
Tachibana snorts and the female glares at Yuno.

Yuno gulps looking up at Tachibana staring at her with an amused expression on his face, "Ken, this is the part where you tell her it's not what it looks like."

He chuckles and smirks at Yuno, she's too goofy sometimes and that's what he needs someone who reminds him what fun is like, which is also why Ackerman only ever gets a pay cut instead of getting fired.

"It's exactly what it looks like although this is about to get Awkward, Yuno this Himawari Oburo my ex," He pauses for a second and through gritted teeth finishes his sentence, "Wife."

Yuno nods and gives him a look she wants to say something about the woman's face mask but Tachibana is giving her the 'now's not the time' look

"I'll give you guys some privacy I doubt she's here to say anything to me" Yuno says.

Tachibana kisses her and puts their foreheads together, "You have Ackerman on speed dial keep your phone close and text me when you arrive at the villa."

"You really don't trust her huh."

"Not with your life, also I promised Hitori a tour at the yoghurt factory, mind keeping him cool until I get back?"

"Not on your life I love it when you get tongue tied trying to explain yourself to Bobo." Himawari clears her throat, "Oops, that's my cue to leave."

Tachibana hugs Yuno closer, "No, I changed my mind we were supposed to be having our one on one time right now she wasn't part of the plan there's still so much I want to tell you, and I honestly doubt I'll be revisiting this chapter ever again."

"Ken you're stalling, you need this just don't get Kai involved in any body hiding you and Ackerman get into."

Tachibana's eyes widen and Yuno walks away in a fit of giggles.

After an hour of failing miserably to get Tori in a good mood she picks him up and drops him on Kai and Setsuno who have been gaming since last night.

"Ken is taking him on an all you can taste Yoghurt trip but nothing I'm doing works you guys mind pausing the game and helping me out?"

"Move Yuno," Kai and Setsuno yell at her when she's standing in front of the TV screen.

"What the hell?!" They both turn their heads.

Yuno unplugged the game console and the screen is now black.

"Uh - Oh." Tori shakes his head at Yuno last time he accidentally froze Kai's last console and Kai didn't care if he was a baby or not he threw him in the trash.

He got rescued by Tachibana who nearly killed Kai who went on to ignore him for a full 24 hours which is literal torture to Tori.

"Oh, look he's in a good mood thanks for your help you guys." Yuno smiles at the smiling Hitori.

Ackerman and Sensen open the door when they hear things breaking and find Yuno running up and down the place hiding from Kai and Setsuno bent on taking her to the grave.

Tori is standing on the couch watching, he steps down after getting bored and walks to the bedroom to lay next to Snow who's still in a mood.

Ackerman walks in and watches Tori try to cheer Snow up with every method he could think off; ice balls, singing-ish, food and brushing him, but he won't budge.

"Hey, give him some time buddy he'll be fine when you come back from your trip with your dad."

A window breaks and Ackerman shakes his head, "I'm not sure his bank account will say the same thing by the time we leave this place and the ironic part is that the toddler is the most well behaved."

An empty cup hits the back of Ackerman's head and all three freeze in their tracks.

"Yuno did it." Setsuno and Kai say at the same time.

She glares at them, "No, I didn't I wasn't anywhere near the cups. I wasn't throwing anything around."

"Yuno did it." The boys repeat.

Tachibana walks away taking a deep breath he is not in the mood to deal with any of this things were a bit hectic back at the grave.

After Yuno left Himawari made the first move.

"I see why you like her she's a perfect match for you way more understanding than expected."

"I think she's an idiot wasting her time and I'm the selfish bastard who's wasting it. You came here and ruined my perfectly planned half baked idea, what do you have to say to me?"

"I wanted to apologise Ken first for the past and second for now I just thought we could get proper closure and end this once and for all on good terms."

She stands in front of him and cups his cheek, "I will always love you Ken." She kisses him and he grabs her by the throat.

"Do you think so little of me that you think I'd give you ammo to ruin things between Yuno and I? get over yourself Oburo if I wanted to lay with trash I would've come back years ago."

"Don't bullshit yourself Ken you always come back you'll come running back when you fuck up keeping secrets, lying, and possibly killing her yourself so drop the act because we both know you won't last.

"You know you can't kill me I will always be there to ruin any and all your chances at a happy ending because if I can't have you no one can."

"The fun part about this is that I can kill you over and over again until I'm satisfied."

"True, but I linked myself to your little girlfriend if you kill me she'll die too and there's nothing you can do about it."

She winces and Tachibana lets her go.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tachibana looks closely and realises the link works both ways if Yuno gets hurt so will she.

"A healer huh!" She takes out a knife and stabs her hand when it doesn't heal she looks confused.

Tachibana is beyond fuming it's taking everything he's got to not kill her.

"I have a witch of my own on my side protecting my family you can't hurt Yuno or anyone she cares about not even the dog though I wish you tortured the bastard a little first."

"You act like you hate it but you love the dog it keeps the boy safe and busy. You worry less when it's with him you're just afraid that it's using him for it's own survival and you don't know how far it's willing to go."

"Do you think getting inside my head means something?"

"Ken stop acting like an idiot you and I are meant to be I've proven it over and over again to you with the other girls you've dated they always end up leaving.

"I'm the only one who understands you, she'll leave just like the others, she'll cheat just like the others, and she'll rip your heart out just - like - the - others."

"You just keep showing up and ruining my life if it wasn't for the fact that I need you alive to keep my father dead I'd kill you right here right now."

"See, you and I are fated for eternity."

Tachibana looks at her like he has an idea and smirks, she cast a spell that for as long as she's alive his father stays 'dead' and she sucks life off of his immortality.

If he can somehow unlink her from him and link Yuno instead they can spend a really long time together given that he is stuck with immortality as well and he's not exactly sure when exactly he'll stop aging.

A bright light blinds them and Ryu is with Izumi holding one of Ryujin's drones that detect Supers.

"That one has an egg and that one does not." Ryu points a finger at Tachibana first and Izumi starts chanting.

"Hey, what are you doing to her?" Ken asks.

Himawari is paralysed on the floor.

"She's dead I sense another one down below."

Ken can only think they are talking about Sensen and if that's true he's in deep shit.

"You can't kill her she's pregnant with a human child there has to be a loophole to your little curse." Ryu pleads with Izumi and he glares at her.

"Collateral damage is inevitable."

"You can't be so cruel."

"You're one to talk about pregnancy and cruel, isn't this man raising the son you abandoned?"

Tachibana knows Himawari will wake up what bothers him is that until then his father will be back and targeting him high and low that's worse trouble then Yuno signed up for.

He turns to Izumi and Ryu he does not understand what they are up to but if they are after Immortal's his dad is worthy prey.

"I have one target in particular I'd like you to go after before you go after Sensen he's no witch, but he's a real bad S.O.B you don't want to let loose.

"Killing her set him free from his prison and now we've got a serial killer on the loose who you might want to start looking for."

Mike filled him in on what Izumi is up to and he came here to escape from him and save Sensen from a senseless slaughter but it looks like he underestimated him.

Tachibana gives as much detail about his father as he can and walks down the hill taking a walk to think things through before going back to the villa to find the place destroyed compared to the shit storm that's coming letting them wreck and rebuild this place sounds like a luxury.

Snow howls and Tori cries with him Tachibana's rotten mood just made their dead mood worse.

"The hell Ken? He was almost in a good mood again, what happened out there?"

"Rex, enjoy the vacation and let's not worry too much we need to relax like we planned we'll talk about this when the vacation is over."

"Well, you're on Tori duty I've got a bunch of kids to scold."