Chapter 9

She lead me to a private room which was quieter than the suffocating ballroom. The room was dimly lit on purpose, something I used to my advantage. A lone server walked around handing out drinks to the players who sat at the table.

My eyes immediately roamed the room checking if I know most of the players that are sitted here and I held my breath as I saw Quinn. His deep chuckling is all I could hear, it made my heart thump louder than before. My breathing came out in quick pants as realised we will be in the same room again.

No,no I have to get out of here. Maybe I should run away before he sees me but I can't keep running away from my problems, I can't just chicken out, right? Before I could even think about it Lorenzo called me out making me the center of attraction. "Kater! I didn't know your this daring to come and play with us."

My eyes still stayed on Quinn, I watched his eyes widen a lottle before he covered it up quickly leaning to his chair more comfortably and crossed his hands over his chest. I watched his eyes roam my body as they turn a little darker making me to blush a little and look away faster before anyone could notice. Fuck! Even his intense staring gives me goosebumps.

I looked at Lorenzo and thin line as I answered me, "try me. I bet I can kick your ass real hard." He chuckled deeply pulling for me a sit beside him and I hand over my purse to Daniella, who just stood behind me. I look around to see Matteo who is sitted next to Quinn, behind Quinn was Alex one of his men and he grinned slightly when he saw me. Then another man I didn't even know with a girl beside him.

Then Delvin and another man enter the room. I think its his elder brother, Luis Costello. My memory might be a bit fuzy from the problems have been having but I certainly remember him. Now, I see why Roman sent me here, its finally time I meet the great Costello and with this game I know I will beat him so hard. Its my best after all.

"How can a woman just think she can dare one pf us. Women are supposed to be licking our feet not try them on. I bet she doesn't even know what she's getting herself to." I heard the man that I didn't know whisper before I turned to him forming a wicked smile. "What's your name?"

He snorted fixing his suit before he answered me, "Nikolaj Xiao." I nodded my head before I snapped my hand for Daniella to come near me, "hand me my phone," I whispered to her and she gives it to me. "I take it you're a drug dealer."

"So what if I am that's none of your business," I immediately saw Quinn jump out from his seat and take him by his collar. I immediately stood up, "Mr.Linch this is my matter, so I request of you to let me deal with him." I spoke cooly and I saw Quinn clench his jaw digging daggers at him before he let him go. I dialed a number while everyone while everyone looked at me, maybe wondering what am up to.

"Pree-vyèt Sean, it's Katerlina Valkov. I need you to terminate one of your employees...yes permanetly....his name? (Hi)" I faced Nikolaj seeing that his toothy smirk had faded, you could practically see how his teeth were cotted with nicotine. I chuckled a little seeing how much of a man he is right now. "Nikolaj Xiao....mmh he doesn't know who he was dealing with and disrepected me....thank you Sean." I kept down my phone facing the fucker.

"That was your boss, you no longer have a job and never will." It was easy to find out who he worked for. Sean made his drug runners tattoe themselves and for once it made sense as to why. And he also owed me one when I covered up for him when he got in trouble with Roman. It wasn't even a big issue but with Roman you never know.

Nikolaj stood up angrly, his face beetroot red but before he could leave I spoke up, "pozvoľte mne predstavit sebya if you didn't get it correctly (let me introduce myself)," I sat down my lips forming a thin line as I face him. "...Am Katerlina Valkov. Daughter to Gabriel Valkov and sister to Roman Valkov. And I don't tolerate men who use their asses to think instead of their brains."

He snarled at me before he rushed out of here leaving the woman that was beside him. Everyone kept quiet for a while before I broke the silence, "shall we begin." I looked at Quinn seeing his a little calm and see his lips slightly tugged up while his eyes looked at me as if he was impressed with what I did. I saw two more men join us with ladies beside them as Delvin pushed out his hand and took the pile of cards from Lorenzo.

He proceeded to shuffle the cards, vigorously and expertly. Tne other players looked amused and perplexed all at once as he continued to shuffle. He can fucking shuffle cards alright. I looked at Matteo smiling a little at him and he nodded rising his glass for me and then looked at Luis seeing his already looking at me as if his trying to read me.

"Am impressed." Lorenzo whispered as I grabbed a glass of vodka from the server and took a sip. "I haven't even started." I hummed feeling the sharpness hit me and I set the glass down onto the littered tabletop. I don't want to be drunk, not here at least. He chuckled while Delvin handed the cards out.

We played for some rounds everyone miggling amongest themselves while I tried so hard to ignore Quinn even though my eyes betray me so much. "So Katerlina, isn't it?" Luis finally talks to me after his very uncomfortable stares. Everyone turned there attention to us and I sat still and expressionless whlie I stiffly nodded my head.

