Chapter 10

Quinn's POV

Two days have already passed since that fucking annual ball and am feeling like I will go crazy anytime from now. All I could think about was Kater, the kiss we shared just made me go crazy, I never thought I would feel like that again. She had the same fire that she used to have three years ago even when we were together she still tried to get dominance over me even though she knew I would win.

She still had that daring nature inside her but this time when I felt her, when I caressed her, when I had her in my hands she seemed afraid of something. She seemed sad, lonely and angry. That night when I saw her again I had almost lost hope that she would dissapear again and never come back but now I am willing to do anything so I could bring her back in my life again even though it might be complicated because of Mia.

Mia is an ambitious woman, when she wants something she always gets it even if she had to take ones life and that's what makes me a little afraid. I don't want Kater to have more problems in her life but I can't stay away from her. I knew that I would regret some day for giving Mia that ring and now I feel so shattered when Kater rejected me because of my relationship with Mia.

I felt the car come to halt as we arrived at a club. Alex walked beside me into the poorly lit place. We got a few stares as we headed inside. I smirked as I saw a face I recognised.

"Vodka neat." I said to the bartender who begun to my drink, "go on Alex, have a drink." Alex strightened his leather jacket as he nodded. I looked at the bartender, "pour a glass for my friend here." He obliged and I became increasingly aware of the many stares in my direction.

I was in no ordinary club. The booths were sticky looking and led lights flashed around the room. Several women worked poles in barely any clothes. Men sat watching as they smoked and drank.

I tipped my glass into my mouth and got up from the barstool. I pulled the sleeves of my shirt down and licked my lips. Walking towards a particular booth, people stared at me. I was daring. I dared to walk to the booth of a dangerous drug lord. But unbeknowst to them, I was also dangerous and perhaps even more.

Two guards stopped me as they stood in my way. I looked straight ahead as my hands were placed in my pockets. A man sitting in the booth waved his hand and the guards moved away.

"Quinn Linch, what can I do for you?" He asked as he played with a hair of a blonde woman sat beside him. The table of the booth was littered with lines of coke and glass of alcohol.

I remained expressionless and bored as I sat down opposite the man. "Amado Suàrez, you've made quite the name for yourself." I said as I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Blowing out smoke slowly I looked at Suàrez. He chuckled as he tilted his head back as if he was getting a read on me. "What can I do for you?" He asked again. He was shitting his pants. I smirked as I continued smoking. His men remained rigid as they watched me carefully.

"I've just come to enjoy a drink and see my club." I said as I put an arm over the sofa. The blonde giggled as Suàrez whispered into her ear. She stood up and left the booth all while Suàrez stared at her ass.

"Did I hear that right? Your club? This is my place," he chuckled as did his guards. I smirked as I pulled out my gun. This is in turn made his guards pull out theirs, aiming at me. I placed my gun down onto the tabletop. "You know who I am, don't fucking piss me off." I growled as I stared at him.

Suàrez nodded his bald head and his guards lowered their guns. His neck was full of black and white tattoos. His ears were pierced and his knuckles were also tattooed. He was only a couple years older than me and was quite an established drug lord.

I relaxed back into my seat, "and in terms of what I want. It's simple really. I want you to work for me." Suàrez chuckled briefly and rubbed his deep set eyes. "Why would I want to work for you? I have everything I need. I'm untouchable. A kingpin."

This time it was my turn to chuckle, "I think you are confused. Too much cocaine. You see, I am the untouchable one. Whereas you, not so much." I put my cigarrete on the ashtray. "So I ask again, work for me or if you don't, well let's just say blondie won't see you tonight."

Suàrez looked at a loss for words. His jaws were clench and his red eyes bore holes into me. He was fucked. His nostril flared as he nodded. I placed my hands onto each other. "Now was that difficult? I expect 80 percent of your earnings every month." Suàrez eyes went wide, "80 percent! That's too much!" I sighed as I rubbed my forehead, "are you asking to be shot? Alright, I'll lower it to down by 5 percent that means I expect 75 percent...and this fucking club." I growled which shut him up.

Shortly I was handed documents which I sighed and just like that, I had a new club to my name. Some were acquired similary and some bought out. I drank another glass of vodka and stood up.

"Pleasure doing business Suàrez." I said calmly as I turned to leave. "I wish I could say the same bastard." He muttered under his breath behind my back and I smirked walking away. I'll let his heart keep beating until I decide it shouldn't.

Alex opened my door to the SUV we arrived in. He sat opposite me and smiled. "Fucking hell Quinn, you could have told me your plan instead of keeping me in the dark." He shook his head and I chuckled, "where's the fun in that?"

He handed me my gun and I ran my fingers over its smooth sharp exterior. I heard his phone ring and he checked it a grin forming on his lips, "what's up?" He looked at me happily. "We finally found the place were Kater is staying."

