the lamppost much tighter taking two large breathes and threw it to the length sized mirror infront of me.

I watch it shatter into many piece, others even jumping to my bare skin as they pierced it. I winced a little removing them not even caring how deep they have cut. I have been through so much during these past months and this is just a small thing that will never come near to what have been through.

I ran to the door, pressing my ear to the wooden door so that I could hear if anyone heard that. I stayed there for a while satisfied that I haven't heard any heavy footsteps before I ran to pick up the shattered mirrors. I take the largest before I cleared the rest under the bed and putting the lamppost to its orginal place.

I have stayed here for so long, my body has even become numb from the beatings have gotten from Eros. I don't even care if I die I just want to get away from him, that disguisting monster. Have had enough of his torture, of his abuse, I don't even care what will happen to me after I escape. I don't care if I will die from hunger or I will be eaten by the wild animals at least he won't have the final blow.

I look at the digital clock set up in my room and see its almost night time. Perfect, someone will be bringing my dinner in a few minutes and I will get my way with him. I hope this works.

I take one of the blankets from the bed wrapping myself so that they won't suspect am hiding something and curled up in a ball at the farthest corner of this room. This will be the last time I do this. This will be the last time I hide myself into the farthest corner of this room and just wait.

The door clicks open and I see Lucas, one of the men around here come in carring my food. The food they feed me here is like posion, its as if they want to kill me slowly but aren't 100% sure. Even it doesn't have that sweet auroma when its cooked all I could see it some bubbles popping from the soup making me to scrounch my nose a little with the horrid smell it carries.

Gosh, is this how much they hate me! Even a mad person will think twice before they decide to eat it. I don't know how my body still co-operates with me with all this pathetic nutrition and to make it worse this is the only meal they give me in a day, its as if have become a stray dog for them.

Lucas looked at me with so much disguist from all the bruises and the swollen injuries I have on my face. I know, even me am scared of my own reflection. There is no hurt feeling there buddy. He strided slowly towards me looking around the room as he placed the food infront of me. The worst thing about this guy, his too smart for his dambass.

I looked at the food infront of me seeing there some molds on the bread and immediately felt like puking what am left with in my stomach. Isn't there any decent person in this place, they are all fucking mother fucker monsters not even a criminal goes through this torture.

He looked at me as if his trying to figure out something and I held his gaze not even a bit afraid of what he will do even if his intense gaze made me to shiver a little from fear. He aggresively grab my chin in his rough hands leaning closer, his face was just an inch away from that I could practically feel his awful breath fanning my face.

Fuck! Can't a grown man just take a toothpaste and toothbrush to brush his teeth. Shit! You can even see the stains of all the nicotines he has been taking, his practically killing me without even trying.

I held tightly the glass as it cut through my palms from all the strength am using to compose myself. I bit down my tongue hard as he come closer to me and rubbed his stubbled cheek on mine, as his breath fanned my ears as he speaked, "tell me sùka, where is the mirror that was placed here?"

My heart beat faster as my breath began to itch from fear. Maybe it won't work but how will I know that if I don't try. He moved away a little looking for my reaction but expression was void, am not going to give the pleasure of seeing me afraid. I held his gaze daring him to do anything which he immediately forced me to stand up, his nails digging painfully to my flesh.

"I don't like repeating myself sùka," I moved closer to him still holding his gaze and moved my free hand to his shoulder gripping it lightly while he looked at me confused from what am doing.

Oh! You will know soon.

I stood on my tip toes and whispered something to his ears, "let me show where it is." And with that I pushed his shoulders foward as my other hand pushed the mirror in his stomach and I gritted my teeth pushing deeper and twisting making him to growl loudly as I pushed him off me and pulled out the glass.

He fell down holding his bloody wound and I see how a lot of blood is gushing out from his wound and hands. He looked at me angrly as he spat out, "I will kill you!" He removed his gun and I hurridely took the lamppost throwing to his head as he fired his gun missing me in a hearbeat.

I felt as if my heart has stopped as I threw myself to the ground and saw him fall unconcious from how have hit him. I looked at him a little shock but relieved that at least have killed one of the monster who has made my life a living hell. This overwhelming feeling that is inside is burning me so much that I felt tears rushing down my cheeks.

I've just killed someone. I looked at my bloody hands and glass before I threw it to floor wiping my hands with blanket wrapped around me. I hear heavy footsteps from a distance and I start panicking looking at Luca. He will bleed to death but what about the others. I looked at his gun and nibbled my lips as I heard more footsteps clearly.

Fuck it! I don't care if I will be a killer, I just want to get out of here. I take the gun faster kicking his body a little for fun and sprinted out of this room to find a way out. I run to one of the corners and immediately here someone enter the room I was in and cursed loudly. Now they definetly know I've escaped.

I don't even know where am going. If Eros finds me this time he will definetly kill me for killing one of his men. This place is big for a warehouse, I don't even know why Eros this time hid me in a warehouse.

I hear foot steps coming from the direction am running too and I immediately open the first door that come my way. I closed the door softly and leaned on it trying to control my rugged breathing as I heard what they were saying, well partly.

