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"There, a deals a deal just know that immortality manifests differently for people some it's vampirism others lycanthropy and more.

"Be warned there's no such thing as complete immortality all thanks to witches throughout history playing the part of the piece makers and protecting humans because they were the closest thing to human as can be."

Ryu stretches she doesn't feel immortal nor does she feel like anything has happened at all, "What do you mean were?"

Izumi looks surprised she was actually paying attention, "Your little empress set them up and had me kill the whole lot of them and in exchange she will remain the last witch.

"I came back because she didn't hold up her end of the deal and I don't take deal breaking very lightly."

"Yeah, I honestly don't care nice meeting you Izumi and I hope I never see you again." Ryu walks away and Izumi sighs.

"You will, I forgot to mention that the reason I want the Empress dead is because if a witch has cursed you her death will undo the curse, you know this insatiable need to correct the world - this mentally unstable brain circuitry of mine - it's all because of her.

"I will hunt you down and every last one of you immortals to the death but since I'm immortal every time they kill me I keep coming back I can't help it I can't stop it and I don't want it.

"You are still human which is why you're still alive, but know that I will find you and I will kill you and every other immortal."

He turns his back on her, "Thanks to Ryujin and your generous volunteering I now know the difference between a human with an ability and an immortal.

"That little egg thing in you just burst anyone without it is an immortal, you are still in transition at the current moment."

Ryu looks shocked all this time she was sure she was using him he was using her and now she just signed off her death sentence, "If I help you get the Empress? If I help you break the curse will that change my fate?"

"Are you sure you want that? I said killing the witch will undo her curse it will also undo her magic meaning that every other immortal created by her hand will die."

"I'd rather it be them than me, what will that mean for you?"

"I am self-made only I can kill myself and you're the first immortal turned by my hand since I massacred the others, what do you think the world war was for?

"I couldn't kill myself so I had to kill them one by one the others I just killed the witches who turned them there is only one witch left."

Ryu nods slightly understanding what is going, "The Empress, fine I know a connection or two to the chick. Obsess over her long enough and I might have time to leave the country."

"You should run like hell because I've been trying to kill the same woman for a century and she's still standing I wouldn't bank on her dying anytime soon."

"Neither will I."


"Tachibana? How did you beat us here?" Kai asks standing outside the estate next to Tachibana with Setsuno holding an unconscious Tori in his arms.

He wore himself out screaming repeatedly just so he can hear Snow's howl.

Kai pokes Tori's red face and smiles at Setsuno, "Not bad Setsuno we literally would've gone on a wild goose chase if we hiked up the mountain."

"Let's just say I know a lot more than I'm letting on here."

Tachibana has been waiting a whole 20 minutes for his back up to arrive he'd like to give them an earful for being late but it's a miracle they actually found him in the first place.


"It's nothing sister."

The alarms are silenced and she checks the camera footage to see Ken Tachibana with two teenagers and a baby raiding the estate.

"Setsuno when things get bad grab Kai and go I have unfinished business I came here to settle." They split up and Tachibana goes straight through the front door.

Kai is headed towards the back entrance while Setsuno stays closer to the exit since he's the one holding Tori.

Tachibana will kill him if anything happened to the baby. He'll leave the puppy rescue to the other two.

Kai opens the door and enters the house slowly and on high alert anything can happen.

Tachibana walks into the living room and makes himself comfortable.

"Ken." A surprised female voice calls his name as the woman enters the room in a rush utterly shocked it's him.

"Hey there Princess," Tachibana raises a hand in greeting, "Give back my sons puppy."

"So, you found yourself a witch who undid my spell, how unfortunate, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Than get lost I'm looking for you little brother."

"He won't see you he's afraid you'll kill him."

"Bold of you to assume I won't kill you."

She snorts and he stands up, "That's no way to treat your ex-wife Kenny."

Tachibana tightens his fist he was agitated the moment he heard her voice, pissed off the moment he saw her face, her same old attitude and pride just make him reconsider his morals, "Don't hold your breath I came to kill you too I just want the damn dog first."

The female shakes her head not sure what to say to Tachibana. The thought that he has a child is making her head turn. They had a child too, "Xavier loved dogs too - I think - Bow was his name, right?"

Tachibana pins her against the wall with his hand around her throat lightly burning her skin, "Don't even go there because if you think there's anything left after what you did you're all wrong.

"I warned you time and time again that my father is unstable and you insisted on fishing for trouble and Xavier died because of you." He lets her go and bores a hole with his fist through the wall.

"Why are you here?" The female asks confused why he would bring his son here of all places. The one island he knows he will see her again. Unless of course he misses her and that thought makes her smile.

"The dog, now give it back."

"Ohh? Hitori Lin correct? He's not your biological son, but I think it's cute what you're doing for him being a dad and all you always were a natural."

Tachibana smirks, "You really think I won't kill you."

Her face turns into a neutral expression she is well aware that Ken is serious about getting the dog bag but she did not expect him to be serious about killing her.

"Why are you really back here Ken? You could've picked any vacation spot you want in the whole wide world, why here?"

"Closure, I'll have to be honest with Yuno at some point and I needed to see you again to face you one last time before I put myself out of your misery, also wanted to know if you and Kim are sill bitch sisters and of course you still are."

Kai runs past Tachibana holding the wolf and a group of men in black are running after him. He gets to the front door and Ackerman is waiting for him instead of Setsuno.

"Run back to the Villa and don't take a detour. Keep your sister safe, and calm if she asks it was just a spoiled brat wanting something he can't have."