My heart immediately thundered from her name and I smirked telling him to give the driver the location her place. I always knew that Kater was clever but not sneeky enough to just seem like a ghost to this world. I have been looking for her location for the past two days and we found all of her tracks were covered up perfectly.

It's as if she had everything calculated perfectly. When she decides she can't be found she could really stick up to that.

The sudden deceleration of the vehicle caused me my eyes to snap open. Moria Chalet rested majestically infront of me. This place is where people of class live, people that reek of billions of dollars and I couldn't been more impressed by how Kater had perfect taste.

I stepped out the car before walking around the side of the building and up two flights of stairs to a private entrance. Before stepping inside, I inhaled deeply letting the sweet smells of pine, timber and the cool northeast breeze wash over me. It truly was perfection.

I slowly released my captive breath, deep calm settling into my bones as Alex finished to crack open the door. As I stepped over the threshold, I looked around in awe at the beauty of the chalet. There was a large picturesque window that covered almost one entire wall, revealing a breathtaking view of London. All of the furniture and interior architectural accents were handcrafted by skilled artist.

Multiple cushions were piled high on the sofas in various deep red, navy and aqua fabrics, creating a startling pop of colour against the warm wood background. I walked through the large expanse of the great room into master bedroom. There was king size four posted bed with the softest linens, this room even smelled like her. Jasmine and lavendah.

"Fuck man! Check out this room." I heard Alex call out from me and I relectanly left her room to where Alex is and found its a weaponry room. "Damn." I shook my head as I entered the double doors. Alex patted my back, "look at this shit." He chuckled and proceeded to pick off a handgun from the wall. I looked around at all the guns that hung on hooks on the walls. And not only guns, crossbows, knives and an assortment of weapons filled the room.

"It's like christmas." Alex exclaimed as he pointed the gun at me and felt the weight of it. I chuckled and looked around the blue lightened room. I brushed my fingers against the cool steel drawers, I pulled one open and saw it full of bullets. Every kind. I closed it and looked at the back of the large room. I picked up a sword. A fucking sword. I swung it a couple of times, the air whooshing as it sliced through.

"You've got to admit, if this is really how Kater has changed then she's cooler than you." Alex chuckled as he put back the gun he tested. Am even at lost of words, I never imagined she would be able to know how to use every single weapon in this room.

I felt like I didn't really know her anymore like am standing in the place of a person I just recently met. We got from the room, Alex looking like a five year old that has received his best gift and I head to the minibar of this place, seeing wonderful tastes of alcohol.

I poured myself some whiskey, sipping a little as I looked around the place. Where can she be? It's already late but she isn't even in her damn place. I tapped the tip of the glass, checking my watch before I heard her soothing voice. "What the hell are you doing here, Quinn?"

As soon as I heard her voice, my heart started to hum perfectly from joy and relief that she is here and okey. Her voice was low and calm but gave away how exhausted she felt. I had heard that tired tone in her voice before. It used to follow a small argument over something dumb accompanied by a long, drawn-out sigh.

I turn around ready to face her and saw how pale her skin has become. Her brown hair was a mess and I saw blood that dried on her cheekbone. My gaze immediately fell to her hand that was pressed firmly against her shoulder that was bleeding out.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I growled out immediately running to her side but she held out her hand stopping me to come closer to her. "Just stay away from me. I can take care of myself. Just leave." She gritted her teeth tightly adding pressure to her wound and I ignore what she said as held her before she could fall down.

"I'll call a doctor." Alex announces watching the scene in horror and Kater immediately stops him. "Don't you dare call a quack in my place. I told you I can take care of myself, this isn't the first time have been shot." She spat angrily trying to free herself from me which she immediately lost balance. I hold her again and she whimped a little.

From the state of her top and skin she has lost a lot of blood. "What the fuck do you want us to do? Leave you alone and bleed out to the death?" I asked her angrily and she winced a little from my tone pinching her eyes closed. "I don't care, I can take the bullet out myself at least you won't see me helpless."

This woman can be unbearable sometimes. I forgot how stubborn she can be when she has made up her mind. I swept my hands under her legs and carried her to her room as she squirmed in my hands.

I laid her on her bed slowly but she winced immediately when she laid down. "If you don't want to be checked by the doctor then I will do it and I don't care what you say." I said sternly and she huffed holding her wound. I removed her hand still feeling the tingling sensation when our skin met and exmanined the wound.

I've had lots of experience when such a situation ever came up so I don't feel all that panicked like the first time. I looked at the wound realising it must be a shot from MP-40 judging by the size and impact of the wound.

"You'll be fine," I brushed my fingertips to her cheek and she faintly smiled as she gritted her teeth. The bullet shot through in through at least it didn't hit any of her bones. I felt my heart clench the thought of her being harmed more than she's right now crossing my mind and I looked into her eyes seeing her eyes are a bit watery.