".....Ty chertovski summasshedshiy.....Sminovr ne miriťsya opozdaniye, vy zynayete, chto on delayet, kogda on serditsya...da...vy luchshe, do svidaniya"

Well that was a little helpful at least I heard the part "you know what Mr. Sminovr does when he doesn't get his way." Oh and the nickname they give every whore in this place mine in particular, "crystal." Why on earth do they even call me that.

That was really helpful, they could have said something more interesting but at least I know Eros doesn't know yet. I wait for them to leave and look around at the room I got inside when I was trying to hide. It is filled with large boxes everywhere but one thing catches my eye, my escape route. That will be my saviour after all of this.

The window is small but I think I can slither my way outside because right now am skinny like fuck. I open one of the boxes finding its staffed with drugs, I think coc or heroin am not sure and I check another finding it has the same things. I arrange the boxes in a way that I will be able to climb them so that I can be able to reach the window and some of them to block the door if they want to enter. I don't want anything to go wrong.

I climbed up the boxes faster reaching the window and immediately try to open it but find it jammed. Fuuuck! This can't be happening. I haven't even felt the beautiful sunlight on my skin for months or the grass under my feet. The only thing have had from the outside is smelling the rain from inside.

I ran my hands through my hair pancking until something pop up. I took the gun I stole from Luces and smashed the butt to the window glass making it shatter down. I hit the corner of the frame that has remained with the small pieces of glasses and stuck my head outside seeing the place is clear and the ground is way down there.

Well, isn't that high if I came out of this place badly, I will surely break some bones but it will be worth it. I hear the door being fumbled with showing it my queue to jump. I squeezed myself through the space falling on my ass immediately and I groan rubbing it. That was definetly painful.

I rubbed my butt slowly checking the place where I could run off to before they found me. The only thing am seeing are bushes. Where on earth am I even at? Russia? Mexico? France? Who knows, this is gonner be hard than I expected.

The sky is already dark and the only thing that is helping me to see its the moon. When am about to run off to the bushes I hear a familar voice call me out, "where do you think you're going?"

I cursed under my breathe remembering that I forgot the gun in that room and I just turned facing a grinning Zerop. "Do you think you will go far if you try to run? You know Eros will always find you." She mocked me coming closer to me and removed her gun from her waistband, "you know have been dreaming of this day. When I finally kill you but don't worry it will only hurt a little."

She traced my face with her gun, "I could always say you tried to kill me and that it was logic I defended myself. You know Eros is crazy about you but I guess that crazyness helped me somehow. But-" she looked at me for a while before she continued, "I think he won't kill you even if he finds you. All he does is think about you, he can't do anything without seeing you the same with Sebestian."

She snicked at me a little pointing the gun painfully to my temples and I clenched my teeth as she continued, "I even think that both of them are in love with you. You see Seb never lets me come close to you or any other guy, he has never been protective over some else even me but with you, I don't even know why he likes you. You're so ugly from the beating that Eros gives you."

"And Eros, I know he loves mistreating you but when is he ever going to kill you. It just makes me go crazy thinking his keeping you because his obsessed with you." She talks a lot, I know Eros is obsessed with me but can that man ever fall in love with anyone. He doesn't even have a heart.

And there is Sebass, his sometimes nice and other times cold but I don't think he loves me. He just fell for the wrong girl and that's why he doesn't even acknowledge her sometimes. "That's why am going to give you a favour and kill you. I mean look at yourself you've gone through so much that I even feel sorry for you. That is why am gonner kill you" she say joyfully flicking the safety mode off. I pinched my eyes shut knowing she's not playing around and noted when I die I will definetly haunt her for the rest of her life.

I heard a gun shot being triggered but I felt nothing. I peeked a little seeing am not falling down or am not coming out off my body like a ghost. I opened my eyes confused not even feeling the cold barrel that was on my head but I see Zenop gasping for air as she fell down her hands on her chest as blood seeped throught them.

Wait, was the gun faced backwards or what? I hear footstep and immediately tore my eyes from her seeing a figure submerge from the darkness and see Sebass. Well isn't it nice to see you. "Are you the one that killed her?" I asked him and he kicked the gun from her hand nodding.

Okey, I would have definetly hugged him tightly if it wasn't for my sore body. Have always wanted to kill this bitch, she was a pain in my ass. Always nugging me. I hate her. "Take this and run faster through the bushes there is a lake nearby. Someone will be there to help you. Don't worry you will be safe."

He gave me his gun and I nodded thanking him. I will always be thankful to him, he even took his crazy girlfriend's life to save me. "Don't look at me like that, you don't have the whole night before Eros finds you." His right, I better run before the devil finds me.

I ran off to the bushes, hearing the lake at a distance but before I could go further, I felt something painful cut through my muscles to my stomach. I stumble a little, my hands immediately covering the wound as I watched blood seep through my flesh. Fuck! It hurts like a bitch.

I turned around seeing Eros, in the building holding a sniper in his arms as he tried to aim again at me but I started shooting his way not caring if I hit him running off to the bushes deeper before I found the lake.

I won't let him enjoy the way I die and am not going to die soon either before I have his blood on my hands. I jumped into the lake letting darkness invade me as I tried to control my breathing. At least when I die it won't be by his hands.