
Ryu stands up in a panic when the door opens and sighs in relief when she sees that it's Hitoshi.

"We have a problem." Hitoshi states and updates Ryu about the break in into Kim's lab going wrong.

Lynx led the way and everyone split up when they entered. From the entrance the lab looks like an empty room with a passage way and multiple doors as well as stairs next to an elevator.

Hitoshi took the stairs going up floor by floor not really sure what he's looking for while Lynx and Aiko decided to stick together.

"Safety in numbers right?" Aiko said to Lynx before they took a left and found themselves in the indoor green house with many different plants and herbs growing.

Some are known to be extinct, but they were seeing them right here.

Aiko grabs a handful of cannabis leaves and shoves them in her pocket. Lynx gives her a judging look and she turns and faces him cocking a brow. "What? It's good pot it would be sad to let it all go to waste for medical reasons."

Lynx grumbles and mumbles leading the way out.

Kim looks through the micro scope and scratches her head. No matter how she looks at it what ever happened between Tori and Snow is nothing short of a miracle.

She can't explain it and the way Tori's egg just stopped growing or the way Snow just suddenly has one is something she cannot explain, but she will endeavour to find out.

Kim stands up feeling both frustrated and excited, she loves a good mystery that she can solve with science. Her ears start ringing and her hands start shaking uncontrollably, but not violently it starts off as light tingles until it's now shivering and chills without the cold.

She collapses and the sound gets worse piercing her inner ear and giving her head a reason to bang like a drum. Sge can feel her own heartbeat in her stomach and the blood rushing to her nose.

Hitoshi gets tired of the stairs and gets in the elevator going floor by floor and door by door. The place is empty. He expected it to be packed.

Lynx and Aiko run into Kim's work space and find her on the floor paralysed. She sees them and tries to get up but her body won't allow it. 

Kim lies down watching their every move as they search high and low.

"Think this counts?" Aiko holds up the Turquois and Violet stones with smooth surfaces and deformed shapes.

Lynx senses the power coming from both the marbles and nods giving her a high five. "It's odd, I know I'm not a witch anymore, but I could've sworn for a split second I sensed their power and I almost saw myself making magic happen."

Aiko nods and gives them to him, "Maybe you can, give it a try."

The door burst open and the two of them are stuck looking for a place to hide and the closet looks like a place better than any option they have in the room that's  open and spacious with cabinets all around but their all too small for them to fit thus leaving them with only one option. The closet.

Ake walks into the room and tries his best to help Kim, she wakes up and points to the closet.

Hitoshi sees Ake capturing them and tying them up. He wants to help but getting help is his best option for now.

He sneaks out and leaves the two to deal with a very angry Kim who is not happy about the intrusion or the fact that they know about the stones.

Hitoshi spends the first 24 hours waiting for Izumi to come back, but he is out with the commissioner and other PSB members negotiating the terms of his coronation while Ryu is M.I.A and not answering her phone.

Ryu runs into Bino's house and he turns around to glare at her. "You live across the street not here, what the hell is your problem?"

Ryu sits on the couch trying to calm herself she feels a heavy weight on her chest and light headed.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good." Bino slowly approaches her while on high alert she could be faking and he's about to get killed for real this time.

"I don't know." Ryu replies pressing her hand on her chest and breathing heavily. "Help me." She demands and Bino unable to control his own actions carries her to his bedroom and looks her in the eyes.

"What do you need?" Bino asks and she asks for water. He hurries to get her water and returns with it spending the rest of the night catering to her every need.

Ryu wakes up the next morning and leaves going back to Lynx's place and Hitoshi bursts in looking like he has a ghost behind him.

"Sit down and calm down." Ryu orders and Hitoshi sits down feeling calm and relaxed, calmer and more relaxed than he should be. "What's the problem?"

"Lynx and Aiko found out that Tachibana and Ake have been hexed by the Queen and when they thought she was dead the hex was gone, but somehow it's back meaning she's still alive.

"They mentioned that on the 31st of December she will be mortal and if they can't get rid of the hex by then they will kill her.

"So, we decided to land a hand and went after these stones they mentioned. That's the reason she hexed them they need to find three stones and they have two. We decided to take the two that they have before we start looking for the third one."

"What does the stone do?"

Hitoshi shrugs his shoulders, "I just tagged along because I was bored I don't know what they look like or if they found them, but they got caught and I knew trying to rescue them on my own will be a suicide mission and decided back up is a must have."

"If you were still Immortal you'd have the means to rescue them yourself."

"If I was still immortal I'd be dead or would be human like Lynx, now will you help or not?"

"Fine, lead the way."

They get in the car and park outside the entrance of the lab, security is now beefed up and they spot Xavier with Tori running around the parking lot.

"Hey! Get inside." Ken gestures to the door behind him but the two boys ignore him and keep running around, "Yuno, they won't listen to me."

Yuno stands next to Ken and calls the boys in. "Food's ready, hurry up."

Tori didn't get time to eat anything since Tachibana just rushed them in the morning to get ready and get away from the potential drama for the trouble his drunk employees got into yesterday at the mall.

Ryu groans and glares at Yuno. A water snake wraps itself around her arm and she collapses getting paralysed and covered in snake scales.

Ken's eyes widen as he rushes her inside and Roku checks her up. He was called in by Ake to deal with the two intruders and he still doesn't know what to do with them they're not exactly useful to them in any kind of way alive.

"She's lucky she's wearing the ring I can just use it to absorb whatever this is and she'll be okay in no time." Roku  touches Yuno and gets a vision of a Lamiae. "No way." Roku's expression is filled with shock and fear.