Alex bulged in with a heavy duty first aid kit and some alcohol as I set out all of the dressings. I have always treated my own wounds but this time its the person I love and I felt this sudden urged feeling to take away all of her pain and endure it myself.

She grabbed the alcohol Alex brought before she took a huge gulp and poured it to her wound and she immediately whimpered making me glare at her. "What? I wanted to help." She says innocently puckering her lips a little and I shake my head taking the alcohol after she took another gulp.

"Get some painkillers." I ordered Alex who obliged immediately and used the alcohol to clean the tweezers as I got all of the shrantel and bullet that I could without damaging the bone after I cut out her top so I could have better access. Then, I sterlized the outer lining and rim of the wound, making sure she wouldn't get an infection.

I then bandaged her shoulder up tightly, making sure it wasn't about to fall off. I bit the inside of my cheek all the while trying not to look up at her as she whimpered and screamed a little. It was breaking my heart so badly seeing her in pain.

Alex came back moments later, "is paracetamol okay?" I nodded as he handed me a little blue bottle and turned back to Kater who's sickly pale face was pointed in my direction, her eyes trained on me. "Take this it will help with pain." I instructed her and she nodded grabbing two capsules and swallowed them both and swallowed it with the alcohol.

I brushed my fingers on the nasty bruise that laid on her cheekbone and she winced a little. "Do you want to tell me what happened to you?" I asked her softly and she nibbled her lip shaking her head. I sighed getting off her bed, "get some rest." I said not wanting to fight with her while she's weak and left her bedroom.

"Is she going to be okey?" Alex asked seeing how concered he is for her and I nodded going to her living room. What the fuck is she into? Why can't she just tell me so I can help her? I would really like to put a bullet to the person who hurt her. I check my pockets for my phone and remember I left in her room before I headed there once again.

I found her stumbling a little trying to remove her top and I immediately run to her side holding her still. She stiffened under my touch as she stopped trying to get out from her top. I lightly brushed my fingers under the hem of her top and saw how her chest rose up and down very fast. "I'll help you." I whisper into her ear and I see her shiver a little before she nodded slowly raising her arms up.

She winced a little as I removed her top from her arms and finally her head before throwing it down. "I...I want to shower." She breathed out heavily and my eyes immediately stop at her lacy red bra that was filled perfectly with her breast and I closed my eyes briefly trying to control myself.


I saw her suck in a breath as my hands grazed her waist slowly feeling the softness of her skin before I went to unbutton her jeans and slipping them down her legs. I clenched teeth feeling as if am tortured because I can't do to her everything that have been graving all these years and just watch without touching. She removed her feet from the jeans and was left with her matching lacy underwear.

I held her in place as I saw her stumble a bit as I felt her body radiating heat to mine. I sucked in deeply as I carried her in my arms heading to her enmorous bathroom and turned the shower on so it could warm up.

I set her down after checking the temperature and removed my shoes and soaks before I started to remove my shirt. "You cocky bastard, am not showering with you." Kater huffed and I removed my shirt chuckling, "you're not in a good state of showering by yourself, don't worry I won't take advantage of you." I saw her eyes roam my chest and her cheeks turned rosy pink as she lowered her head hiding it from me.

I smirked as she stumbled a little going to the shower and I follow closely behind her before I noticed some scars on her back. They seem to be fading but they were still there. "What happened?" I asked her tracing the marks slowly and she immediately stiffened turning around.

Her eyes didn't meet mine as she looked anywhere but me, circling her arms around herself. "Please don't ask me that, I don't have the strength to answer you." She looked vulnarable as she held herself tightly and I see that her stomach has a scar too. I moved closer to her cupping her face in my hands as I forced her to look at me, "I won't force you but let me take care of you tonight."

She looked at me over the rapid water that is hitting us and she nods turning around letting me to unhook her bra and remove her panty. I closed the distance between us as I started to wash her hair, letting my fingers graze her sculp slowly and she hummed in response as she leaned her back to me, her ass pressing against my scrotch.

I feel all of my blood rush over there making me to become hard and she stiffened a little before she leaned further to me. I felt a growl escape from the back of my throat feeling how my cock is restained under my soaking pants while her bare ass is just above it.

I clenched my jaws, restaining myself from doing anything farther like slipping my fingers inside her. Fuck! She's just infront of me but I can't take advantage of the state she's in. "Quinn?" She called out as I pressed the shower gel in my hands and I hum in response. "Do you know how much have missed how you touched me?"

I immediately stopped what I was doing as she turned around, her hand circling my neck as her hardened nipples pressed against my chest. "No, tell me." I breathed out and she giggled leaning her head to my chest. "Just continue what you're doing." She slurred and I cursed under my breath knowing its just the medicine that is making her say these words.

I continued to spread the soap over her body, tracing lightly her scars. Her scars looked like she was wiped. I clenched my jaw tightly seeing how much I don't even know about her and how much she was in pain bearing those hits. But I won't force the answers out of her, I want her to tell me openly.