I shuffed my cards noticing most of the people have already given up, "have heard of your death, twice infact." He stated and I locked my eyes with his chuckling lowly. I sipped my drink, puckering my lips a little as I looked back at my cards, he gives me the creepyness. "That have heard too but I guess nobody can really get rid of me that easily."

I stared at him with stoic expression seeing his smirking a little before Lorenzo spoke, "well gentlemen and women..." he looked at me playfully and I rolled my eyes as he continued, "...let's place our bets."

He placed several cards upright. I let my eyes simmer over the table where bets are being placed down. This is a high stakes game. I licked my lower lip and Daniella handed me a blank cheque and pen. She's like my side kick, I like her more and more. I scribbled my signature for a paltry 6 million and tossed it into the pile.

I stared blankly at the other faces around me. The air was ripe and intense. We checked our cards and I caught everyone's reactions. Only very slight reactions but they were still there, perhaps the small tug of lips or constriction of a pupil. It was there.

"Well shit I'm out." Lorenzo announced as he folded his cards. He took a sip of his drink as he winked at me. Delvin chuckled darkly shaking his head, "Quinn you don't look so good there." Quinn glared at Delvin, "my friend you don't look so good yourself." He chuckled throwing his head back showing off the raven black bird that he has tattoed to his neck and I felt myself smile slightly as I saw them bickering.

"I'm having to cut my losses and fold also." Matteo sighed and threw his cards across the table in such a manner they landed in a small puddle of alcohol. "Afraid of losing Matteo, that's very unlike you," Delvin teased. I chuckled at the chide remark and watched as Matteo's face contorted into anger and then his booming laughter filled the room.

Matteo slapped his knees and I chuckled in amusement. "You britisk jœvel (British bastard), I know when I'm beat."

"The beautiful thing about poker is that everyone thinks they can play. What about you Katerlina, are you a clever fool?" Luis directed the question to me and I smirked running my hands through my hair. "Poker is a skill game masquerading as a chance game. With that in mind, I think I'm a very clever fool."

He chuckled showing off his sharp jawline. His classic suit was well made, his hair perfectly in place. I raised my eyebrow at Quinn, who showed his cards. "One pair. I'm screwed." He frowned and I saw that adorable look he used to make that I loved so much.

Delvin clicked his tongue and showed his low cards. "Seems I didn't shuffle those cards in my favour after all." My face remained expressionless as I watched Luis' movement. He was cold and calculating. I couldn't read him. He smirked. "Looks like it's you and me Katerlina. Lets raise the stakes." Now is when am noticing he doesn't have the thick accent of Britain like his brother.

He placed his car keys onto the middle pile. Oh fuck. I let out a breath hesitantly placed my car keys onto the pile. "After you, I insist." I said straight faced. He nodded and proceeded to lay out his cards. A full house.

I smirked as Lorenzo coughed and Matteo chuckled. I slowly placed my cards right way up. My hand won. A straight flush. "You must be kicking yourself for not folding when you could have." I smiled and grabbed the car keys. "A Lamborgini. Not bad." I threw the keys to Daniella which she easily caught them while they chuckled. I looked at Luis waiting to see if he will be all red or angry but he only smirked.

"Am really impressed, nessuno mi ha mai sfidato e vinto così facilmente. (No one has ever challenged me and won that easily). Let's do another round." I stood up straightening my dress, "I would love to but I think have had enough for the day."

"Well it's a shame. Katerlina, è un onore trovare una donna come te. Sarà un piacere conoscerlo meglio. (It's an honour to find a woman like you. It's a pleasure to get to know you better.)" He murmured in Italian as he grabbed my hand while stood up kissing the back of it. I saw Quinn from the corner of my eyes clenching his fists on the table, throwing daggers at Luis. "Maybe we could talk more about business?" He asked letting go of my hand and I gave him a firm smile.

"Of course, sàra mio piacere. (It will be my pleasure.)" That's right I know Italian too. I let Daniella lick up my winning as I saw Roman finally arrive here. Too late punk. "Roman, its nice to see you." Luis said as Roman eyed me and I smirked getting outl

The cool crisp air hit me, the darkness was only interrupted by small specks of streetlights and the lights emitted from the ballroom. I turned to Daniella, "I will be in the restroom," she nodded her head handing me my purse and I head to the restroom to freshen up.

When am about to head to the counter to wash my hands, I see Quinn leaning on the wall seeming deep in thoughts. He was dressed in a black satin suit, that complimented his dark brown hair and blue eyes, his hands were tucked in his dark dress pants while he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. He looked breath taking.

Fuck! Can't he be a little ugly so it will be easier to forget him.