"Hey, start explaining I don't like the look in your eyes."

Roku helps Yuno up and asks for her to be left to rest.

"I saw a Lamiae, they are the most cunning and the most evil Immortals out there, they crave power and attention. If one is not on our side we sure as hell better prepare ourselves for the world of hurt we're in for."

Ken knows exactly what he is talking about, he met a Lamiae before and things were hectic for him, but luckily he knows how to kill one and that's exactly what he will do. "Yuno?"

Roku gives Ken a thumbs up before deciding that Aiko and Lynx are useless the best option is to kill them.

Tori screams and everyone's attention is turned to the two boys running into the room and a water snake comes into the room.

Ryu doesn't know how she's doing it but if she directs her anger towards a specific person a snake will seek out who ever she has in mind and relentlessly peruse them.

The snake passes the boys and goes straight for Ken who evaporates it and storms out looking outside and sees nothing suspicious.

"We have to hurry and get in Ryu."

She gets out of the car and they decide a hands-on approach is what's best.

Hitoshi cocks his Glock and Ryu turns to him, "What? Live long enough and you get into weird hobbies."

Ryu puts her hands out defending herself for saying nothing.

Gun shots go off and Aiko wakes up and kicks Lynx. He wakes up observing his surroundings and he doesn't know where he is. "Use the stones to get us out of this."

He gives Aiko a confused look, he doesn't recognise who she is and doesn't feel comfortable about being tied up.


He turns his head to Aiko and he realises that's his name. "Yes." His reply pisses Aiko off and she kicks him glaring.

"Dammit! Let us go you assholes."

Lynx looks around the room and back at Aiko completely calm which further infuriates her.

Hitoshi was in the military, was a ninjutsu grand master, was a police officer and so much more. His Immortality didn't go to waste he wanted to try new things and learn new tricks which is exactly what he did.

"You should know that intense heat weakens you and fire kills you." Hitoshi states before casually wondering off. He turns the corner and comes face to face with Ken.

"I knew it was you, what do you want?"

Xavier gasps and runs into Hitoshi's arms with a happy smile, "Grandad, I missed you." Hitoshi smiles at Ken and gives Xavier a warm welcome.

Yuno knocks him on the back of the head and sighs, "We can make him forget that right?" She casually asks Ken and he nods.

They drag Hitoshi away and leave Roku to deal with Ryu.

"Who turned you?" Roku asks and Ryu smiles loving her new sense of power. Roku takes a deep breath and breaths out a hot mist at her that weakens Ryu. Luxars are task with the duty of being peace keepers they can kill any immortal, but not permanently.

"Take her as well."

Kim locks her in the same room as Hitoshi.

Kim is grateful she beefed up security, now no matter what they do they are stuck.

Yuno doesn't say a word to Ryu and walks away as they lock her up. "You'll regret it once we get out of here Tachibana's, you will all pay starting with your precious 2 little birds." Ryu shouts none stop unaware they can't hear a word she's saying.

Kim get's back to her checking on Tori obsession. He stands on the bed and Kim lightly pinches his cheeks to hear his giggles.

"Aunty Kim." Tori pokes her cheek and she smiles nodding.

Xavier and Yuno are sitting outside looking gangster which only amuses Ken.

"You two going to get matching tattoos next?"

Xavier turns around and Yuno just keeps looking forward. "This all started 3 months ago, the thing where Bobo fell into the pool while I was linked to you and suddenly he's now linked to Snow, and we gave your sister a kill our son and blame it on science ticket."

Ken sits between the two of them and pecks her cheek, "Look, my sister knows what she's doing she loves Hitori too much to risk hurting him."

"She can't love him and hate me, why would she do that? I never gave her a reason too."

"My sister is a lot like my mother they think they know what's best for me, but in this case her hostility is for a different reason. She doesn't want you to wear this. Not anymore."

Ken shows her the Lux ring and explains it to Yuno, "If an immortal is in love with a human and wants to be with the human forever without letting the human forsake her humanity she wears this and will be able to live off of the Immortals immortality.

"She's protecting you from making a rash decision so, for both out sakes think it over before you ever decide to put it on, but I still want you to have it if at all you're cornered and out of options wear this, and no you can't let someone else wear it."

Yuno takes the ring and looks it around, "It's really beautiful I'll make a plan and have it around my neck at all times."

Xavier holds out his hand waiting for his gift from Ken and Yuno snorts when he scratches the back of his neck.

Yuno grabs his wallet and puts a bill in his hand. "Happy now?" Xavier nods to Yuno's question and they all sit outside laughing and smiling.

Roku paces up and down and Tori mimics him as he is deep in thought. "This lab of yours would be a great space for a Supers prison if we played our cards right." He blurts out from out of the blue and catches Tori mimicking him.

"Are you kidding me? I've got nothing I thought maybe his readings would be different if I separated him from Snow." Kim punches the air frustrated

"Too bad so sad, can we go now?"

Kim sighs and nods, "Call someone to keep an eye on the prisoners I am not sticking around for this."

Roku nods. He will agree to anything at this point as long as he gets to go home. Tori jumps off the bed and shocks the two. They did not expect him to jump or for his landing to be so smooth.

"The readings are still saying nothing. What the hell is going on here?"

"Kim just sleep it off and refresh your brain and once you've got something call." She nods and Roku grabs Tori and runs. "Goodnight love."

"Sweet dreams." Tori says waving at Kim and she waves back.

"Sweet dreams to you too."