Kai's Facial expression scrunches up in confusion he has so many questions and he doesn't even know where to start, "What is it with you and Tachibana always getting dragged into crazy drama?

"Yuno is an idiot she'll choose family over love in a heartbeat and do it over and over again, life time after life time, if you don't get your shit together she's walking."

Ackerman rests a hand on Kai's shoulder he's lowkey in a panic but has not realised it yet, "He knows, why do you think he's here?

"Look, Ken is a complicated dick and a stubborn moron but a loyal love sick puppy he rarely falls for anyone but when he does he gives it his all.

"You'll know the truth soon enough just let him sort out his past."

Kai looks back at the house then back at Ackerman. He left the place swarming with guards there's no way Ackerman is surviving in there alone, "I said my sister is an idiot Rex I shouldn't have to explain that it runs in the family.

"Your shield is the defence I'm the offence we're not done talking about this because I want to know everything and you're going to tell me, or I run off and tell Yuno I don't like her being with Tachibana and they'll be done by morning."

"Geez, it's hard to not assume you're his sons you're both like him - sneaky little shits that are a bit too self-aware for my tastes, but no -

"Ken will kill me if anything happens to you and don't call my bluff because he's been alive for a very long time.

"Killing is a natural defence mechanism to the guy he feels better when all his problems are dead, now leave before I force you back."


Kai leaves and Ackerman kicks the door open searching for Tachibana, "You're unbelievable Ken you said you were going on Paw Patrol not going on a suicide mission.

"I just proposed to her this morning it was amazing and fun and now I just left without explaining and she's upset, want to guess how this night ends?"

"Not amazing and not fun." Ken's tone assures Ackerman he can relate to his dilemma. His Night is definitely not going to end well either.

"Don't be a smart ass with me, what do we do? We have the dog back."

"We leave. I left Yuno fuming I have a short window of opportunity while she's with Hitori to plead my case."

"Add explaining yourself to Kai on the list he threatened to break you guys up if you don't start being honest with his sister and the kids serious."

"I always knew he was disturbed."

"You would know he's a mini Ken Tachibana on the loose."

"That's exactly what I meant."

Yuno wakes up and Tachibana is with Tori and the puppy trying to figure out what exactly is going on between the two.

Kim won't say anything all she keeps giving them is that time is the answer and that they should wait for Tori to get older, but on the plus side Tori's egg has stopped growing at the unusual rate it was going.


He turns around and stands in front of Yuno giving her a journal, "I don't know if I can talk about it anytime soon, but my therapist told me to journal everything and I did.

"There's somewhere I'd like to take you later if you're not mad at me about yesterday."

"I'm over it."

In the evening Tachibana and Yuno just randomly disappear. The house is quiet with everyone in their rooms in solitude and Tori back to sleep.

"Watch your step." Tachibana holds Yuno's hand a little tighter helping her hike up the trail.

"Didn't you say there's a grave yard up ahead?" Yuno asks the question to avoid complaining about the hike and Ken's lack of communication about where they are going.

She is not dressed for a hike.

"Oh, so you actually pay attention when I speak even though you act deaf." He keeps his eyes on her smirking Ken gets a kick out of seeing Yuno's angry glare it's too cute to take her seriously.

"Don't be a dick I told you Zombies freak me out and 99.9% of the time you'll find them at the graveyard."

Tachibana laughs and opts to carry her the rest of the way up.

"So, you're seriously 200 years old?" Yuno is surprisingly calm after what Tachibana just told her.

Tachibana nods like it's a normal thing that you talk about over milk and cookies with your friends, "I'm half human half dragon which is a type of immortal like vampires. I'm a shapeshifter like wolves

"My family struggles with aggression and keeping our wild side in check hence the murder sprees and all that you found in Hikari's journals."

"I haven't started reading his journal just yet." Yuno felt bad about prying and never got around to finishing what she started.

Tachibana smiles, "Good because I don't want you finding out from anyone but me," Yuno stands next to him in front of a grave, "And no, this is not my brother Xavier was my son died a long time ago.

"My father lost his mind and went on a killing spree his grandson just so happened to be on his list of victims. I hated children ever since that day I've never felt pain like it and I never want to feel it ever again, but I can't keep the drama, as you call it, away from me."

Yuno gives him a hug, "Ken I understand."

"You don't because you have no idea how hard I'm trying to do right by you and to actually keep you in my life.

"You know what you want and all you want is a future for your family and I can't guarantee that I don't know what's next for us, what's next for me, and I hate that all I want is to be with you, but I can't."

Yuno takes a step back and looks him in the eyes, "Ken you can't be serious."

"I want to protect you and I want to be with you but there's too much baggage where I'm concerned, it wouldn't be fair to you or your family to keep dragging you into this any further than I have I at least owe that to Hitori - a normal life as a normal child."

Yuno rolls her eyes she's lost too many people one after the other since her parents died Ken saying he is immortal and cannot die was like a breath of fresh air at least he will never leave her like everyone else.

Yuno finally makes up her mind after a moment of silence, "For peace sakes Bobo's One and he's an alpha, you're 200 years old, and I don't care about all of that.

"A month ago, maybe, not anymore. At least try Ken I'm willing if you are I can't be afraid forever and I trust that you can and you will protect me and my family."

They lock eyes and Tachibana holds her hand intertwining their fingers, "Are you sure?"

She nods and he smiles kissing her

A slow clap breaks the heated make out session.

Yuno clings to Tachibana hiding behind him, "Holy hell it's a zombie."