I cleared my throat seeing am ogling over him and spoke, "I think you have a problem with the restrooms you enter lately." I walked to the counter avoiding his gaze and hear him chuckle feeling his eyes roaming my back, no doubt his checking out my ass. Such a pevert.

"Okey, let's cut to the chase. You are here to find out, where I was? What happened to me? How comes am still alive?" I take a wiper so I could dry my hands and turned to him throwing it to the bin. "Well there is only one answer I can give you. It's. None. Of. Your. Business." I made sure to make every word super clear and turned to take my purse.

I heard him groan a little before he pushed me to the wall, pinning my hands above my head. His grasp was firm but not tight enough to leave marks on my wrists. I tried to twist my hands from his grasp but he tightened his hold. "What do you think your doing? Let go of me or I swear you won't have any balls left after this." I hissed at him and he lowered his face to mine and I finally saw the fury in them.

Oh! Right I forgot his bipolar.

His lips were just a breath away when he finally spoke, "I have every right to know what happened to you." It wasn't a statement it was a command. My heart thumped louder. My breathing came out in quick pants as I saw how close we are to each other. If he comes a little more closer we would be, no I can't just give up to him. His my past and that's all.

"You have no right to know what happened to me. Am just your past same as you are to me. So don't you dare stick up any right over me because what we had is long gone."

His fingers dug tighter into my wrist, his face twisting in anger or is it guilt or pain. Fuck! Am letting my emotions take over me again. He continued with his life just like I did. "You know that's not true," his voice came out dangerously low, his eyes darkening as he looked at me.

"Yes, yes its true and you know it. You continued with your life, you had to because I wasn't there and that's the truth. Am nothing to you in this present day nor in the future. Am only your past, your my past too and that's how it will always be." I was convincing myself. I had to because his already engaged, I don't want to be the other woman.

A tense silence settled between us, so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat and his in sync. I watched his gaze lower from my eyes, skimming over my nose until it found my lips. My mouth went dry as I anticipated his next move. His expression was unreadable but his focus was unwavering.

It was like he was coaxing me, controlling me and I couldn't fight it.

I tried to pull away from him but he immediately mashed his lips onto mine with such force, my head slammed into the wall behind me. His kiss was brutal but desparate, like he was holding on to every ounce of anger, ever raw emotion he had ever felt since the day I left.

I tried to struggle but he was too strong until I gave up. I parted my lips, letting his tongue devour me from inside, letting him tangle with mine. It was like we were fighting for dominance, we were wrestling to see who will win this fight but I knew he will win. He always wins.

He let go of my hands and I mmediately gasped when I felt his hand around my throat squeezing it a little tighter, cutting off my air, my circulation, anything that wasn't him before letting go and clamping his hands on my lower back.

He pulled my body into his, his warmth radiating into my skin and setting my soul on fire. Warm fingers slipped into the slit of my dress at my thigh, scroaching my bare skin. I haven't let anyone touch me in such a manner in years because of the trauma Eros left in but with him I felt wonderful. My body came alive wth his touch, with his caresses.

My heart was beating erratically. Every feeling L had toward him that I had been scrambling to suppress resurfaced at full force. All I could do was wrap my arms around his neck, clinging to him and not aklowing even an inch between us. A single inch would be too much, after how much distance we had already endured

He broke the kiss as he nuzzled his head into my neck, leaving a path of kisses up my skin until he reached up again on my jawline. The sound of my pounding heart echoed throughout my body, my eyes fluttered shut with every sensual kiss but all that came to a drain as I heard someone squeal loudly bringing me to reality.

"Uh, am sorry miss. You just took too long and I came to check up on you." Daniella shufflec on her feet avoiding eye contact as I pulled myself from Quinn's grip. We were both breathing heavily, our breathes coming in short pants.

Why on earth did I do that?

Without a second thought I stormed out of the place feeling embrassed from how Daniella has found us and angry because I gave in so easily. Am tired of everything, this party, myself, Quinn, everyone here. Am getting out of here.

Someone blocked my way much to my dismay and I clench my fists and eyed her up seeing its Mia. She looked gorgeous as always, her black jet hair curled up, dressed in her silky black dress that hugged her curves. "Kater, I can't believe its true that you're alive." From her sharp tone I can figure out she's not entirely to see me.

I looked up to see that very person have been graving to see again. His black eyes dug daggers at me as he watched me, his pierced lips and ears all glimered shinny and his tattoed body, fuck! His all body is covered in black. Mia continued to talk but I pass past her not having much energy to hear what she's saying and pulled Daniella next to me still looking at Eros.

"Get him. I want him now, don't loose sight of him." I ordered her and I saw Eros smirk before he dissapeared into the crowd and I run faster to where he was. It has been too long and am going to end this.